Jesus died on the cross for your sins, not just your sins but the sins of the whole world.
in beginning of Mathew the angel tells Joseph he is to name the child Jesus because he will save HIS people from there sin.
Just think how evil God would be if a person though was born into sin yet was given no grace to even have the opportunity to be saved.
God is not capable of evil. God is not bound by any moral law and he does what he wishes according to his own good pleasure. NO man should dare call god evil. is jealousy a sin? for us it is, but God is Jealousy
"What must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved"
that is what is needed to be saved. but uless god opened that mans eyes, he would not have been capable of making that decision. we are dead in our sin. what choice can a dead man make? if someone came to a dead corpse and said hey do you want me to bring you back to life? what answer would the man get? None! he is speaking to a dead person and his words are falling on deaf ears. it is the same with us. god resurrects us by his own choice and of ours.[/QUOTE]
The god of Calvinism (Satan) says you can't believe, God says you can. Who are you going to place your trust in?
are you saying that calvinists are being ruled by Satan? if you are you are a fool. considering the fact that every great reformation in church history was led by men who believed these doctrines, if it was Satan then he was working against himself. and i am quite certain that Satan would not be stupid enough to make that mistake. also i would never dare question the faith and Christianity of one of my Armenian brothers. you saying Calvinists are under the rule of Satan is quite a bold statement that you cannot back up no matter how hard you try.
Nothing about needing to be regenerated before repentance and faith. Salvation is repentance and faith to be regenerated. The pride is this that you didn't have to repent and believe to be regenerated
you cannot repent while still dead in your sin. you must be regenerated first, or in other words be brought to life spiritually. all those who are regenerated will repent.
A Calvinist never really knows if he is saved or not because it was not his choice;
this is not true, we know that we have been chosen by God, and know that it was based on anything we did or could have done. if it had been, and god loved me based on the fact that i loved him first, that would make gods love conditional, which it is not.
no man can pluck you out of His hand,
i agree completely, once god has chosen you it is not within the power of any man, including yourself, to turn away from god.
Calvin was the murdering Protestant Pope of Geneva and was really not so different than Hitler who proclaimed irresistibly and unconditionally limited non-elect Jews to be passed over from birth without recourse that they belong in the gas chambers and the Aryan race are to be irresistibly selected. How more effectively does one impart to you how evil Calvinism is and the potential evil it is capable of? History has recored Hitler couldn't have done what he did if it was not for the teachings of Calvinism that set the stage. Several authors have made this connection.
just to get this straight. Calvin did not invent this doctrine. it has been around since the beginnings of the Christian Church. Hitler was not influenced by Calvinism he was influenced by Darwinism. and if the name Calvin bothers you then lets use Augustine.
Satan says you are Totally depraved. God says you are still made in God's image, for His image never ceases to exist.
where in the bible does it say that we are STILL in the image of god?
Though fallen you are not Totally depraved. Satan teaches you this to control you, to bring you down and abuse you like men do towards men on forums or elsewhere. A sinner with propensity to sin doesn't mean you are Totally depraved. It rather means your sin leads to death and the second death which is Hell. Unless you receive God's saving grace which He affords you the choice then you are eternally separated from God. The spiritual death here is lost communication (that's what death means) not loss of the image or loss of ability to receive what Jesus did for you on the cross. Partial depravity doesn't mean Total depravity or Total inability. You need to put on the full Armor of God against anyone who you know even remotely resembles a Calvinist. They are probably not saved and therefore, do not have saving faith. They don't understand spiritual life, though they may try and put on a show, their's is a counterfeit of dead works. Do not understimate the wiles of the Devil. He has been around for billions of years. We have only been walking on earth for a few decades. My prayers go out to you.
Answer this question WHAT CAN YOU DO TO PLEASE GOD?