I know this is a waste of time,but thought I would give it one last try.
Hopefully it is not over your head
Is cessationism biblical? What is a cessationist / cessationalist? Did the miraculous gifts of the Spirit cease with the completion of the Canon of Scripture?
Dear Brother,
Never a waste of time, when you're communicating with a Brother in Christ! Remember "Iron sharpens Iron"!
I have read it, and hope I have enough time to finish my reply to you before heading off to get my cup of coffee and hit my Bible class!
Nicely written, but like the last paragraph says: "
The reasons stated above are reasons cessationists believe the miraculous sign gifts have ceased. It is important to remember, though, that cessationists believe God still continues to work through the other gifts of the Spirit. According to 1 Corinthians 13:13-14:1, we would do well to “pursue love,” the greatest gift of all. If we are to desire gifts, we should desire to speak forth the Word of God, that all may be edified."
I hope you understand that the writer of this, is taking a position that you have taken (assumption). The site in question believes this also to be true. To show this, here is the flip side of what you have presented from the same site that you used. In truth it is exactly as Brother
@B-A-C has stated in his post. You can find many links/sites for either position. To be honest in finding this, I had not heard "Continuationism" as something to call those who believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are still ongoing to this day, but I guess it's as good as calling Brothers & Sisters in Christ Jesus who believe in the ongoing gifts then calling them misguided etc. I mean better than what your insinuations of those who believe differently than you do are! lol
What is continuationism? What is a continuationist? Did the miraculous gifts of the Spirit cease or continue?
I have to give it to the site, that they were above board in presenting a counter argument to something they do not believe in, with something written by one who does! Kudos! Still I gave the link here so you could check it out for yourself as well. I'm pretty sure you didn't look at this article when you did your search.

Particularly interesting is towards the end, which reads "Addendum on Common Cessationist Arguments and Continuationist Responses".
I do not know your complete position as it pertains to all the Gifts of the Spirit mentioned in Scripture, so it is difficult to present my own experiences, or how you perceive the experiences of others who are of the Body of Christ as you and I are. If you believe they are all ended as the article you provided alludes to some believing, then I would ask, when people have been healed, or the testimonies here even, of healing of others. We know that it must come from God, because Jesus was, to me at least, clear in Matthew 12:25-31 NKJV concerning Satan doing things that are of God. The one part I would tell you is v31 and to take care how you would condemn others of their witness/testimonies concerning acts done by the Holy Spirit through them.
You can agree to disagree, but don't put to these as I've said "witness'/testimonies" words such as forgeries, fakes, etc., not that I'm saying that you have, that would put to question the workings of the Holy Spirit. You may not know; in fact, I probably do not know either, whether these told to us here are true or not. All I can go by is what is written here, and that those I am hearing these from are Brothers & Sisters in Christ Jesus! And that they give Glory to God, and not to themselves. And for that I rejoice with them!!!
Just remember, that a person's Salvation is not based on the Gifts of the Spirit being ongoing or ended, but only on God's Grace, in Jesus Christ!
With the Love of Christ Jesus.
P.S. About time for me to get ready for my Bible class!
