I say some of the "worst things" to you? That's interesting.
At least I have agreed with you on a few points that you made.
You have not acknowledged that anything anyone else posted in this thread is right or biblically sound.
So yes, it's a fruitless discussion for those who've taken part in it.
It's fruitless to speak of God's Word falsely.
It's fruitless to rebuke fellow believers for practicing something that is Biblical, and right, and necessary.
It's fruitless to call people liars based on their PERSONAL EXPERIENCES of which you have no knowledge or understanding.
It's fruitless because going back and forth with you yields no good fruit.
It's fruitless because you do not want interaction....you just want people to agree with you. You even posted that you are here to "teach" and to "show" others the error of their ways and beliefs.
It's fruitless because apparently you are convinced that there is absolutely nothing you can learn from anyone else here....only from Jesus Himself....because apparently He has audibly communicated all of this "truth" to you but to no one else for some reason.
You didn't come here to interact.
I believe you came here to bring dissension, to just rebuke, deny, call people liars without really addressing their questions, to apply the parts of God's Word that suit you, while ignoring the parts that don't.
Then you cry foul if anyone dares challenge what you are dishing out or if they dare interpret scripture differently than you.
You don't want people's prayers, blessings, or well-wishes and instead accuse them of praying with "evil intent" towards you.
And when you rebuke, you do it not from a position of love or concern, but from condescension.
You won't, or perhaps CAN'T have fruitful interaction because you refuse to accept that anyone else could have derived any truth from God's Word here other than you.
You have presumed that everyone else's church or denomination is teaching falsely and that we can only find truth the way in which you supposedly found it.
You've made claims that other posters "learned from false teachers and false prophets" when you know nothing of their pasts or beliefs other than what they've posted here.
Well sir, to put it bluntly. your method of finding "truth" goes against God's Word. We all need teachers and we all need pastors. We also need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. There's more to salvation than simply knowing WHAT the Bible says. Without faith, God's grace, and a real APPLICATION of the Word to our lives.....we can't enter into His Kingdom.
The church STILL needs those gifted with prophesy and those called to Apostleship. The lost STILL need to hear the anointed Word of evangelists.
Miraculous healings (even through the hands of a faithful disciple) STILL reveal Jesus and bring glory to Him. God still uses tongues in miraculous ways....prophetically, through prayer, and as a miraculous sign to unbelievers.
Some friendly and honest advice: If this is how you go about sharing "truth" or the Gospel message with others....you might want to reconsider your approach. You are more harsh than you apparently realize and your heart comes across as being very hardened (at least from my POV).
I'm exhausted. I will respond to no more of your posts. And since you don't want my prayers or blessings....good luck and hope you have a good day.