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What to expect in hell

What to expect in hell

  • Annihilation - Instant destruction

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • Universalism - Suffering for a while and then united with Jesus

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Eternal torment - Limited suffering, not such a bad place, mostly pet friendly

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Eternal torment - limited suffering, a horrible environment, no pets

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Eternal torment - torturous, excruciating pain and suffering, no pets

    Votes: 21 72.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I obtain quite a bit of useful information from YouTube; for example how to replace
a microwave oven motor, resolve a computer issue, adjust an electric guitar's
intonation. and/or the proper way to position a lawnmower for an oil change.

I also tour the world with YouTube, visiting amazing man-made wonders and
natural wonders too. I will likely never travel and get to see those wonders for
myself as they really are before I'm dead; but out ahead is coming a one-thousand
year era on Earth wherein I've no doubt there will be plenty of opportunity to see
everything in the next life that I missed in this one.

Rev 20:6 . . Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection.
The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of
Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.

I suspect that God is keeping a massive, fully comprehensive library that can
satisfy all my curiosity-- an archive of information far exceeding the contents of the
great library of Alexandria. For example: how did the ancient Egyptians build the
pyramids? How did the people of Easter Island move those massive stone heads
into position? Is there an end to space; and if so, what's on the other side? Things
like that; but also nature's secrets too. How did nature fashion those remarkable
rock formations in Utah? Or carve out the Grand Canyon?

There are many mysteries like those that I sincerely hope to find answers to some
day. But people in Hell won't be allowed access to God's library. They will never get
answers to their deepest questions about the cosmos; nor be allowed to travel to all
the exotic places on Earth that they missed in this life before passing on to the

Another benefit to the coming era is safety. I will have nothing to fear from the
animal kingdom like I do now, and plus; those of us who make the cut will be
immortal; so we won't fear heights, nor speed, nor any other risk. I love to explore,
but don't like to explore places that might cost me my life, lose an eye, or put me
in a wheel chair. Well; in the future, I'll be able to explore every corner of the globe
to my heart's content in perfect safety and thoroughly enjoy myself without
worrying about hazards associated with the journey like piranha, head hunters,
frost bite, hypothermia, violent storms, hijackers, terrorists, bandits, and/or

One thing that prevents many of us from touring the world is old age. Well,
diminished capacity will never again be a factor dictating what I can eat and drink,
were I can go, nor whether I can make it.

Rev 20:5-6 . . But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years
were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in
the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power.

People in Hell are not only in terrible discomfort, but they're also missing out on the
pleasures of adventure, discovery, and exploration; which are three very
stimulating activities that, just about everybody I've ever met would agree, make
one's existence worthwhile.
have you forgotten or you just do not know? if you love anything in this world you are not a friend of GOD,
If you love anything in this world then you also is not a friend of mines. one way to know who are real enemies are, is by what they love.

James 4
…3And when you do ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may squander it on your pleasures. 4You adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore, whoever chooses to be a friend of the world renders himself an Enemy Of God. 5Or do you think the Scripture says without reason that the Spirit He caused to dwell in us yearns with envy?…

1 John 2 BSB
15Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not from the Father but from the world.…

"By Their Fruits You Will Know Them."

and those of us that will be saved will be "FEW"only. *Only a few was saved when "Noah" and He was declared "Few" and when Lot was saved they were "3' among "Sodom and Gomorrah"and all of the Cities of the plains were all destroyed. so the Majority in our era. for every 10 people we know there might be 3 that will be saved from eternal damnation.:pensive: and that number is on the positive side. "If you have not surrender all of your life to Jesus Christ you ain't going to Heaven point blank "99 1/2" will not do, You have to be All sold Out to Jesus Christ and he have, become your "LORD" and you His slave.

You Must Love The LORD GOD with all your soul and mind and strength , you have to give all and not some "GIVEN YOUR WHOLE LIFE and WILL" to Him And him Alone.

The Greatest Commandment
…37Jesus declared, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38This is the first and greatest

If you lack in this you are going to hell!!

