Dave M
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wonder why Paul warns us then that even though we have been grafted in, we to just like many Jews can be grafted out. So we can see from Romans 11 it is clear that a person that is grafted in can also be grafted out, it says to fear not to get comfortable, you see human God knows us better then we know ourselfs, when every we get to comfortable we become prideful, no wear in the bible does it preach to be comfortable, it preaches work out salvation in fear and trembling to endure to the end, not in some made up false comfort zone where we can fall into temptation and out of the will of God, so many people think they know better then God, and they make up things in there head, that is not in the word of God,,, trust in God not our self !!You only fall into unbelief if at first you mustered up your own belief. A Christian who is vetted by God and grafted into His family is given a real faith to believe Jesus is Lord. There is absolutely NO such thing as an atheist who was once a true Christian.
Paul is talking to people who were grafted in warning them they can be grafted out just as easily, so you can see from Gods word that you are incorrect, about people not being grafted out or walking away from salvation, loosing faith, it happens. Its warned about all through scripture
Romans 11
That is true. They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand fast through faith. So do not become proud, but fear. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you..