@PloughBoy -- how did you know you liked sex if you wanted until you were married to have 'it'.
No thank you.
1 st. I was not "Born from Above" and filled with the "HOLY GHOST" until 1977. I got married in "1972" a graduated from High School in 1969 at the age of 17, I had girl friends I was football star, never had sex. My father, took me to work at his employment, He had me forge my birth certificate. 1st job I ever had outside of the Family business. I worked at a "SteeL Corporation" He was the only Black "Journeyman" a License "Millwright".among many of other white skilled workers. I worked with him 12 hours a day 7 days week, I never work like that in my short life. I didn't not have time to spend the money I made. LOL. Pay day, cash my check at the bank and there my money remained. Did not pay rent, and had no bills, when i got home i went to bed, when i got up i went to work! Dark when i went to work in the evening and it was dark in the morning when I came home.
Finally one weekend, a off weekend, me and my old high school friends went to "Canada" horse back riding. And I saw some people riding "High Spirited" Horses! powerful and Pretty, And I ask how do you get one of those, they told me they own those horses. I said how much do they cost! they told me how much. Heck that ain't problem for me, I had a lot of money in the BANK! With in A week I bought one! And that is how I met, "David Ruffin" of "Temptations" he had 2 horses.
I spend a lot of time in "CANADA" there seem to be "NO Prejudice" in Canada! they hated the Prejudices that was going on in the "UNITED STATES" how they treaded Black people. I got to be a "Trail Guide", It paid for the "Room and Board" for my Horses. The owners had a real big house and they like me, A FINISH basement kitchen bath and all, Any time i wanted to stay free of charge. I had three horses, a "STANDARD Breed", name Deputy", A QUARTER Horse, name "NONAME", and GAMING PONY, name "BRANDY" and he was one a man horse if anyone else tried to ride him he would kill you! Really...I had a 1969 "Road RUNNER" Muscle CAR, And A MOTOrCYCLE, And the HORSE riding was the start of my wild and exciting life among the women, French Mix Black Speckle faced girls , Scandinavian Platinum Blonds, Red heads, Got my attention. And i was smooth, Go to horse "Auctions", I know all about horses, I learn how to give "medical shots" and medical attention to horses.
And I learn how to ride "Bareback" just as good as i could ride "western saddle".And sometimes I would take so much time off from work, The company did not even "scold" me. I was the youngest person there at work ! And it seems everyone in the whole Corporation knew my "escapades" form the owners and their families and the German CEO's! They would talk to me about Horses, Car racing, Motorcycles, And "Full Contact" Okinawa Style Karate. and many of the workers had saw me in Action and came back with good reports! How Powerful and Terrifying my horses was, AND how "BAD" i was in "KARATE" and how i wipe out fives guys one day at "school" and that I had A :WICKED" back kick! It seems they took pride in it, for i was one of them! The Corporation, The Secretaries, especially the MEDICAL DEPARTMENT.

Motorcycle, Accidents, Horse Riding, Karate, injuries. I hunted in "State Forest" gotten lost, Stuck in "QUICK SAND" High power Rife areas. Big search parties getting ready to look for me, Mountain Skiing, back pack style. in Mountains Rockies!
And the Superintendent used to brag how power that Motorcycle I had, and that one day when i had to take it to the ground, He came to me, and had to dig gravel out of my arm with his pocket knife.
It all came to an end, When a Car hit me HEAD ON, on my Motorcycle, Ran straight into me, came over in my lane I had just now came from CANADA from riding my horse. I knew I was dying laying in the middle of the street looking up at a old white man who had just hit me. And he didn't know what to do. And someone who knew me , as a "Trail Guide" in CANADA came over to me and Put my head in his lap, and ask me had i just come from canada riding Trail. If you ask me today I do not know who that person was. But GOD came to my AID, I felt the ANGELS of GOD COME to my aid and covered me with a "Blanket Sent Straight from GOD" I felt that every bone was broken in my Body most all of my clothes torn off me. I could see the Muscles in my thigh my flesh had rolled away. 7 or 4 operations i had, 27-29 days in the hospital. The Radiologist told my mother
"GOD is trying to talk to that Boy" I had not one broken bone in my body. Internal injuries, flesh torn and rolled away. I told my Mother the day i woke up tubes every where/ And MAMA
"I am listening" after the She Told me what the Radiologists said what God was tying to do.
My Girlfriend then, who i was not going to bed with. Who was a virgin, Her and her friend came to the hospital every day. She did not know i was going to ask her to marry me after this event. I am getting ready to fly right! "WORKS of REPENTANCE" I am turning around!...... But I, over heard her and her friend talking about when they get their husbands how they where going to treat him and what they was going to do.

