You've differentiated this a few times, so I have to ask. (There is no right or wrong answer) I am simply curious.
The title of this thread is...
It seems that this is our only two choices? Do you believe that? What ... "about" ... the New Jerusalem? Will it not be a home of believers also?
Now some believe the New Jerusalem will become heaven in a sense. God will have a throne there. We are told told God's throne is in heaven.
But on the other hand we are told the New Jerusalem comes down "out" of heaven. So perhaps heaven is a different place.
A final thought here. Jerusalem is not heaven. There will be a new earth, a new Jerusalem, and a new heaven. Are two of these places the same place?
.. or are these three differently unique places? Some believe the New Jerusalem will rest upon the face of the Earth, others believe it will float above the
Earth, perhaps like the moon. Some believe the New Jerusalem will take the place of the Sun and the moon.
Rev 21:23; And the city has no need of the sun or of the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God has illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb.
Rev 21:24; The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it.
Rev 21:25; In the daytime (for there will be no night there) its gates will never be closed;
So the question is... are we not allowed to speculate about the New Jerusalem? Is it not an option?
Greeting brother,
When we started to discuss The Current Heaven, in another thread, so many quoted the New Heaven/New earth, that is probably because commentaries go straight to the New Heaven/New Earth, we stuck with it and kept pulling the discussion back to topic. It was an important thread.
then this thread was started to discuss the New Heaven/New Earth and New Jerusalem, but the same happened and many times the discussion drifted and had to be pulled back to topic. That is what I recently did again, and there was a reason.
The New Jerusalem, is Zion, it is the Church, it has been built, is being built in the Current Heaven and will come down as John tells us in Revelation 'onto' the new earth.
The New Jerusalem in the Current Heaven is being built up until all the Names in the Book of Life and the Lamb are complete, it also includes items from the first Paradise, The Garden of Eden, in particular the Tree of Life. All these and the items discussed will come down 'onto' the new earth.
So when we look at scripture, already quoted, we see the elements mentioned in John's Revelation, the New Heaven and the New Earth, notice that scripture quotes from creation of the Heaven(s) and the earth, here we are told the New Heaven (singular) and New Earth. We are also told that the New Jerusalem 'comes down on to' the New Earth. So we do not just have the New Jerusalem, the Holy City, where there will be no need for light from the sun or moon, because Jesus is the Light, we also know there will be a New Earth, which God has created, replacing the old sinful, cursed world, all things made new.
So if God has created a New Earth and the gates of the New Jerusalem are open at all times, God expects us to explore His Creation, and as the New earth is the continuation of the old, without sin and curse it is natural we will want to explore it, is it not.
The main point I am aiming at here is that people don't just thing New Jerusalem, God created the New earth also.
We are told what is in the New Jerusalem, and as you say, the most popular verse at all funeral services (told to saved and unsaved!) is that God has many mansions, many room, Jesus would not have said if it wasn't true, He has gone to prepare a place for us. This is referred to in the 1500 mile north to south, 1500 mile east to west, 1500 mile New Jerusalem.
But if we are to step outside the New Jerusalem, through one of the 12 gateways on to the New Earth, we can try imagine from what scripture tells us, what the New Earth will be like. There are many scriptures to help us, we will be able to build homes, etc. If Paradise, the Garden of Eden, is far better in the New Jerusalem, the tree of life in Eden, loads of them either side of the river in the New Jerusalem, each having different fruits 12 months of the year. If the new one is far better as we have seen, the New earth will be far better also. No sin, no Curse, no pollution, etc.
It is important, I think, to look at what scripture says together about the New Jerusalem, and know which scriptures are related to the New Jerusalem and which are related to the New Earth and clearly see the difference, as we did when we looked at the difference between the Current Heaven and now the New Heaven, our Eternal Home, which includes, the New Jerusalem, the New Earth, and that when the New Jerusalem came down 'onto' the New Earth it brought God back with man.
Fulfilling, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, God with us, as it was in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve before the fall.
Our Eternal Home is not just the New Jerusalem, it includes the New Earth that the New Jerusalem came down onto.