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The Bible says that Heaven and Earth are created places.
Gen 1:1; In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
... and in fact, they will both be re-created at some point in the future.
Rev 21:1; Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea.
Now most Christians believe that the Earth was created, but it seems that many suppose heaven always existed. Where did God live before heaven was created?
Now I can't answer that question, and I think any answer here would speculation. God is a Spirit, and I suppose a Spirit doesn't need a place to sleep. In any case, this isn't
really an important issue, and no one's salvation depends on knowing the answer to that question.
But OK, that's heaven and Earth... what about hell and the lake of Fire? Have you ever stopped to consider when they were created? Why they were created? Who they were created for?
Matt 25:41; "Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels;
2Pet 2:4; For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment;
Jude 1:6; And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day,
Matt 25:41; says that "the eternal fire ( presumably the Lake of Fire ) which has been prepared for the devil and his angels".
Wow, have you ever stopped to consider that angels that were once good angels, became bad angels and rebelled against God. Even Satan was once a good angel.
But back to the point. Hell and the Lake of Fire were created at some point in time. Again, I can't say exactly when, and no one else can either. I re-iterate this isn't a salvation issue by any means.
So then why talk about it? Because I think it might reveal part of the nature of God to us.
There is a preterist Calvinist point of view, that says God knows everything, and he knew before He created the angels and created mankind, that they would fall and rebell.
Some say that He created hell and the Lake of Fire in the same six days that He created the heaven(s) and the Earth. Perhaps this is true, I don't know. But it's also equally possible
that hell and the lake of Fire were created at the moment Satan fell, how long was it after that that some of the other angels rebelled as well? I don't know, but we know from the Bible
that some of them did. How long was Satan already fallen before he tempted Adam and Eve? Again I don't know. It could have been hundreds of thousands of years.
Or, it could have been day. Only God knows I suppose. But either way. At some point in time God created hell and the Lake of Fire. Perhaps the Bible says that these places were
created for Satan and his angels, simply because they were the first ones to fall. What if mankind would have fallen first? Then perhaps the Bible would say they were created
for men. But even though they were created "for" angels, the Bible says some men will go there.
The Lake of Fire, like every other place is a created place. The Bible doesn't specifically say that God created it, but yet it does exist, it is a real place mentioned over 15 times by Jesus.
In fact over 20 times in the New Testament. The Lake of Fire is mentioned five times ( all in Revelation ). So if it's a created place, who could have created it other than God?
If God made it, He must have planned to use it. In fact the Bible tells us He will indeed use it. The fallen angels, Satan, the Beast, the false prophets, and all the people who take
the mark of the beast will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. The Bible says if anyone's name is not in the Book of Life, they are cast into the Lake of Fire.
The Bible says that God wants everyone to be saved. He isn't willing that any should ( go to hell or the Lake of Fire ). But people reject God/Jesus by their own free will.
The price of this is eternal damnation and hell fire. The point is, God created hell and the Lake of Fire, and one day many people will end up there.
So we can say God is good, God is love, and He is those things... but He is also the God who will have many people cast into the Lake of Fire.
Gen 1:1; In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
... and in fact, they will both be re-created at some point in the future.
Rev 21:1; Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea.
Now most Christians believe that the Earth was created, but it seems that many suppose heaven always existed. Where did God live before heaven was created?
Now I can't answer that question, and I think any answer here would speculation. God is a Spirit, and I suppose a Spirit doesn't need a place to sleep. In any case, this isn't
really an important issue, and no one's salvation depends on knowing the answer to that question.
But OK, that's heaven and Earth... what about hell and the lake of Fire? Have you ever stopped to consider when they were created? Why they were created? Who they were created for?
Matt 25:41; "Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels;
2Pet 2:4; For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment;
Jude 1:6; And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day,
Matt 25:41; says that "the eternal fire ( presumably the Lake of Fire ) which has been prepared for the devil and his angels".
Wow, have you ever stopped to consider that angels that were once good angels, became bad angels and rebelled against God. Even Satan was once a good angel.
But back to the point. Hell and the Lake of Fire were created at some point in time. Again, I can't say exactly when, and no one else can either. I re-iterate this isn't a salvation issue by any means.
So then why talk about it? Because I think it might reveal part of the nature of God to us.
There is a preterist Calvinist point of view, that says God knows everything, and he knew before He created the angels and created mankind, that they would fall and rebell.
Some say that He created hell and the Lake of Fire in the same six days that He created the heaven(s) and the Earth. Perhaps this is true, I don't know. But it's also equally possible
that hell and the lake of Fire were created at the moment Satan fell, how long was it after that that some of the other angels rebelled as well? I don't know, but we know from the Bible
that some of them did. How long was Satan already fallen before he tempted Adam and Eve? Again I don't know. It could have been hundreds of thousands of years.
Or, it could have been day. Only God knows I suppose. But either way. At some point in time God created hell and the Lake of Fire. Perhaps the Bible says that these places were
created for Satan and his angels, simply because they were the first ones to fall. What if mankind would have fallen first? Then perhaps the Bible would say they were created
for men. But even though they were created "for" angels, the Bible says some men will go there.
The Lake of Fire, like every other place is a created place. The Bible doesn't specifically say that God created it, but yet it does exist, it is a real place mentioned over 15 times by Jesus.
In fact over 20 times in the New Testament. The Lake of Fire is mentioned five times ( all in Revelation ). So if it's a created place, who could have created it other than God?
If God made it, He must have planned to use it. In fact the Bible tells us He will indeed use it. The fallen angels, Satan, the Beast, the false prophets, and all the people who take
the mark of the beast will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. The Bible says if anyone's name is not in the Book of Life, they are cast into the Lake of Fire.
The Bible says that God wants everyone to be saved. He isn't willing that any should ( go to hell or the Lake of Fire ). But people reject God/Jesus by their own free will.
The price of this is eternal damnation and hell fire. The point is, God created hell and the Lake of Fire, and one day many people will end up there.
So we can say God is good, God is love, and He is those things... but He is also the God who will have many people cast into the Lake of Fire.