Ephesians 1:9 Having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to HIS GOOD PLEASURE which HE HATH PURPOSED IN HIMSELF:
MY first take is who or what could/can override the will of God? Now if your answer is nothing, thats a good start, now ask yourself has God revealed
HIS PLAN to you? Do you know the mystery of HIS WILL?
10-That in the dispensation of the fullness of TIMES(death periods) He might gather together in one(spirit) all things in Christ, both which are in heaven
and which are on earth; even in Him:
Do these verses lend the possibility that our choices can override Gods choice of us from before creation?
11- In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being PREDESTINATED according to the purpose of HIM WHO WORKETH all things after the
12 That we should be to the praise of HIS glory who FIRST TRUSTED IN CHRIST.
Why are we the first to trust in Christ? Because it is Gods will? YES
Why then do others not yet trust in Christ? Same reason it is Gods will for now! ROMANS 9:15-19
Will they some day trust in Christ? YES! As EPHESIANS 10 tells us He will gather ALL things together IN CHRIST when the TIMES have been completed.
Your literal lake of fire is actually the crucible of earth that creates the sons of God. Those necessary ingredients are the carnal mind as your enemy,
along with the beast (government), the false prophet (religions), death,(fear of that keeps you in sin), hell(the grave). All these are reassembled in the
second death to produce the second group of Gods sons. Just as all are present here now to produce the first fruits.
"Our GOD is a consuming fire" To what end? That your dross will be consumed by His righteousness through the experiences He puts you through.
To what end? That you would be a son that He is proud of, even though He is the one who produced His character in you and for you so that His glory
can reside in you, and you would possess all the fullness of God. Thus a true son of the living God. Eph 3:19
Now if He can do this for me, why not for all? After all it is He who does whatever He wants among the world of men!
I would call that GOOD NEWS (Gospel) for ALL.