Hello Rad,
There in is the problem. We are in the World, but not of it. Getting ourselves involved with those who have but a Secular consideration and who can never understand where we are coming from is most difficult. What does light have to do with darkness? Yes, we let our good works, for which we were made for, shine forth. Living lives of love, compassion, mercy with humility. For which we can only do if with interact with them on some level.
Still, this does mean that we acquiesce to the very things which are corruption. Could this be considered being judgmental? In a way, but what standard of behavior and comportment is not based upon us deciding on what to do or what not to do? The difference is that we use the Word of God as our foundation for these standards, and not our own desires or wants. Communicating them in a way that shows that not only were we too were like them once, and might even be tempted to be so again, but that in Christ Jesus change for the better is the order of the day.
So, we are slowly becoming not what the World says we should be, or what we want to be, unless it's closer to being like our Lord, but being what our God wants us to be in all that we do and say. A Light, Salt to a dark, people and this World.
I know it's difficult to not agree with those we love, who are not of the Body of Christ. They don't understand that you can hate the sin, but still love them. Tell them that Jesus Christ did that very thing. He interacted with us before we even came to Him on bent knees, and yet it never affected the love He showed for us. More importantly let them know that He died to take away the very thing that has separated us from our God, which is sin. And not stopping there, but providing us a guide, One who can help with turning us into the new Creation in the Light of our Savior.
Dear Brother. You won't reach them all. I would count it a blessing if one could be reached, though we hope for all. Still we continue to share that very love, without compromising the very things we know to be true in Christ Jesus. If necessary, tossing ourselves at their feet, with tears rolling down our checks, so that if they want "hell", they'll have to jump over our prone bodies to do so!
Does God require us to do the latter? No, but if we love the Lord, the Sinner, and want to see them Saved, we should not shy from even that.
With the Love of Christ Jesus.