One or two sentences....

I believe God is rational and good. The very definition of both words. As such any good person will agree with what God does to those who are eternally damned, even the ''eternal damnation'' part.
We just need to chew / pray for insight on the topic. Many here, like Sue, do simply not do so and end up teaching and preaching that God is wicked.
When exposed they say ''they did not say God is wicked''. If I teach that God does something wicked, I am guilty of representing Him to the lost as wicked. It is just crazy to see Christians not want to face this reality. A Christian has ''one'' job and that is to properly represent God to the lost. When our message is ''repent or burn in torturous fire for all eternity'' we just utterly fail at it.
There is a fre, fact. Eternal hell is called the ''lake of fire''. But we know from Lazarus and the rich man that within Hades there exists a fire different to the one we are familiar with.
So we need to ask the question, how does a good God Psalm 136:1 (fact 1) who is righteous in all His way Psalm 145:17 (fact 2) and is described as light with nor darkness in Him at all 1 John 1:5 (fact 3) keep face with us the saints / be beyond judgement of being wicked when we read scripture like ''1. eternal separation, 2. eternal darkness, 3. eternal fire, 4. weeping and gnashing of teeth''.
Someone like Sue, will just share eternal FIRE with the lost. The poor lost person has nightmares of God placing them in a brazen bull of sort having their flesh burnt off for all eternity. Utter Christianity fail. Epic fail! Cannot fail harder! Need to start at scripture 1. Need to ask God who He is and reset all you have learnt about Him!!
After much study, prayer, meditation on all scripture and in light of the three scriptures / facts I quoted about who God is, the following is evident.
1. Eternal separation is simply God separating from Him those who don't want to be with Him. The person who started this thread is sane. A sane person will expect redemption / rehabilitation for all, including the wicked. But after studying scripture properly we see that God tries all He can to get those in the tribulation to repent, but sadly no avail. If we read revelations, we see plague after plague, the wicked repented not. We see a similar situation with the devil, where Jesus says of him ''he has been sinning since the beginning''. So, the OP may be logical, but clearly more logic and truth needs to be considered. Namely, God judges hearts at depths of intent as only He can Jer 17:9. God does not make the mistake of casting to hell someone who will one-day be able to truly repent / desire repentance! People in hell reject the light
because they
love the darkness, that is the verdict John 3:19. They will never repent at any significant depth of intent.
2. The darkness in hell is a metaphor for being with evil people / in a place where evil takes place. We see this in John 3:19.
3. I explain here how I believe the fires of hell are linked to sin
The fires of hell. They are literal, but a different kind of literal. Ironically, the fires of hell are a testament to the love of God in that He allows the wicked to continue in free will.
4. Weeping and gnashing of teeth is the most miss-quoted phrase on hell in existence. Preachers always link it to the fire of hell. This is terribly false. It is linked to separation from God and the saints Luke 13:28. Those in hell likely look to their side and see un-repentant sinners, they then look up and weep as they see the kindness of God and the saints.