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The effect of God's Love !
1 Jn 4:19
We love him, because he first loved us.
God does not Love all men without exception because all men without exception do not Love God and Christ ! A evidence of God's Love for a person, is that the one being Loved by Him shall be caused to Love God in Return, and so we have the words of our Text "We love him, because or since he first loved us."
Also that is why Jesus said this to unregenerate jews Jn 8:42
Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
And that goes for anyone, If God Loves you, He is your and you would Love God, and His Christ, there are no exceptions.
Jn 16:27
27For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God.
Again, an evidence that men have been Loved by the Father, because they Love Christ and believe in His Mission from their Father !
Ones Love to God and His Christ is the Fruit of God Loving them !
All who do not Love Christ, let them be accursed ! For God does not Love them 1 Cor 16:21-22
21The salutation of me Paul with mine own hand.
22If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.
Paul would dare not say that if He believed these men were Loved by God.
1 Jn 4:19
We love him, because he first loved us.
God does not Love all men without exception because all men without exception do not Love God and Christ ! A evidence of God's Love for a person, is that the one being Loved by Him shall be caused to Love God in Return, and so we have the words of our Text "We love him, because or since he first loved us."
Also that is why Jesus said this to unregenerate jews Jn 8:42
Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
And that goes for anyone, If God Loves you, He is your and you would Love God, and His Christ, there are no exceptions.
Jn 16:27
27For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God.
Again, an evidence that men have been Loved by the Father, because they Love Christ and believe in His Mission from their Father !
Ones Love to God and His Christ is the Fruit of God Loving them !
All who do not Love Christ, let them be accursed ! For God does not Love them 1 Cor 16:21-22
21The salutation of me Paul with mine own hand.
22If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.
Paul would dare not say that if He believed these men were Loved by God.