Unless you can get around the fact that Jesus used the same word "one" when he prayed to the Almighty God at John 17:21, in that case John 10:31-33 (and everything else in the book of John) will not help you. Remember, the Bible
does not contradict itself. Notice how the Contemporary English Version of the Bible renders John 17:21, and this is Jesus praying to Jehovah the father.
Contemporary English Version
"I want
all of them to be
one with each other, just as I am
one with you and you are
one with me. I also want them to be
one with us. Then the people of this world will believe that you sent me." (John 17:21)
See that? And I'm quoting from the same Bible book of John where Jesus said at John 10:30 "I and the Father are One." The context to John 10:30 tells us "one" is not the digit number 1 because dozens of disciples would not become a single human being when Jesus asked his heavenly father in prayer that his disciples should all be one. The context at John 17:21 is with reference to
unity of purpose or
being in agreement .
John 10:31-33 that you are relying on says the following, and this time I will quote from Holman Bible.
Holman Christian Standard Bible
[31] Again the Jews picked up rocks to stone Him.
[32] Jesus replied, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. Which of these works are you stoning Me for?"
[33] "We aren’t stoning You for a good work,” the Jews answered, “but for blasphemy, because
You—being a man—
make Yourself God.”" (John 10:31-33)
Here's your problem with relying on the words of those particular Jews who, by this point, were rebelling against Almighty God. You are relying on the twisted reasoning of people who killed their own Messiah to prove your point that Jesus is in a Trinity with the Father. Jesus never said he was God. That's what THEY claimed he was saying. In fact, Jesus contradicted them at John 10:36, as follows:
English Standard Version
"do you say of him whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘
I am the Son of God’?"
See that? Jesus reiterated to his accusers that he said he is God's
son. Remember, these are the same rebellious Jews that wanted to kill Lazarus after Jesus resurrected Lazarus, because they viewed Lazarus' resurrection as a threat to their power structure when people began putting faith in Jesus due to Lazarus' resurrection.
"Meanwhile, a large crowd of Jews got to know that he was there, and they came not only because of Jesus but also to see Lazʹa·rus, whom he had raised up from the dead.
"The chief priests now conspired to kill Lazʹa·rus also,
"since it was because of him that many of the Jews were going there and putting faith in Jesus."