I'm glad you mentioned Romans 3, because I fully acknowledge not understanding His righteousness unless it is through the acceptance of Christ Jesus.
Just a quick question. I did a word search on accepting Christ, it isn't in the Bible that I can find so not really sure where the idea comes from. Maybe you can provide reference?
Dear Brother,
Keep in mind that belief/repentance is also a necessity, but you might want to refer to the very chapter you quoted, Romans 11:15 for an answer to your question.
For if their being cast away [is] the reconciling of the world, what [will] their acceptance [be] but life from the dead? Romans 11:15 NKJV
There are other versions that also use acceptance.

Just saying.
Romans 3:22 Even
the righteousness of God which is by FAITH of Jesus Christ unto ALL and upon ALL WHO believe: for there is no difference;
23-For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
JUSTIFIED FREELY by His GRACE through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
26-To declare at this time
His righteousness that He might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.
Eph 2:8 For
by GRACE are ye SAVED through FAITH and that
(faith) not of yourselves, it(faith) is the GIFT of God. 9
-Not of works lest any man should boast.
Your "acceptance" of Jesus Christ is from a GIFT you received from God-(FAITH), allowing you to believe, thus God is the one who is your justifier. And by this shows His righteousness.
The law of faith is basically one in which God is the dispenser of faith unto those whom have been chosen at this present time and called to understand, thus the blinders
and hardeners have been removed. This is what no man can do for himself thus there is no works or boasting of "acceptance" that allows one to believe or say they deserve anything,
they can only praise God that He has provided this for them and given them the necessary tool to believe in what God has done through Christ Jesus.
Now who is being talked to in Romans 3:22 and this chapter? First believers who are Gentiles and about the Jews! Again, context! I have a sense you might say that the important part that includes everyone in the World is "...for there is no difference;" but in context you see it is specific even if you overlook "upon ALL WHO believe..."
Eph 2:8 For
by GRACE are ye SAVED through FAITH and that
(faith) not of yourselves, it(faith) is the GIFT of God. 9
-Not of works lest any man should boast.
Again, context. Who is Paul speaking to? (sigh)
I listed several versions of the same verses and they all say the same thing. This you apparently deny for somehow you believe you deserve what you get and so does everybody
else according to what they accept? Or reject?
Problem is that most have been BLINDED and HARDENED by God so that they cannot see nor hear......... John 12:40 And since they cannot see nor hear from being blinded and
hardened how can they be responsible for not seeing nor hearing? Much less accepting or rejecting what they cannot understand.
Are you saying that I'm blinded by God? I sense that you are becoming frustrated and upset with me. Could it be that I'm having you consider context is the cause? Don't you know that these verse numbering were not part of the original documents, but added later in order to facilitate referencing specific portions of the letters that were being used in discussions between the learned through the writing of letters? It was done to make a specific point, but never to exclude the context of the original document and how it was written.
I love it that you use John 12:40! Again, and again, "CONTEXT". Who was Jesus talking about? Since you have mentioned previously that the New Covenant had not come into effect yet, it must mean that He was talking about the Nation of Israel and clearly not us!!!
Dear Brother. I'm not trying to make fun of what you clearly believe to be true, but I do ask that you to consider what the rest of the Word of God has to say.
Tell me who in the entire world history was not condemned by the Father from the womb? Can you honestly believe that only the Romans he wrote to are the ALL Paul is speaking about?
It has been written to any who can read or hear what is written.
And of course the entirety of the world does not for they have yet to be called to begin the process of BECOMING a son of God. They remain vessels to dishonor until God calls them.
As I said nobody gets a free ride into becoming a son of God, but once they are given the power to become, they have begun their race. That is earned by the laying down of your
present life. "Save your life, lose it. Lose your life, save it"
As far as the 17th century invention of exegesis vs eisegesis I care not, for it is the Holy Spirit who wrote the book that interprets what the truth actually
is. 1 John 2:26
assuming any interpretation is needed.
I listed several versions of the same verses and they all say the same thing. This you apparently deny for somehow you believe you deserve what you get and so does everybody
else according to what they accept? Or reject?
It appears I'm working backwards on your post!!!
You really didn't tie the first two sentences together, did you? (Heavy sigh)
Paul was actually talking to those he wrote the letter to!!! Care to guess who they were?
That we also use it, is also without a doubt valid, but to say the audience that he was writing to is inconsequential to its interpretation is just wrong. It provides one context, and through the Holy Spirit provides one true understanding!
Note: I'll be editing your post when I'm done posting this, where you typed "is 1 John 2:26". If you hover over it in your post you will see that it references Isaiah & only John and not 1 John 2:26.
Do you really believe that I'm trying to deceive you? Foolish me (irony) to deceive you by telling you to read the entirety of Scripture and not chop it up like a crossword puzzle to mix and match as you will to suit your own doctrine? That kind of deception?
This is why I believe that I've frustrated you.

I'm sorry not for the frustration because that will help you to consider more of the Word of God instead of bits and pieces of it, but rather for my own failings in presenting you with words that you clearly are unable to understand/digest. My apologies for my lack.
I say lack because yes you have listed "
several versions of the same verses (except for that time on the ASV vers
e) and they all say the same thing. This you apparently deny for somehow you believe you deserve what you get and so does everybody else according to what they accept? Or reject?" And I say lack because telling you to read more of Scripture to acquire a greater understanding of the verses you use is perceived as me trying to deceive you!!! Amazing, really when you think about it.
Now back to it, and hopefully without any insulting comments.
I am curious about this additional comment you have made. Do, you believe that everyone in the World will "
be called to begin the process of BECOMING a son of God. They remain vessels to dishonor until God calls them."
Will this happen before they die in this world?
With the Love of Christ Jesus.