Comparisons between the Koran and the Christian Bible are impossible.
For one very simple reason.
Jesus Christ is God, when God is speaking in the first five books of the Old Testament. Who is speaking?
Answer: Jesus Christ.
The Koran bestows the title of prophet on Jesus.
They do not have God, nor do they obey God.
Muslims are committing blasphemy.
Christians have never killed anyone!
If you think they have then my answer is simple.
They were not Christians who killed those people.
We have been at war with Islam for over a decade!
Will this war ever end? Not till Jesus returns.
Hi David:
I have no intent of supporting the Islamic religion. I have been there and my son gave five years of his life in the fight against that situation. I was trying to show that to live by the law, with no acceptance of Christ as our, or their savior simply does not work. As it did not work in the old days when God set the law, it does not work now. Without Christ there is no solution. Getting them to accept this is an challenge to the extreme, due to their culture, and training and even in the schools they have extreme teachings for each grade up to grade 10. Yes their God claimed to be the same God by many is not really the same God. That is also a complicated explanation, but their God is not our God. Even though they claim it to be so.
We should always look for the good, but we should also be wise and I have often wondered about the wisdom of our leaders who do not realize the seriousness of conflict with these people. They take this religion very serious and will fight the infidel to the last man. They are taught this from a young age.
When one reads the bible and about the end times and all the violence and chopping off of heads and so on, one can see this will be the religion of use against us one day.
Even Sharia law is creeping into our society. Just recently in Oklahoma a court ruled that it was against the constitution to ban Sharia law, in other words instead of the law of our land used in our own culture and in our society , now provisions are allowed to accept Islamic law. This is occurring more and more. Muslims are being accepted into powerful political positions also.
Bit by bit, sin by sin, tolerance by tolerance, the edges are ate away. One day they will be at the center of the pie. Not just this situation but all major sin, bit by bit is accepted.
I consider this religion very, very dangerous to all. It will be the catalyst for war and conflict for many years to come.
The above is my opinion, opinion developed by the observation of life and society. I have no scripture to support it, it is just the common sense God gave me. Our society has become so totally non judgemental that we are being assimilated by the enemy just as the tribes of God were cautioned about in the old testament. Everything is now permissible, do not judge.
As for the rest of it I was trying to show that without Christ, we may have become somewhat the same. We can only give Great Thanks to God for his willingness to provide our salvation by the sacrifice of his Son. Without this era of grace, we might also be still violent and have barbaric laws.