I am assuming you are referring to the '300' years before Christianity was legalized in 311 AD?
According to wikipedia the estimates of the number of dead Christians in this period is between 1. WHC Frend estimated that 3,000–3,50 and 2. The historian Min Seok Shin estimates that over 23,500 Christians suffered martyrdom under Diocletian.
The total number of Christians at that time was estimated at between 6-15 million, making 23 500 out of the most conservative number of 6 million, only 0.39% of all Christians. Not even 1%?
Do you assume that Christians did not have secret meetings during this time? Is that a form of self defense that is allowed? Where would you draw the line? Would Christian men pray and fast whilst their daughters are being raped? Is that Christianity 101?
There is a lot to consider with the persecution of Christians. Jesus for example says in Matt 24:16 '' do not go back to your house, flee!''. Note He does not say, ''go back to your house and lie in bed''.
God would have to do miracles every five seconds to protect us. There would be zero need for 'living by faith'. The early Jews for example, those who saw the red sea part, I doubt they needed much 'faith' in their walk with God. Is this not obvious?
Where does 'relying on God' become testing and tempting God? Would you propose Christians not get vaccinated? (not referring to Covid, that vaccine was rushed

) If your children are ill you would not go to a doctor?
Many Christians know that God gave them working brains to invent vaccines, hands to defend themselves, eyes to see danger, nose to smell poison, taste-buds to taste rotten food before swallowing. To ignore these realities would be to test God.
As the link in the OP that
@MedicBravo posted correctly stated, Christian pacifists have cherry picked a few scriptures. You cannot and must not do that. Scripture corrects scripture.
The devil said ''jump, angels will catch you''. Jesus corrected him by quoting 'more' scripture. If someone is trying to push you off a cliff and God provides a branch that can be used to escape. Must you just ignore it?
God does create a way of escape. Today, in wars, that assistance comes in the form of Christian soldiers in the army defending the woman and children at home from wicked men. Non-Christian men I would think avoid the army. Death is terrible if you believe you only have this life.
I cannot believe we are even debating this topic

. I expect a Jehovah's witness to disagree not a protestant Christian.