American Standard Version
Ye search the scriptures, Because Ye Think :eyes: that in them ye have eternal life; and these are they which bear witness of me;

because you say I Believe that Jesus is the Son of GOD/

Heck the devil knows Jesus is The Son of GOD too! and you too can know that he is the Son of God
and go to Hell too!
There will not be any forgiveness in "HELL" or mercy or grace or I didn't Understand and I made a Error, You better ask somebody before you die! Before you Die, you better get it Right!

I remember years ago, I Was in the Hospital and another person was in there a older man and we could not see one another, And I cannot rightly remember what happen that we started to talk to one another, I think I walked over and did something for him... And I was move to talk to him while we where laying in our beds. I started talking about God and Jesus and eternal Damnation and I laid it on hard, and I mean hard, Being Led By "The Parakletos". and the next morning That old man thank me for how I talked to him that night before, And he said Sir, I did something last night that I would have never done if you had not been here, Thank you , now I am ready. That was it, that night a orderly came in with a "Gurney" and then I heard a big flop, and the orderly came past my bed and no one was on top of the "gurney" and I said to the Orderly did he die? And he said yes. Then I understood why I was there and why The parakletos had me speak so harsh to him about God and Christ and Damnation, and why the old man thank me for the way I spoke to Him and what He did that night. he repented and The Lord saved him in a Dying hour.

I was a young Minister then.
I did a lot then, when I was a young minister and strong in the Faith. no church work, I work among the people, he said go and I went where ever he told me. many times nothing but a stranger I was, walk right in a hospital, when I was compelled by The unction of The Parakletos. get up and go here and do this and walk out. and say not one word. not even your name.
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Writing to the Christians in Colossi, the apostle Paul said:

"Do not lie to each other since you have taken off your old self with its practices
and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of
its Creator." (Col 3:9-10)

Humanity's original self began its created existence in the image of God (Gen 1:26
27). In other words; Adam started off as an honest man. Clearly then; dishonesty
doesn't reflect the image of God, rather, it reflects the Devil's image. (John 8:44)

The Greek word translated "renewed" basically means to renovate; defined by
Webster's defines as: (1) to restore to a former better state (as by cleaning,
repairing, or rebuilding), and (2) to restore to life, vigor, or activity, i.e. revive.

The word appears in only one other place in the entire New Testament at 2Cor
4:16, which says:

"Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day
by day."

Sometimes renovation requires demolition and beginning all over again from
scratch, In other words: total regeneration.

The Greek word translated "knowledge" basically refers to recognition, i.e.
acknowledgement, viz: discernment.

Reconstruction of one's innermost being-- especially the conscience --is essential
because humanity's intuitive knowledge of what's acceptable and what's
unacceptable is unreliable due to the forbidden fruit incident portrayed in the third
chapter of Genesis.

This relates to one of the tragedies of Hell. People down there never gave God an
opportunity to overhaul their spiritual condition; so now they're no better as
persons in the afterlife than they were in this life. After all is said and done-- after
the big judgment of Rev 20:11-15 is completed, and the new cosmos of Rev 21:1 is
up and running --Christ caps everything by announcing:

"Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be
vile." (Rev 22:10)

In other words: people who end up on the wrong side of things will remain just as
much in need of renovation there as they were here-- but it won't be available.
Matt 22:36-40 . . Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said
unto him: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,
and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is
like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments
hang all the law and the prophets.

The Greek verb translated "love" doesn't necessarily imply either affection and/or
fondness. It's just as much about the way we treat our fellow men as our personal
feelings about them. This is the kind of love that we ought to be extending to
everyone-- friend, foe, family, and stranger alike. It's the very same love that Jesus
taught in Matt 5:44 which reads:

"You have heard that it was said: You shall love your neighbor, and hate your
enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies,"

In other words; you don't especially have to like your neighbors, you family, and/or
your enemies, but you do have to be benevolent, i.e. courteous, kind, charitable,
tolerant, patient, diplomatic, tactful, gentle, reasonable, fair, deferential, cordial,
genial, affable, sociable, helpful, thoughtful, sympathetic, considerate, and
cooperative, etc. And of course those all apply to the way that people associate with
God too because the same Greek verb is used of loving God as loving one's
neighbors and enemies.

