Yes. This is the starting point. The “introduction”. But the Word (His Word(s) only Testifies to was was given Though his creation. Because he never changes….Yes, we see the glory of God in His creation. And it is written God created all things by His Wisdom, which is by His Word, which is by Jesus Christ.
But if you want to truly know God, you need to know His Word Jesus Christ. God’s Word is the express image of the invisible God. So in order to “see” the invisible God, and in order to know what God is like, we need to know His Word.
And in order to be brought back into His presence and behold His glory, we must do what He tells us to do, and be obedient and faithful to Him. If you are sincere in seeking God, do what He tells you to do faithfully.
The only book you need to focus on is the Holy Bible. And the only teacher you need is Christ . Reading other literature of men can corrupt one’s thinking. That is why there are so many different beliefs and denominations. Many have been “leavened” by the doctrines of men.
My advice to you is to dump and reboot, cast out the old leaven and seek God through faith in His Word Jesus Christ. Seek, knock, and ask.
Repent of your sins, bring forth fruit worthy of repentance. Keep His commandments and pray to the Father, and ask Him to give unto you His Holy Spirit.
God is true to keeping His promises, if you do what He tells you to do in His Word, and believe in Him who sent to die for your sins, then you will have faith in Jesus Christ. And those who truly believe in Him shall be given eternal life.
I am a Testamony to this myself.
But God also reveals himself to those that seek him.
He is SOOOOO much more than what was bound in the Bible. It’s painful for me to watch so many chain themselves to a Book. When he is Spirit and Life itself…
The difference Between A forest and mountains, and a Tropical beach….
For if you stay in the forest, even climbing the highest Mountain, you will never know of the Teal waters and white sandy Beaches….
You miss that, exploring all that there is, teaches you to walk by the Spirit, knowing that he looses none!
Showing you that which belongs to him, and that which belongs to man( own imagination)
Which builds that Trust stronger than carbon steel, and Makes that relationship truly unshakable. No matter the book. No matter the Culture. No matter the age….
There is separation between his people, because they are speaking for him, instead of letting him speak for himself. Ephesians just explained this. (Don’t live as the gentiles do!!!-in their darkened thinking…Separated from the LIFE of God!!!)
Neither did I start out with any doctrines. I stayed in the 1st 4 gospels for my first 2/3 years. Strictly alone Then went on to the letters. Then Revelation. Over a period of about 6/7 years. So my foundation was established. THEN I ventured out, to read everything that has the name Jesus on it. Or speaks of one accord too it.
Such as “putting off the old self”. Well, that’s Buddhism…
The death of the ego. The (g)nostic a, well that’s the workings of that inner ego….Egyptian/Hinduism….Well that the fullness of the Spiritual(ness) within us(if you can get past all the “gods” and listen to what they are actually speaking!)
It’s a journey to Self realization of our True nature.
Just as he gave the Hebrews the message of Salvation, and the revealing of himself through them(for a purpose-being stiffnecked and hardened people- to show his saving power) so also he gave to each culture a piece of himself. And just like the new and gentile make one, so also when other peices are out together that were given, Makes it complete. Like each culture was given a piece of himself. For us to all come together with what we have, to make it whole)
Not to confirm the world to One “culture” but to harmonize the diversity that we are. Every shade and color represented, to blend into the most beautiful rainbow you have ever seen. All part of each other. Yet one “being”(ness)
No one(or rather not many) really realizes what exactly Jesus Did.
And the time that has passed and where we are at. For it was already the end when he was here.
So my foundation IS Jesus. The Gospels, building their own doctrine. Never attached to any denominations.
Consumed with the name Jesus so much, I had to read everything that bears his name. Even if it was written on the back of a dumpster. I was compelled too.
And it has provided so much more than the Bible alone can reveal. For not all was written. He had to leave room, to step out on your faith, and seek it!
Hence….Ask, seek, knock….and it will be given!!!
They were preserved for a reason! For this day!
Is it any wonder that they were killed off and called blasphemous? Heretics?
Perhaps just like their Savior!?!?!?
But, to each their own
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