I am 70 years old, I was "Born of GOD" "Born of His Spirit" in the year 1977 about the 4th week in March. at my place of Employment and 0ver 500 people knew it, within 24 hours. Greeks, Rednecks, Hispanics, Jews, Syrians, Yugoslavians, Italians, Polish, Blacks, White, Germans, christians, non-christians, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Jehovah Witness, Southern Baptist, Methodist, baptist, Holiness, Greek Orthodox, and Atheist, Dope Dealers, Marijuana Smokers, Acid Dropper,. Purple HAZE dropper, LSD Droppers, CEO's, General Managers, Millionaires, Secretaries, Superintendences, Labor leaders, Police officers, Motorcycle Club members. Kung Fu, Instructors, Pilots, Scuba Divers Club Members in 24 hours
These people have know me and my father for over ten years!
But that Day When in The Twinkling of the eye "The SPIRIT of THE LIVING GOD" Touch My Soul! Wooooooo! And set my Soul ON FIRE! EveryBody knew! Many had never saw anything like it, in their life! Both Christians and non Christians THEY said they have never seen any thing like that in their Life! And I was not speaking in "TONGUES"! I was speaking in a "LANGUAGE" that everyone knew and It was about JESUS! And The Corporation owners say let him ALONE, and let him "Proclaim" "The Gospel ACCORDING To JESUS CHRIST" and I didn't even belong to any body's church! My daddy tried to stop me, But they told him to leave me alone! And let Me speak! And that day I told "hundreds if they didn't not Repent, that they was going to HELL! "Signs and Wonders".....And they was Listening, i could see it, in their eyes! And a many of them got saved and filled with the HOLY GHOST! and many said they wanted what I got, But not that much! some said. LOL! They watch me change before their eyes! Not in church, at my place of employment! yes they did! When i got home, i was not the same man!
And my wife as time went past. She told me you are not the same man i married. and it hurt her! I sold my "motorcycle", i stop taking her dancing, , i did not smoke weed any more i did not party any more, But i didn't stop her. I just told her i would prefer her to stay at home. I went back to college, I took care of the kids... Church people told her i was going to get my degree and get another wife and leave her. You talking about demonic attacks from church people, it almost drove her crazy. Jealousy is Cruel as the grave! My wife is a unregenerated person! And they kept feeding her stuff like that! Like she has become a person "BORN of GOD" So many lies told to her by the churches and church people! They are going to pay a cost, what they done to my family!
Most churches treat their members like all of them are "Born of GOD" "Born of His SPIRIT" and a lot of people do not like liars, and especially people who love to lie about the ways of GOD! Giving people a false since of "Security ". But when they find out about the lies that are being told by there own personal study! They do not want no part of the christian life! They like Jesus, but the christians are another thing. It is a known fact In "The JUDICIAL System" that christians are know to be liars! But they need your vote!

Christians have a bad reputation. I been all over these United States , i know what people say about christians.
Only christians church going people give a good report about one another. But you are reliable voters

So you are not going to be told the truth about what they think of you and how you are...! THEY OWN MY WIFE SO MUCH MONEY! PASTOR, PASTORS WIVES, DEACONS, AND MEMBERS OF THE MANY CHURCHES! I told her one day stop taking appointments form church going christians! These people are not poor, They go on cruises, vacations, Disney World, fly out of the country and brag to her where they been and they will not pay their "Bills". My wife have cried a many of nights form these christian"patients' who will not pay her, but live, Lavish lives.

Known fact in the professional community!
The Truth sometimes hurt. And for me, i got more trust in a non christian or "Atheist" or a Muslim than a christian that says He believes in Jesus Christ or GOD!
I got my own history AND Biblical History, TO KNOW WHO TO TRUST More.
New International Version
It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in humans.
New Living Translation
It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people.
English Standard Version
It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man.
Then Sunday Morning comes "SHOUTING PRAISE GOD From whom ALL BLESSING FLOW" AND Smiling in your FACE! When my youngest girl was about 8 years old and when the phone would ring, she would say "who is That" and we tell her the name! "She would yell, Please don't give them no money" In Tears! Church people would sneak around behind my back getting money or borrowing from my wife. Men and women , Christians! and not paying it back! And she thought she was being a good little christian. ROBBING US BLIND! MINISTERS, DEACONS, members. This is not one church, my wife had patients from a multitude of churches! "Wolves" among the flock! Here is a non "born from above" christian being rob tearing her familiy apart in the name of JESUS!
Going back to The Title Thread:
"Have we been invaded By the Nominals, are they leading and growing strong in Their Proclamation into Their Agenda" [or Are these Real Bona Fide Christians] in THE BUILDINGS OF THIS DAY?
I REMEMBER HEARING MY GRANDFATHER SAY: "My word is My BOND" and then I watch Him shake hands! And He had Big HANDS! My Grandfather was A MAN! I remember when they told me that they started a new church that is in existence today, His Gold plague is still on the wall there. He was a head Deacon! They had a meeting and they wanted all the leaders to double their church giving. My GrandFather said: No i am not, I got FAMILY i got to feed and take care and bills to pay, And my Bible says: "Own No Man" "I am a man of my WORD! THEY SAID HE WAS HE WAS GOING TO PAY! HE Got up from the Table and Put on His "STETSON" HAT and walked out and didn't look back And said to his wife: "Mama, we are going to another church, and they both became a member of another church until the day they died! I used to drive my Grandmother to that church just about every SUNDAY The pastor and my GrandMother would be standing at the door until I pull up, and They both would would smile when I drove up! "i know I am a "Child of GOD" i got history!
" And I am A Witness For My LORD" " I never been to Heaven, But I been Told, That The Gates are Pearly and the Streets are GOLD" But there is one thing, that Grieves My mind, "That My Mother is gone and She Have Left me behind" "But I am a Witness for My LORD"
I remember when i was a kid. My Grandmother said: I heard you just step up and song a song you never song.before today in church., and the church was set on Fire! Would you sing it for me! "I am a Witness For MY LORD" and I never been to Heaven But i been TOLD"....etc And i didn't have the "HOLY GHOST" but those preachers and those Old Tobacco chewing Mothers of The Church said 'THAT THE HOLY GHOST was on me! i couldn't stop! How can you sing a song you don't know! AS a kid. They said they just kept a distance watch on me and They knew HE WAS WORKING ON MY MIND.