The above tells me that quite a few people are on the road to Hell simply because
their manners are uncivil, and insufferable, with both God and Man, viz: they not
only aren't nice to their fellow men, but they aren't even nice to God-- they don't
care about marginalizing Him, tuning Him out, insulting Him, chafing Him, and/or
hurting His feelings. In other words: the most important of all the commandments
bounces off their thick skulls like a banana thrown at a Russian tank.
Matt 22:36-40 . . Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said
unto him: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,
and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is
like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments
hang all the law and the prophets.

The Greek verb translated "love" doesn't necessarily imply either affection and/or
fondness. It's just as much about the way we treat our fellow men as our personal
feelings about them. This is the kind of love that we ought to be extending to
everyone-- friend, foe, family, and stranger alike. It's the very same love that Jesus
taught in Matt 5:44 which reads:

"You have heard that it was said: You shall love your neighbor, and hate your
enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies,"

In other words; you don't especially have to like your neighbors, you family, and/or
your enemies, but you do have to be benevolent, i.e. courteous, kind, charitable,
tolerant, patient, diplomatic, tactful, gentle, reasonable, fair, deferential, cordial,
genial, affable, sociable, helpful, thoughtful, sympathetic, considerate, and
cooperative, etc. And of course those all apply to the way that people associate with
God too because the same Greek verb is used of loving God as loving one's
neighbors and enemies.

The above tells me that quite a few people are on the road to Hell simply because
their manners are uncivil, and insufferable, with both God and Man, viz: they not
only aren't nice to their fellow men, but they aren't even nice to God-- they don't
care about marginalizing Him, tuning Him out, insulting Him, chafing Him, and/or
hurting His feelings. In other words: the most important of all the commandments
bounces off their thick skulls like a banana thrown at a Russian tank.

Romans 12:20
"Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but leave room for God’s wrath. For it is written: “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, says the Lord.” 20On The Contrary, “If Your Enemy Is Hungry, Feed him; If He Is Thirsty, Give Him A Drink. For In So Doing, You Will Heap Burning Coals On His Head.21Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.…

English Standard Version
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

They will not get away or escape, though they Think, He does not lie.

Deuteronomy 32:35
Vengeance is Mine; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; for their day of disaster is near, and their doom is coming quickly."

Proverbs 20:22
Do not say, "I will avenge this evil!" Wait on the LORD, and He will save you.

You feed and give him or her some water. You clothe and put some money in their pockets, and you make them fat. "be A cheerful giver" and look for nothing in return.

Proverbs 24:29
Do not say,:eyes: "I will do to him as he has done to me; I will repay the man according to his work."

New American Standard Bible
"The LORD has made everything for its own purpose, Even the wicked for the day of evil."


And do not forget, He will pay them back,,if they have hurt you!

Hebrews 13
4 Marriageshould be honored by all and the marriage bed kept undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterers. 5Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, for God has said: “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.”…
Matt 8:11-12 . . I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west,
and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.
But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be
weeping and gnashing of teeth.

"children of the kingdom" is very likely Jacob's posterity; the Jews. Well; for sure,
not all of his people will be permitted citizenship in the kingdom predicted in the Old
Testament. According to Ezek 20:33-38 a number of them will be culled from the
herd and sent elsewhere.

Outer darkness is again spoken of in Matt 22:13 and Matt 25:30

It appears, from comparison of the available data, that "outer darkness" isn't a
location, rather, a state of mental anguish characterized by the deepest possible
feelings of grief associated with loss.

It's akin to the day that God announced to Moses' people they were going to have
to stay in that awful Sinai outback until they were dead. They missed their
opportunity to enter the land of milk and honey and there was no way to regain it.

The people must've been pretty upset over that; no doubt they had all been joyfully
looking forward to a new life over there; and there was no use in praying about it
because God had made up His mind.

I've only experienced deep personal grief associated with irreversible loss but one
time; that was when my No.1 nephew passed away suddenly of natural causes at
the age of 51. I had held him in my arms upon returning home from three years in
the Army when he was only a couple of weeks old.

News of his passing has thus far been the only time in my 79 years that I actually
clenched my teeth, sobbing out of control, and choking, while clinging to a handrail
in the front room to keep from losing my balance and falling to the floor. Matt 8:11-
-12 is likely speaking of a similar depth of grief, or possibly worse.
The criminal records associated with the great white throne event depicted at Rev
20:11-15 likely will be used to not only to condemn people's actions, but also to
prove that the people themselves are not the caliber of folk with whom God prefers
to associate.