...... She was so beautiful her smile and how she laugh, the must beautiful pair of legs and hips, that one could see, She didn't know, and i knew, if i ask her , she was going to say yes! 6 months later, a married another woman who i had only known for 2 months. Because my mother heard i was sleeping with this girl, And she rebuked me, and Told me, and called me by my name "If she is
"Good Enough" to SLEEP with, She Is
GOOD ENOUGH to MARRY". I married her. by the the words of my mother. and i knew she couldn't have children, "We Thought". For I had started a life of "repentance. beginning in 1972,
It was hard then riding my motorcycle home in 1977, leaving another big leg attractive woman's house and I start crying, what is wrong with me GOD, I got a wife at home. And we go at it until the sun come up every day. Since the day we been married. As The tears was falling from my eyes, I got the 1st taste of the "Holy SPIRIT" and i knew it was a GOD, I came home and told my wife, GOD is talking to me and i don't understand what he is saying, Maybe i should GO to Church. I went to church that following SUNDAY by myself and sat down in the 1st roll, of my mothers church. And when that Paster PREACHED......"
GOD IS COMING TO SOMEBODY THIS WEEK"......does anyone has anything to say! I stood up, with tears in my eyes and I apologize of how i was acting,, I turn and look at my mother crying and saying to her how sorry i was, But GOD is talking to me and I don't know what HE is saying, And it seem He has gone away. And that Old MAN Pastor said, with tears in his eyes, He is coming back! And i went to a bible book store and found A BOOK TITLE "GOD is "WAITING to MEET YOU" that title spoke in a "POWERFUL VOICE",
AND at the end of the week at my "EMPLOYMENT" The POWER of THE HOLY GHOST filled my SOUL! For everyone knew at work, what kind of person i was and watch me grown up into a man, The age of 17 now age 26, they knew my name and MY "ESCAPADES" EVERY CORNER OF THAT PLACE, I START talking JESUS! MANY THOUGHT I had lost my mine that day!..... But it was in GOD's plan, ..... The Owners and Superintendents, told my father to leave me alone, when others workers looked my daddy and told him i had went crazy and lost my mine running "screaming Jesus" And he found me and tried to make me get my self together. But the "Corporation" told him to leave me alone, and said That BOY is RIGHT leave him alone and let him speak!
So was it love, "yes" why is it love? I done "What was Right" to her, her mother, her sisters, her brother, My mother, my father, my brother and those who stood by, and "honoring the" Words of GOD"

"Repent for The Kingdom of GOD " is at hand.
New King James Version (1 Corinthians 10)
Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
(Colossians 3)BSB
And whatever you do, IN WORD OR DEED do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. ...Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.…

..[And learn how to
"forgive" but you can forgive
everybody else but you cannot
"SEEM" to have the ability to forgive your "
ADULTEROUS" husband! where it counts! "The Church" have become a Host of
"HYPOCRITES" "CHERRY PICKING" OF THOSE WHO WE Decide is "Deserving of Our Forgiveness"! " I will forgive you But i will not forget"
But let this be known!
"Long winded I am"