Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.
Let a woman learn in silence: This unfortunate translation has led some to believe that it is forbidden for women to even speak in church meetings. Paul uses the same word translated
silence in
1 Timothy 2:2, and it is translated
peaceable there. The idea is
without contention instead of total silence.
i. In other places in the New Testament, even in the writings of Paul, women are specifically mentioned as praying and speaking in the church (
1 Corinthians 11:5). To
learn in silence has the idea of women receiving the teaching of the men God has chosen to lead in the church, with
submission instead of
Submission is the principle; to
learn in silence describes the application of the principle.
iii. Some have said the reason for this is because in these ancient cultures (as well as some present-day cultures), men and women sat in separate sections. The thought is that women interrupted the church service by shouting questions and comments to their husbands during the service. Clarke expresses this idea: “It was lawful for
men in public assemblies to ask questions, or even interrupt the speaker when there was any matter in his speech which they did not understand; but this liberty was not granted to
With all submission: The word for
submission here literally means, “To be under in rank.” It has to do with
Mens reasoning instead of Gods Word? Are you smarter than God? You presume to speak for God but you don't even know His Word....Please don't insult us that way