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I've refuted most of these at least 3 times on this board and I'm not going to do it again. If you really want the truth look them up yourself. Already got booted off here once for doing just that. Seems you are not allowed to post scriptures that disprove the trinity. If you care to email me privately I'll gladly have this conversation with you. Looking forward to it. ([email protected])
@paths that cross , @Searchingtoo There is SO much scripture you are misreading and ignoring. Almost the entirety of the bible and God's plan for mankind is flying over your head.
Before you even discuss scripture, you need to first explain how your non-trinitarian belief paints a picture of a good God Psalm 136:1, one who is righteous in all His ways Psalm 145:17, unthinkable that He do what is wicked and pervert justice Job 34:12.
I will argue that a non trinitarian belief paints God in a terrible light. It implies that He does not truly love us. He got some unlucky fella who drew the shortest straw to suddenly '''be the love of our lives''. Ordained an extra cruel and torturous death by making him a lamb to the slaughter.
St Augustine once commented about the Trinity that “in no other subject is error more dangerous, or inquiry more laborious, or the discovery of truth more profitable''.
There is a reason Islam does not recognize Jesus as God. If I were the Pope I would re-classify all who believe as you do ''non-Christian''. You need a cult name. That way it won't be wolves in sheep clothing.