Dear Brethren,
I hope this finds you all well.
Always an interesting subject to say the least!
Oh, I have nothing against the pacificist, nor to the one to protecting others with force. All has its appropriate time. (Repeat of Sister Twistie) To the quotes of the early church fathers on non-violence. Well, for those who were stating this position I ask you; if that were so, then to whom were they having this discussion with if all Christians believed as they did? I'm sure you could find early Christians that held the opposing views and have them quoted as well. Then again maybe not!

Objectivity is tough brethren.
Oh, and there were Christians in the military of the day as well as attested to from Tombstones with inscriptions stating it as so. So, saying they left the military upon their conversion can be argued against.
I think Brother MedicBravo mentioned the differences in what were levels of being discussed in the use of force, and so my poor rewrite of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 and short by saying "all has it's appropriate time". This is really appropriate for one to consider. If being persecuted for my faith, I would say no, but if I see an old lady being attacked in the street, I will say yes.
Does this account for all uses of violence??? Of course not. I hate the what if scenarios that many will use to justify this or that, so I won't...except for the one I used above for myself.

However, I would ask those who would or would not use force, to seek opposite instances whereby they would not or would do so. Saying I would never, is truly opening the door to having to be faced with the very situation we profess never to do! I pray it be kept from this ever happening to anyone here, for their sake. Regardless of which side you have chosen in this discussion, I truly pray this never is the case for any of you. For those who have taken a life, to those who did not and saw another lose theirs; know the weight it has upon one's spirit, that even in time appears to never grow lighter. (Brotherly Hugs)
Having been in the military for 20 years, I used to pray to never be placed in the position whereby I would need to take a life from another. Yet, knowing deep down inside that it was every present possibility that I might have to preventively speaking, was constant weight upon my heart/spirit. Would I do so to prevent an evil from being done upon another? Would I do what was necessary to stop this evil, even if it cost me my life? God has been gracious to me in this.
Now I wonder, does it count that I might have sent communications that started battles, and cost many lives. Does that count? See one can come up with all kinds of scenarios that put to question one's actions, that will always be wanting. Yes, even the pacifist must answer for their own actions done in Christ Jesus. Meaning to give account of our actions, be they active or inactive. Pray to be kept from ever having to make such decisions.
Still, know regardless of which side of this you fall upon; we are talking to brethren who are washed by the blood of the Lamb. God loves those on both sides of this discussion!
With the Love of Christ Jesus.
P.S. And the OT on killing/murder. Something to consider. Take a look at the establishment of these cities in the OT: Golan, Ramoth, Bosor and Kedesh, Shechem, Hebron.