For example: God isn't comfortable with dishonesty. So if the records show that
someone is capable of deception, then they will be barred from heaven.

Ps 15:1-3 . . Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy
hill? He who speaks the truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue, who
does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman. He who does these
things will never be shaken.
FAQ: What if I was born dishonest?

REPLY: You mean like Ps 58:3, which says:

"The wicked are estranged from the womb; these who speak lies go astray from

Well; that's pretty serious.

Rev 21:8 . . . All liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and
brimstone, which is the second death.

FAQ: But I'm not a degenerate liar. I'm basically honest and lie only on occasion.

REPLY: No, you are basically dishonest-- the meanwhile managing your natural
impulses; keeping their control over you to a minimum.

But let's face it: you of all people don't need a rule book, instead; you need a
miracle to liberate you from yourself so you don't end up on the wrong side of
things. In other words: you need an overhaul from top to bottom and inside and
out, i.e. a full and complete renovation to get rid of that lying streak you were born
Rev 20:13 . . I saw the dead, and they were judged, every one of them

That verse says that "every one" of them were judged. Well; I don't know precisely
how many every one will eventually number, but let's say that it's 100,000.

If each of these 100,000 cases were to take an hour to complete, we'd be looking
at roughly 4,167 calendar days, i.e. 11½ years-- that's if the judging by a solo
judge goes around the clock 24/7/365.

According to Daniel 7:13-14, John 5:22-3, and Acts 17:31, Messiah has been
designated to preside at the event. However, there's reason to suggest that he
won't be handling every case himself.

1Cor 6:2-3 . . Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the
world is judged by you, are you not competent to constitute the smallest law
courts? Do you not know that we shall judge angels? (cf. Matt 12:28)

Moses was assisted in his judicial duties by a select group of Jewish men. (Ex
18:17-26) It's possible that certain among Messiah's followers will be recruited to
serve as judges with him in the same manner, which will expedite his case load

There's a few points relative to Rev 20:13 worth special mention.

1_ According to Jude 1:14-15 the dead will be given a fair trial.

2_ According to Matt 12:36, every word that the dead have spoken will be used as
evidence both against them and/or for them; not just their serious words, but also
their careless words.

3_ The scene doesn't depict one future out of a variety of possible futures; no, it
depicts the actual future.
1Kings 22:18-23 . . I saw the Lord God sitting on His throne, and all the host of
heaven standing by Him on His right and on His left. And Jehovah said: Who will
entice Ahab to go up and fall at Ramoth-gilead? And one said this while another
said that.

. . .Then a spirit came forward and stood before The Lord and said: I will entice
him. And The Lord said to him: How? And he said: I will go out and be a deceiving
spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. Then He said: You are to entice him and also
prevail. Go and do so. Now therefore, behold, The Lord has put a deceiving spirit in
the mouth of all these your prophets; and Jehovah has proclaimed disaster against

Now that's scary. Can you just imagine the horror of being targeted like that and
not aware of it! (cf. 2Thess 2:8-12)
Canadian folk singer Gordon Lightfoot released a sentimental song back in 1975
that speaks volumes about sympathy. Its lyrics are very touching. Here's a few that
I feel especially appropriate when talking about things like sickness, death, and the

Rainy day people always seem to know when it's time to call.
Rainy day people don't talk, they just listen till they've heard it all.
Rainy day lovers don't lie when they tell 'ya they've been down like you.
Rainy day people don't mind if you're cryin' a tear or two.

I sometimes wonder how much sympathy one can expect in the fiery netherworld. I
mean; sure they'll understand how we might feel about the unfortunate
circumstances in life that led us down there, but once you're there, everyone's
pretty much in the same boat and the others are all longing for sympathy too.

In point of fact, I'd not be surprised if the competition for sympathy down there is
on the level of dog eat dog; and likely a fair number of sympathy hoarders
demanding total market share of it. I can just hear their feigned indignity; like this:

"Oh, stop whining already! Don't be such a baby. I deserve a lot more pity than
you. I've been down here for two millennia and you've only been down here for a
decade. What've you got to cry about? You should be grateful that your time down
here is shorter than mine."

