We are offered free gifts by our Lord, Mercy, Grace, Forgiveness. Something we can not earn, something that only he can give us. But like any other gift we get we can choose to use it every day or to use it for a while & then toss it out or to exchange it for worldly things we want.
So if you accept this gift & then trade it in or put it away in the closet then the gift is no longer a part of your life (or your death).
Christians are always using the blood of Christ as a personal feel good guilt offering but I rarely see them use all the other powerful things His gift gives us. For example the power of prayer & change. All Christ asks is to have faith. But this faith must produce good fruit if we are of the vine, if not, we are not part of the vine.
Many Christians have been mislead to believe that all they need is to accept Christ as their Savior & wham, they can go on with life like they always did before. The fact is faith without works is dead. And if you are believing that all you need to do is have this dead faith you may find yourself burning on Judgment day.
Christians today are becoming more & more like the Pharisees & Saucedes(sp??)of Jesus's day. We only want THIS letter of the Word to be true but don't want the Spirit of the Lord (Holy Spirit) to be living within us, changing us, helping us repent from our sins. Repent means to turn away, not to keep sinning. What did Jesus say to the people he cured & to the prostitute, "Go and sin no more." So Jesus expects us, no, he commands us to stop sinning.
If we fail wll He condem us to hell. No, well maybe, you at least better be trying to change, to stop sinning, you better be feeling remorse & guilt.
Gnostic type of faith (or belief) in the early church was similar to the way we believe & act now a days. Paul wrote many letters warning of this. I have heard so many Christians saying things like, "Oh well, Jesus will forgive me." Or things like, "I am so thankful God gave me a way out" (for a divorce that had no biblical justification for a divorce). In other words they use thier flesh to sleep in thier lies to justify their actions with God's words.
People like these will not be forgiven if it is their norm. If there is no true humility, regrets or remorse. If you & I refuse to change after we have taken the water that quenches thirst for eternity & do not grown spiritually to produce good fruits then we are not of the vine & we will be cut off & burned in hell.
Where that line is, I have no idea I am not God, I can't think like God & I don't know your heart. But I do know, that we must forgive or we will not be forgiven & that Faith without works is dead.