Sorry PloughBoy.
You are wayyy in over your head here. (Admit it and Own it.) We HAVE both Lexicons (dictionaries) AND books on Greek grammar written in Greek from 1900 years ago. The Greek's were pretty smart back then, and a wealthy Roman would hire a Greek tutor to teach their children how to read and write. Just like today where we have English dictionaries and English books on English grammar written in English so that one can learn English, so it was 2,000 years ago ... in Greek. Haven't you even heard of the library in Alexandria Egypt? (Yes, they even had libraries 2,000 years ago.)
Do you really think all translators just make stuff up ??
Even you quote Bible verses, and so RELY upon translators and translations. Sometimes they get it wrong. That's why I decided to learn Greek 45 years ago. What are you doing? (Besides running around and falsely claiming that the word "church" was added to translations.) It wasn't. You made a mistake. Own it.
Like you are the person who's supposed to determine what the words in the Bible mean and which English words should be used? I even asked, and you can't tell me what εκκλησια means. (Still waiting.)
IT... what? You wrote IT must be revealed. WHAT ?? What is the "it" ??
Are you truly going to boast here that you are that only person to whom things have been revealed ??
And how ?? How is "it" revealed ?? Do you rely on the Bible at all ??
(So now I'm presented with posts from you that have both deception and pride. What should people do about that? What should YOU do about that?)
If you TRULY believed that you would shut up and stop posting. But you DON'T believe that. That's why you post.
Again, you stepped in it, twice now, so man up and own it. Your posts have shown that you don't have a clue about the history of language and translation, so Just be honest and post that you don't know how to read Greek, and that you yourself rely upon a translated Bible AND the definition of English words that you read in English translations. Can you be honest and do that? I hope you can.
And who told you the nonsense that the Vulgate is "Corrupted" ?? More direct revelation from Jesus ?? (Hardly. And I don't think you l can read Latin either.)
At least I can read the Book for myself. YOU CAN'T. (You need translations. The translations that you've wrongly criticized and the translators you have dissed.)
I am sorry my "Theological: training in "The Reformed Faith' Pertaining to "Theology Proper" And my Form of "Hermeneutics' "Grammatical Historical method. Has done me well, My mother well, my father well, and many others, who have come to The Faith. And many have come back and thank me. For my testimony and For me being A "Hebrew" Task master. for over 44 years! Threw Lectures, sermons, and being a "Father" in the faith and a "Pastor" of Pastors. Not by choice , But Chosen of GOD and testified before i Knew it, by "The Presbytery". That Sunday Morning Church Services is not for me! My Sunday Mornings was "Tuesday Morning" Closed sessions, among "Theologians", Elders, Pastors, Doctors of Divinity' And "Ministers of Religious Studies".
YOU SEE YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT KIND OF EFFECT THAT HAD ON ME! I knew Biblical words and in context before I read the BOOK! and they witness it. In The power of the "HOLY GHOST". You see all the church going people chariest stuff like that, Wanting to do GREAT THINGS for GOD, searching for things like "What is GOD's will for my Life" "i thought all those "PASTORS" And HARVARD and YALE, Theologians, and ""Union Theological University" Grads was out their Mind! I was not going join no body's church, i am going home and read my Bible and raise my family. Telling me what i was going to be, they crazy! I thought!..... They told me , go ahead home, you will see!

..... I was witnessing, walking down street, going to hospitals , going to all my relative houses, lying my hands on strangers! I would go into The Drug Houses and talking them about JESUS and THEY LIKE IT!........And not looking back! Every where i went i was telling people about Jesus and what he has done to me!....... In my old neighbor, people coming by my house in droves asking, what did i do that was so bad, They would be crying asking me why I start talking about JESUS. Big Men crying tears, asking me why did i change! They would sit their in amazement , As I talked about what He had done to me.! The more i talked about JESUS and SAID HIS NAME The HIGHER I WOULD GET, I would be STONE DRUNK of The SPIRIT of THE LIVING GOD! And if YOU was a True Child of GOD" you would get "DRUNK TOO" and your eyes would get "BLOOD SHOT" Red too, if stood beside me! And I ain't LYING!
JESUS IS REAL! WAY BEYOND THIS WORLD, Can even imagine!..... For this WORLD HAS NOTHING TO OFFER, compare what GOD has In stored for THOSE WHO LOVE GOD!
Houses, lands,, children , wives, husbands, Billions, is nothing compared to THE ANOINTING OF GOD! John CALVIN calls it The
"IRESISTIBLE GRACE"! For many called themselves, "Christians" truly must has not tasted, what i have tasted! If they have, why are they so warm! and Their souls are not
On FIRE! "by their fruits you will know them" And many i have seen are no different than the good people of this world or all the other religions and the faiths of this world.
I am not "Christian" I do not claim to be one!..... I am different! I am
I never Knew when "Strangers" would meet me or past me on the streets or in stores , be them white or black and other "Nationalities" Out of No where, they be old or young, would say "You have The MARK of GOD"on you! ... I have heard that all my Life. I act different! Yes Sir! I am different!. And I am not of a "EMILY POST" character, but my wife is, She is Impeccable, concerning The English Language

Who many of you would label a "TROPHY CHRISTIAN" and I would be the dog that walks along the street.
Anthropomorphic Hyperbole words
The Writer said:
"through glory and dishonor, slander and praise; viewed as imposters, yet genuine; ...
as unknown, yet well-known; dying, and yet we live on; punished, yet not killed; .....sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything."
And he also said:
"Being defamed, we entreat: we are made as
the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things to this day."
I know I ain't no good! Let alone be called a "CHRISTIAN"! And I refused to Be CALLED One! And if anyone calls me one, they are liar and the Truth ain't in them! Everybody seems they want to define who i am all my life. For in my earlier years i thought i was The N-word because this is what they called me no matter what i thought. But since i have become a "Child of the LIVING GOD" FOR He is The One, who have Define who I am

And that is The ROCK, i stand on and i will not be move! " I am A CHILD of THE LIVING GOD" by Birth! Born of His SPIRIT a Heavenly Birth! And My SONSHIP is SEALED and STAMP by The BLOOD of JESUS, The Only Begotten SON of "The LIVING GOD"!..... Thank you JESUS! , I am so glad, that man did not make The SUN, For if he had, he might not, would have let, THE SUN ,,,,,shine on me.