I'd imagine that after a few years in that place the only sympathy that people can
feel after a while is sympathy for themselves because nobody is getting out down
there; they're all lifers so it's not unlikely that the only humanity that inmates pay
forward in that place is misery.
Your quote:
I sometimes wonder how much sympathy one can expect in the fiery netherworld.

well for sure "GOD and His Son Jesus" sure will not have any "Sympathy" for them down there. and that is for sure, and since you are so concern, you might want to go down there, and keep them company.:eyes:

believe me. when you get you there you will be all alone, in total darkness, not a sound no people just your "SOUL" no brain no body, just the thoughts of you Soul and how you deny the commands of The LORD and HIS Word will eat you alive just like Fire burning your mind. The Word of GOD will be terrifying you for all Eternity and it will not be an end. Hell is not a community or town or a city, you have no eyes to see for there is nothing to see, just how your very soul deny GOD the very GOD that broth you into existence and place it in Your body and when you die the soul goes back to "GOD" who is A Consuming FIRE":pensive: so your Soul will be Housed in GOD with No shield or armor to withstand The Heat and Never DIE! it will be like a river more hotter than The Sun in its Strength and there will you always be, with out A garment to stand the Heat like The 3 Hebrew Boys in the fiery Furnace. so the very moment you close your eyes you will be in GOD. not your body or your brains or eyes, your soul. and he is a "CONSUMING FIRE" just Hope you can stand that Heat, while he is burning all of that "Wickedness" off of you.:pensive:

You better confess and repent and apologies as much as you can, and burn off here, before you get there!:eyes: and you cannot say you didn't know, because I have told you!:eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes:
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Matt 7:13-14 . . Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is
the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate
and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Matt 22:14 . . For many are called, but few are chosen.

Few and Many are relative quantities regardless of their amounts.

For example; no matter how many people are represented by the great crowd
depicted at Rev 7:9-10, their number will be less than the number of folk
represented by the dead depicted at Rev 20:11-15.

In other words: the number of people ultimately saved will be less than those
ultimately lost no matter how big or little their respective numbers turn out to be.
I would like it very much if my friends, associates, and loved ones down in Hades
were allowed visitor days in the afterlife because after they're transferred to the
lake of fire depicted at Rev 20:11-15, I may never get to be with them ever again.

Christians are sometimes asked how they can possibly be happy in Heaven while
aware that their loved ones are imprisoned in an eternity of suffering. Well; Rev
21:4 predicts there will neither sorrow nor tears in the future cosmos, apparently
made possible by starting over from scratch and leaving all else behind, including
memories of the past.

Rev 21:5 . . He who was seated on the throne said: I am making everything new!
Then he said: Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.

* It could be that we will forget our favorite people, but they will never forget us.

I dont think there will be any remembrance. If there is,we will have total understanding and it will not haunt us.
Zech 1:5 . .Where are your forefathers now? And the prophets, do they live

My own father is gone, and the great preacher Billy Graham; he's gone too. My
favorite rock and roll guitar player during the years I was a teen-ager was Chuck
Berry. He's gone. When I was a sophomore in high school, me and a buddy went to
see "The Blob" starring a rather unknown actor at the time named Steve McQueen.
He's gone. My eldest brother entered the Catholic priesthood and anon became a
Friar. He's gone. My bestest friend ever, whom I'd known since the 2nd grade in
elementary school, is gone too; shot to death by law enforcement at only 37 years

There's hardly a month goes by without someone passing away that at one time
was very important to me; a constant reminder that nobody lives forever and
neither will I. At my current age of 79, and diagnosed with esophageal cancer, I'll
be passing away not too long from now. Most of my life has already been lived and
I'm in the home stretch; heading for the exit. When I was a youngster, life's
horizon seemed forever far away; but now, looking at my deteriorating body, it
seems I'm walking on the horizon's edge.
I am almost at the end stage of life myself. With me its kidneys. I am reminded daily of the years i let slip by,just drifting through life not thinking of eternity. I pray the Lord is truthful about those that come in at the 11th hour. I trust that i am saved,but at thr same time,sorrow and regret for the years wasted.
May his grace and mercy cover us.
Matt 7:13-14 . . Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is
the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate
and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Matt 22:14 . . For many are called, but few are chosen.

