brakelite said:
Evidence that it can change lives for the better...not evidence that it promises eternal life. The Bible is unique in that it is the only book that promises eternal life and incorporates prophecy to substantiate and validate its authority.
So we have established that a life-changing experience is not evidence for the truth of a religion. Which invalidates your earlier claim that such was evidence of Christianity for you.
Harry Potter gives an offer of eternal life (horcruxes), and incorporates prophecy, (which is validated). It has the same credentials that you consider to be the standard of evidence for the Bible.
LOL so if someone like myself or Abby's Aunt sees the perfume of a flower, or the stars in the sky, or the love of a dear friend as evidence of a Creator, we are irrational?
Ummm, definitely. Those things exist for natural reasons. Why is God at all necessary?
Some will be right, some wrong. Wide is the way that leads to destruction, and many there are who go that way. Doesn't change the promise of God in the scripture that says
Doesn't change all the promises given in the Koran. Why do you believe one and not the other?
That is, quite frankly, utter nonsense. Bottom line is that all along you have been and still are relying on your own ideas about life, God, morality
How do you determine a position to take (or at least God's position) on a moral issue? Consult the Bible, pray, think about what God should want in light of those things, right? That's what I used to do. If that means I was using my own ideas, then it means the same about you.
So, like I said, you are judging those billions who died in hope and the assurance of a coming resurrection, and me and everyone else on this forum, based purely on your own limited experience.
What about the billions of people you are also judging? What about every Muslim, Hindu, Bahai, Buddhist, etc. who ever believed they had a personal relationship with God, or that they were in tune with the ultimate nature of reality? By what standard do you judge them and conclude that they are incorrect while you are correct?
because you refuse to accept evidence for anything greater than yourself,
That is completely false. I accept the universe as greater than myself in many ways; human society as a whole. I do not refuse evidence for God, I simply do not see any.
you are in effect your own god by placing your own ideas above His
That would require that I first believe in him and accept that he has ideas. I do not claim to be perfect in any way, or any sort of god.
So you are content to believe evil of God but not the good?
I believe neither, of course. I am pointing out the internal inconsistencies of your position. You're the one who has to deal with the many evil acts God has allegedly committed.
For the very reason that we are different. Different personalities and at different stages in our relationship.
If two people claimed to have a personal relationship with the president, and one said he was a strong opponent of abortion while the other said he was a strong supporter of access to abortion, what would we conclude? Either these two people are not really in a personal relationship with the president, they did not really weigh his opinions before claiming to know them, or the president is intentionally deceiving at least one of them. Now, why would people at different stages in a relationship with God have diametrically opposing ideas about the nature and will of God? If God is actually participating in this relationship, why does he allow people to continue perceiving him so differently?
David777 said:
Have you read the messianic prophecies in the Old Testament?
I think that they are the proof that Jesus Christ was, and is God.
I am interested in how you read those prophecies.
Many of the prophecies pointed to as messianic are actually not prophecies at all, if read in context. Particularly the ones in David.
But even looking at actual prophecies, I do not consider them particularly significant. Most are vague.
But even if we were to accept that the Bible presents a good account of a fulfilled prophecy, that would in no way constitute evidence for the truth of the Bible. Why should I believe that those prophecies were actually fulfilled? Because the Bible says so?
What do you make of the fulfillment of the prophecy in Harry Potter? It clearly is proof that Harry is the chosen one.