I know one thing, God better not see you on Judgement Day, without a "Advocate", because you are going to be found guilty! All sinners go to HELL, If you are born on this earth you are a sinner. You are not a sinner because you sin, You sin because you are a sinner! And you still a sinner when you leave from Here!

So when you appeared before GOD, He better see Jesus when He looks at you! If He does not see Jesus, game over! "If i see the Blood I will pass over you" And it better not be your blood or "pastor Givemore" or "ComeMore Missionary B.C", standing on your behave. He better see Jesus! People walking around here like they are Good, righteous and innocent" Humans are evil, wicked and deserve to go to hell and afterwards thrown in The Lake of Fire Burning with Brimstone
Just because, the Son of God has forgiven you and he died for us on the cross for the whole world does not mean, the Father is going to "forgive you"!
"you name better be in the "Book of Life". before the Cosmos exist.
Now Jesus did say this on the cross:
"When they came to the place called The Skull, they crucified Him there, along with the criminals, one on His right and the other on His left. "
Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up His garments by casting lots."
He ask the Father to forgive them, but that does not mean The Father forgave them or forgave all of them. Jesus obeys The Father, the Father does not Obey "The SON".
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus said: "Not my will, but yours , be done". There is a difference. Just like God has given us a "Command" to love our enemies and forgive those from our hearts who has sin against us. Now that does not mean, GOD the Father is going to forgive all those we have Sin and not repented of their wicked ways. Sinning is in Rebellion to what GOD has Commanded us to do! Our sinning is against GOD's command! But we sin because we are Sinners. and sinners sin, When you have babies they do not learn how to tell lies, They have to be taught how to tell the truth! Lying for them is natural, because they are sinners.