Dear Brother,
More of the same.
I'm not implying anything. Just giving my experience.
Sure, you are!

You were making a correlation between what I wrote concerning the Holy Spirit and your experiences. Maybe a little more clarity like "I am not saying you, but other Christians I have heard say that a doctrine they hold came to them from the Holy Spirit."
Still no matter how you slice it, the implication is there brother, that you believe that the "doctrine" if you will, came to me by the Holy Spirit and that is not what I wrote! Otherwise, by the implication of your words, you yourself I am sure have made "doctrine" through analysis of other writings and not just through Holy Spirit guidance instead of it just being a confirmation of the truth/lie of one (doctrine).
What does "codified" mean?.
It was formalized in the Athanasian Creed.
Trinity was a belief that was held prior to this was it not?
How did those whoever they may be that believed in the Father, Son, Holy Spirit as One God come to that conclusion? It’s
Not that im aware of. At least not in the form of the Athanasian Creed. Tertullian is the one who is credited with coining the term Trinity as it relates to Christianity. However, he didn't believe there were three persons as one God
That's a good question. It was the Catholic Church that formalized the doctrine. How they came to that idea is beyond me. It seems totally illogical.
First that is not what "codified" means. You are just using it to define the purposes of the Athanasian Creed to a body of people in some authoritative position within a religion who put it to paper so to speak. The Athanasian Creed holds no meaning to me. Secondly it was never part of my consideration for determining the truth or lie of the Trinity. Now you can say that it was by the writings of Tertullian that the word came to be used to define the concept I was considering, and where the discussion for the concept started, but to assume he was the originator of the thought itself, when one is not even positive that it was he who as you say "coined" the phrase is stretching it a bit won't you say especially as you say he did not even believe it.
Let me give you a comparison. If the Bible were not written, would the Heavens still declare the Glory of God if it hadn't told us so how would you know? Would God even exist if not for the Word of God? Would Jesus have existed? The Holy Spirit? The Devil? and it goes on and on.
One can come to a conclusion about something heard, which we do all the time, and at times it does change, but when it is driven by what is contained in Scripture and it is the Holy Spirit (Personage) who opens your understanding to it, I would have to say, no it will not change.
Now how others from your experiences concerning Doctrine and the Holy Spirit came to their understandings, I could not say. I have not talked with them, but you have, and I can only assume that you are disbelieving what they have told you because it does not line up with the Scripture written as you understand it to be.
See logic is fine, but then logic tells you that no one would die on the Cross for people they did not know, and who had/have no love for you, at least not until it actually happened in Christ Jesus....still there are those who still do not believe!
I wasn't suggesting you got the idea of the Trinity from the Athanasian Creed. I was simply pointing that those who wrote it said if you don't believe it you can't be saved. I'm not aware of anything in Scripture that says if someone doesn't believe the Trinity doctrine they can't be saved. Why would someone say that? Could it be for control? Could it be to scare the illiterate population ( I'm referring to 5th century Christians) so as to control them? Or, could it be to force people to believe something that the church couldn't prove? If they had something that didn't make sense yet they wanted the force the people to believe it, what better way than telling them they have to believe it or they can't be saved?
Let me ask a question. Have you ever changed your position on a doctrine? I have. I believe most have. If we're getting our doctrines via the Holy Spirit why would we change them? I changed doctrines because I learned they didn't align with God's word. How many people have beleived the Holy Spirit lead them to some doctrine only to later change their position on that doctrine?
I'm not saying the Spirit doesn't guide us. But, how exactly do we know some doctrine has to us from the Spirit versus us just coming to a rational understanding? This brings me back to my previous point. If we believe we've come to a doctrine via the Spirit, how likely are we to ever question that doctrine. I mean many Christians don't even question doctrines they've been taught by pastors let alone questioning one they believe came via the Spirit. How do we know which it is?
Partly answered above. (Heavy sigh)
Agreed, our Salvation is based on Jesus...and there is the crux of the problem we have with or without the Trinity as a word. Who was Jesus? Who was He really? Was He just a Man? Was He the incarnate God? Was He Man & God? Is our Salvation based upon who He actually is or was, or by the belief that whoever He was that He died in our place as a sinless sacrifice, in place of ourselves?
However, it was Jesus had to be something more to be a sinless sacrifice. He had to be sinless for 30 years before the John the Baptist baptismal in the Jordan river. What does logic tell you when not only deed is sinful, but also thoughts?
I say this not to put doubt in your mind, which I am sure I could not brother, but to show that our logic, and what we see as being God is but a glimpse of who He truly is whether you believe in the Trinity or not!
Which brings us to the Holy Spirit. So, you see the Holy Spirit as; and how have you felt His presence, knowing it to be Him?
I will separate this from the rest of what you have written. For the SOF is the other hat that I also wear as a Moderator. One in truth has little to do with the other, though I am sure you would disagree.
With the Love of Christ Jesus.