I find that Redemption is far beyond any detailed understanding that is possible to me. We cannot hold Redemption in our hand and examine it. I am not inclined either to stop my aspirations at the door of defeat. I realize that it is a sin to say in myself that I have reached the goal and to stand upon that place. Paul referenced that very condition himself in regards to himself so who am I to say that the journey is over because of something I believe or some knowledge I have obtained. Life in God is a prayer continuously prayed. But there is more. Jesus remarks to His inquirer when asked ( what must I do to obtain eternal life?) Jesus's remark is obey the commandments and then He names a few. The ones He leaves out are quite revealing. He leaves out the first and the second upon which all the law and the prophets are hung upon. I would put forward that if these two commandments were obeyed the entire inquiry would not have been made because the enquirer would have knowledge within himself of a different kind of question such as how do I grow? From where does wisdom come? But that was not his perspective. To be fair and fully open to examination this Gospel account is found differing in more than one place with differing angles of perspective but in this account Our Lord's conduct as always is revealing. There is so much more here than we can get into in short snippets. There is a revealed yet hidden law of the nature and conduct of Jesus Christ and His relationship to God The Father that when approached will take your hand and guide your walk. Though ( Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ Is Lord ) His humility before God and His graciousness before all men even the one who betrayed Him was eternal and complete. This then is our right position totally prayerful and totally humble. That is the chief element of Our Lord's character on display. It was only the religious whose point it was to supplant Him that received judgement.
Greetings in the Lord,
The first and second commandments are what He spoke.
And if one will do these two, one will not fear or fall down to the rest.
Love God, first; with all our heart, mind, body and strength.
And love our neighbor, as ourself.
All wisdom and understanding comes from God.
If we lean to our own wisdom and understanding, we have deceived ourselves. Not only self, but blah, blah, blah, trying to feed it to others.
We can only testify to what we have seen, heard, and felt.
We can only preach, what the Holy Ghost has revealed to us, lifting the dark veil off the scriptures.
Yes, and through His humiliation, by the religious and gentiles, His judgment was taken away.
Only God can justify our actions.
Only God knows our heart.
Why was Jesus sinless flipping over the money changers tables?
He put Father God first.
His actions were justified by Father God, because He knows the heart of all flesh...and spirit.
Jesus did not go about for fame or fortune.
He went forth in the Holy Ghost, on a mission, to fulfill His part in Father God's will. And even He, being grieved in the spirit, asked God to take the cup from Him, however, not my will, but thy will be done.
Now we, one crying in the wilderness, yet again, are sent forth to make straight the path, and narrow at the gate of His salvation; preparing ourselves, and any who will receive us, for the return of the Lord.
Jesus did not come to condemn the world, but through Him the world might be saved.
Following after Him, was John beheaded. Stephan stoned to death, and others...
They walked in the Way, they believed in the Truth, and they died, in the Life of Christ, our Lord.
All praise glory and honor be unto God. Amen