Calvin in his "Institutes," Book III, chapter 23, says, "....Not all men are created with similar destiny, but eternal life is foreordained for some, and eternal damnation for others. Every man, therefore, being created for one or the other of these ends, we say, he is predestined either to life or to death."
Calvin was half right. He left out the part where God desires or will have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Ti 2:4 Therefore predestined
to come to destruction in this dispensation but receive grace in the next.
No one can come to Jesus unless the Father draw him. Yes?
Then who is really in charge of your salvation? It is God, for if He doesn't call then you ain't coming. You are left out as an un-elect for now.
But seeing that God will have all men to be saved and come into the knowledge of the truth we must be missing something, for too many have passed
prior to Jesus and many more un-elect have passed since Jesus.
When will they come into that knowledge and be saved?
Afterall it was God that imprisoned everyone in disobedience so that He could have mercy on all. Rom 11:32
First, it meansGod created people TO BE SAVED and created people TO BE DAMNED.
Close, but the damned part is out. As all were sent here to experience good and evil and participate in it for as long as the Lord allow.
All sin debt has been paid by the blood of Jesus. Col 1:20 peace was made and all things are to be reconciled unto the Father through the Son.
And as mentioned earlier that can't happen UNLESS the Father draw the individual to the Son. So still in Gods hands as to who when and where
each will come to the Son. 1 Co 15:23 But EVERY man in his own order.....
Therefore, a person like Adolph Hitler was created to do exactly what he did, and therefore God is the author of that which God has said is abominable to Him. He is therefore the author of temptation and sin (God forbid)
Correct, what has happened on Earth that God did not foresee? As all things He foreknew before He started. Is He busy fixing all of it or was it by design?
As I mentioned Rom 11:32 God imprisoned everyone to disobedience so that He could have mercy on all. Sounds like it was God all along who orchestrated
everything. Hitler could have been dropped like Ananias and Sapphira but He didn't, I wonder why? Is it possible for you to see the benefit of this?
What would you do if your objective was to transfer all power in heaven and earth to your sons? How would you prepare them in understanding good and evil
and to shun evil and do only that that is good once the power had been given to them? God kills and God makes alive, thus life or death makes no difference
for He is able to resurrect whomever whenever He chooses.
The Bible over and over tells us this is incorrect. For example, let no man say he was tempted by God for God Tempts NO MAN(not just the saved man).
God doesn't have to that is Satans job.
).But please listen NO SCHOLAR (secular or otherwise) except those of the Calvinist camp EVER rendered this passage to be talking about FAITH being the gift here.
He got that part right!
As far as scholars go, couldn't care less what they think as they may or may not be of the elect group, therefore; why would their opinion matter to me?
It is our FAITH that is to be perfected, not our salvation. That is to be worked out with fear and trembling on an individual basis. But the perfecting of
our FAITH that actually is the gift of God is what brings us unto the full measure. Eph 4:13
What is Jesus to do but be the Author and the Finisher of our FAITH. Heb12:2
1 Jo 5:4 "For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world. Our FAITH."
Without heart Faith given by God no one is able to discover who Jesus truly is. He is hidden by the Father from the world until it is that individuals time
to come. Thus elect.
NowI gave you plainly an example fo the 2nd error here in Revelations 3:20
Only one big problem here is that this is a warning-invitation to the ELECT group at Laodicea. Not the general public.
Those who respond and open the door are NOT already regenerated.
???? But it was written to an elect group.
God predestines according to His foreknowing.
You are correct on this, but He foreknew us all and intends for all of us to return to Him as ones who disdain evil and would never apply that to another again.
For we are to be love just like Him, ALL of us.
All things are of God and All things are to be reconciled back to Him.
When people heaar the word of truth or tha gospel and they KNOW they are destined for damnation and receive Christ THEN they are given the right or power to become the children of God (
John1:12) not before.
Again a problem in that the only reason anyone would acknowledge the Son and accept Him is if God revealed Him to them first. Matt 16:15-17
All commands of God in the Greek are placed in the imperative mood for a reason and that id because God made humans capable of obeying, though most will not, and all will eventually fail in some of the 613commands of the Law. Now why will most NOT? Because they like the fruit (the product) of the Tree of Knowledge (
Genesis 3:5), being lord of their own life, deciding good and evil for their self as their god.
Who was it that brought the condemnation of a carnal mind on man? It was God. He had to allow us to believe we were in charge of our own destinies,
this is the vanity that He subjected the entire world to in hope that when He reveals His first group of sons the world would be freed from that condition.
Rom 8:20-21