The text Clarifies itself. It clarifies their intentions.
Pure exegesis, without an ounce of impurities.
5Now in the Law, Mosescommanded us to stone suchwomen; what then do You say?”
6Now they were saying this to testHim, so that they might havegrounds foraccusing Him”
The woman was not the “Target”!
She was The Trap!
So they could KILL JESUS! He was The Target! She was only The Bait! They didn’t care whether she was . Adulterer, a slave girl or Prostitute!
You must know the culture of that time, Wayward women was a common thing during that era, the Jews even had “Temple Prostitutes” let alone The Greeks and Romans and many was married! They didn’t have “Welfare” nor “Ford Motor Company” or “Amazon.Com”!
You cannot let those long dresses and hoods fool you! They didn’t have electric lights, back then, they had candle lights

Low lightning, and they didn’t’ take off those hoods, only their eyes was showing!
How many times have I explain, we are not in a Sunday Morning Bible Class!
On TalkJesus we get the unadulterated “TRUTH”.! When you have “Itching ears” you go to “Church”! And they will tell you what you want to hear!
And when you don’t want to hear the “TRUTH” on TalkJesus click the button! The “Mute” button!
But I will let you know
“ ignorance will not be excuse“ That dog ain’t going to hunt” when Jesus Crack That Sky!

Or Blow That Horn!
Oh yea! “Emily Post”, Betty Crocker, Pentecostalism, methodism, Baptist, Luther, or John Calvin ain’t going to be able to help you! You can get left here if you want to!
And catch that second Boat out!
You will have a seat on that one for sure!

And it will be plenty of room on that one! Everybody will have a seat! No one, will be “left “Behind”