For the record, I never espoused the doctrine that God is "three beings." God was, is and always will be ONE, but there's this conundrum of the three appearing simultaneously at Jesus's baptism, isn't it. The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove, and God yelled from heaven: "this is my beloved son, of whom I'm very pleased." The "clover" and "egg" analogies are flawed and misleading explanataions for that event, and for the record, I've never espoused such analogies. What I believe and understand is very simple - SAME God is in heaven, on earth, and in between. This is a mechanism by which we can KNOW God, without that we can know ABOUT him, we can perceive his existence, we can find his fingerprints in all his creation, but we can't KNOW him. The only way to know God is through Jesus, and the Holy Spirit leads you to Jesus, it's like God's algorithm.
You know, It fascinates and frustrates me, that the devil knows this mechanism perfectly well, and he's been using his rigged algorithm to attract lost souls to the devil everyday, and here we're debating whether this is real and whether Jesus is God.