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Case for sin never ending:
If we ever say we are without sin, we deceive ourselves 1 John 1:8.
Jesus had one important message for all, repent Luke 5:32. Those that go to hell, go there because they harden their hearts to repentance Heb 3:15. IE They are unrepentant.
Humans go to heaven because they repent of their sin Psalm 51:17, get judged by God for the sincerity of their heart Jer 17:9-10 and are then given faith and a revelation of Jesus being Lord Rom 12:3, 1 Cor 12:3. We go to heaven, because we are washed clean of our sin by Jesus and are covered forever by His blood Heb 10:14. Not because we are able to ''muster up faith'' on par with faith in fairies and Santa Claus or because we attend the correct church.
ONLY God is perfect Mark 10:18 and righteous in ALL His ways Psalm 145:17. Many teach erroneously that one-day in heaven we will be perfect, full-stop. Heb 10:14 says with perfect clarity that we are made perfect to God by the sacrifice of Jesus / forever covered by the blood of Jesus. IE We are perfect to God and will never ever be perfect like God.
Angels will one-day be judged by us 1 Cor 6:3. Judged on what if not their sin? Rebellion? Disobedience?
Angels that have been removed from heaven, have to have hardened their hearts to repentance as we do. There is little difference between us and them Heb 2:7.
As such, sin continues forever in heaven and on earth. Just in heaven, we repent and do not commit 'mortal' sins.
Significance of Mortal sins:
Mortal sins will not take place in heaven. Venial sins will.
When Paul was converted he stopped murdering Christians (Mortal sin) but he continued battling with lessor sins (Venial sins) Rom 15:16.
In 1 Cor 5, Paul isolated a so called 'brethren' in a mortal sin of incest. Note Paul says ''so called'' as this person was never truly a Christian. A Christian cannot continue in mortal sin.
Throughout the OT, especially in Leviticus, sins are categorized. Most notable categorization is that of sins that would get one stoned to death verse those that would not. IE some sins were such an abomination to God that they carried the death penalty. A graphic death of being stoned to death. Think on that for a while. Scripture teaches us that God does not change Psalm 100:5, as such, His views on certain sins outweighing others holds forever. It should be logical, but many Christians are falsely taught to put blinkers on and only believe ''sin is sin''. Sin is sin, there is truth to that. But, sin also has degrees. Teaching sin is sin, full-stop is a half truth, false teaching.
Case for free will:
Anyone with more then half a working brain knows that evil exists as God wants true free will to exist. As...true free will is a good thing and God chooses to be good.
Now, if we cannot sin in heaven, surely that means there is no free will in heaven?
Free will exists now and continues forever and ever. God does not change and we can be fortunate that 'God chooses to be' good. He does what pleases Him Psalm 115:3 and being righteous in all His ways Psalm 145:17. pleases Him. We know from Rom 9, that God could be partial and evil if He wanted to. But we know from the rest of scripture, that God chooses not to (Calvinists please pay attention).
Those that go to hell have free will before they choose hell and free will in hell. Those that go to heaven, have free will before they choose heaven and free will when in heaven.
Definition of sin:
As God is perfectly good. Not perfect because He is ''God''. Sin is best defined as any kind of rebellion to Him. For true free will to exist, one has to on some level be able to rebel to Him.
All humans and angels continue to sin forever, those in heaven will never sin at a mortal level. Angels and humans that go to hell, gave in to sin full measure. All in heaven will be quick to repent of any sin.
If we ever say we are without sin, we deceive ourselves 1 John 1:8.
Jesus had one important message for all, repent Luke 5:32. Those that go to hell, go there because they harden their hearts to repentance Heb 3:15. IE They are unrepentant.
Humans go to heaven because they repent of their sin Psalm 51:17, get judged by God for the sincerity of their heart Jer 17:9-10 and are then given faith and a revelation of Jesus being Lord Rom 12:3, 1 Cor 12:3. We go to heaven, because we are washed clean of our sin by Jesus and are covered forever by His blood Heb 10:14. Not because we are able to ''muster up faith'' on par with faith in fairies and Santa Claus or because we attend the correct church.
ONLY God is perfect Mark 10:18 and righteous in ALL His ways Psalm 145:17. Many teach erroneously that one-day in heaven we will be perfect, full-stop. Heb 10:14 says with perfect clarity that we are made perfect to God by the sacrifice of Jesus / forever covered by the blood of Jesus. IE We are perfect to God and will never ever be perfect like God.
Angels will one-day be judged by us 1 Cor 6:3. Judged on what if not their sin? Rebellion? Disobedience?
Angels that have been removed from heaven, have to have hardened their hearts to repentance as we do. There is little difference between us and them Heb 2:7.
As such, sin continues forever in heaven and on earth. Just in heaven, we repent and do not commit 'mortal' sins.
Significance of Mortal sins:
Mortal sins will not take place in heaven. Venial sins will.
When Paul was converted he stopped murdering Christians (Mortal sin) but he continued battling with lessor sins (Venial sins) Rom 15:16.
In 1 Cor 5, Paul isolated a so called 'brethren' in a mortal sin of incest. Note Paul says ''so called'' as this person was never truly a Christian. A Christian cannot continue in mortal sin.
Throughout the OT, especially in Leviticus, sins are categorized. Most notable categorization is that of sins that would get one stoned to death verse those that would not. IE some sins were such an abomination to God that they carried the death penalty. A graphic death of being stoned to death. Think on that for a while. Scripture teaches us that God does not change Psalm 100:5, as such, His views on certain sins outweighing others holds forever. It should be logical, but many Christians are falsely taught to put blinkers on and only believe ''sin is sin''. Sin is sin, there is truth to that. But, sin also has degrees. Teaching sin is sin, full-stop is a half truth, false teaching.
Case for free will:
Anyone with more then half a working brain knows that evil exists as God wants true free will to exist. As...true free will is a good thing and God chooses to be good.
Now, if we cannot sin in heaven, surely that means there is no free will in heaven?
Free will exists now and continues forever and ever. God does not change and we can be fortunate that 'God chooses to be' good. He does what pleases Him Psalm 115:3 and being righteous in all His ways Psalm 145:17. pleases Him. We know from Rom 9, that God could be partial and evil if He wanted to. But we know from the rest of scripture, that God chooses not to (Calvinists please pay attention).
Those that go to hell have free will before they choose hell and free will in hell. Those that go to heaven, have free will before they choose heaven and free will when in heaven.
Definition of sin:
As God is perfectly good. Not perfect because He is ''God''. Sin is best defined as any kind of rebellion to Him. For true free will to exist, one has to on some level be able to rebel to Him.
All humans and angels continue to sin forever, those in heaven will never sin at a mortal level. Angels and humans that go to hell, gave in to sin full measure. All in heaven will be quick to repent of any sin.
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