Few and Many are relative quantities regardless of their amounts.

For example; no matter how many people are represented by the great crowd
depicted at Rev 7:9-10, their number will be less than the number of folk
represented by the dead depicted at Rev 20:11-15.

In other words: the number of people ultimately saved will be less than those
ultimately lost no matter how big or little their respective numbers turn out to be.
I got news for you! When you die, you ain't going to care how many got saved. When you stand before that "JUDGMENT SEAT"!:eyes: it will not be "Peaches and Cream" it will be sprinkle in Blood! and you will not be smiling.:pensive: Not until he places that Crown of Life on your head!:eyes:

Like I told my fully grown Children who are grown now, and when they were kids, all while they were growing up, You better not trust me or any man, read your Bible, because when you "Stand" before that judgment seat, I can't help you! I am going to worry about my own Behind, So take note, you will be on your own!!!! read Your BIBLE and get to know it well! And trust no church no pastors no preachers, don't even trust me or your Mama! Trust GOD and read That Bible over and over again. :relieved:

And my 2nd oldest son in his late 40's told me not to long ago , Daddy you gave me a gift, greater than any father could give to a son.

and you do not know what this is. Do you remember you had a talk with me, and you said: "This is what I going to do to you, I cannot talk to you, This is what I am going to do, I going to cut you loose and Give you to "GOD'.:pensive:

He said to me, and the passion in his voice. Daddy I love you, You gave me to GOD and I had no one else to rely on! But GOD! Thank you.

He said: I remember those "hymns" how you use to sing to us, those hymns when we were little, I can hear them now. Those Hymns!

I Made a vow, when I die , my children when they remember me, they are going remember how I sat at the table reading the Bible and The Books relating to The "TEXT" and the Music I like hearing from morning to night and how, and "how I song about "GOD" coming from my "SOUL", just how my Mother taught me how to sing, deep down and bring that flow from within, even making her cry, when I song in the Living room of our home, as a little kid and have many other have cried, of all nationalities even the "natural Jew" and many color of skin. even before the power of God entered my Soul and created me into a "New Creature in Christ" as "Jeremiah" has said: He knew me, when I was in My mother's womb and anointed me, even before The Foundation of The World!:pensive: and no man or woman or institution can make me deny it. and who I am. A "Child of The LIVING GOD":pensive: and I do not care, what others, think of me, it doesn't matter.:pensive:

Education and/or a high IQ have their uses; but are insufficient when it comes to
spiritual matters. In point of fact, too many smarts can actually be an impediment.
Take for example Carl Sagan. Had his knowledge and his IQ been a spiritual
advantage, then Carl would've stood on the side of intelligent design instead of
opposing it.

It's tragic that Carl went to his grave with his curiosity and so many scientific
questions about the cosmos unanswered, and to top it off, a day is coming when
even Carl's pale blue dot will no longer be available for study.

"For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be
remembered, nor come into mind." (Isa 65:17)

"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth
were passed away." (Rev 21:1)

Can you imagine how delighted Carl would've been to explore Heaven's libraries
where everything to know that can be known about the cosmos is stored? But alas,
Carl will never find out because he was at best an agnostic, at worst an atheist.
Joh 11:26 Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this, Martha?” (NLT)

The physical body dies but the rebirth spirit of man will never die. Ever notice the personality of a physically dead body? They don't remember anything they did while physically alive.
2Cor 5:11 . . Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men;

The Greek word translated "knowing" means to know firsthand, viz: by experience
rather than by education and/or instruction.

In other words: there were incidents at various times in the lives of Paul and his
contemporaries when God frightened them, i.e. scared 'em out of their wits.

I have been challenged on occasion as to how I know for sure that my religion is
true. Well; there's nothing like a good old fashioned close encounter of a third kind
to convince even the most resistant skeptics; and Paul's history attests that his was
a really stubborn case.

Of course if any of us were to claim to "know" the terror of the Lord, we'd be
singled out as kooks and crackpots; but for some of us, fear is the only persuasion
that works.