Seems to me that Christ condemned both the owning of riches and those that owned them, "do not store up treasure on the Earth, for where your treasure is your heart will be also, Matthew 6 vs 19-21,..... then we have the parable of"The rich man" in Mark 10 vs 23-25, "How hard shall they that have riches enter into the Kingdom of God, ..... it is easier for a Camel to pass through an eye of a Needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven"...... and in Luke 6 vs 24, Woe to you who are rich for you have received your consolation" illustrated in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16 vs 19-31 where Abraham says to the Rich man in Hell" in your lifetime you received good things ... and now are tormented",..... also Luke 19 vs 8-9. its only after Zacchaeus has given away nearly all his wealth that Jesus says, "Today has Salvation come to this house", and in the parable of the Sower Christ talks of the "deceit of riches" choking the word and preventing it from coming to fruition, but this is so off thread, perhaps if you wanted to discuss this open a new topic,...... as to the Bakers rights, do you feel that the right to discriminate is a valid practice within society, what if i wanted to discriminate against Jews because i regarded them as sub human, would preventing me from doing that be an act of "leftist socialism", seems to me you're treading a very dangerous path far from far from Christs Command to love others and treat them as we would want to be treated,....... as for not keeping Company with sinners who are "brothers", who decides who is the sinner, and what if the sin is concealed, i would rather follow Christs command "Judge not, lest you be judged", and "let him without sin cast the first stone", and leave the judgement of the sinner to God,..... as far as i know its not a crime to be greedy, Lustful, envious, hateful and Rich, not a crime to ignore the sufferings of others and to participate in a global economic system, based on plunder, selfishness and corruption that is destroying Gods creation, no it seems that many "Mortal Sinners" are free to do as they please, ....... as for "Christians" calling for the killing of Gays, heres a few references , from the US, in Africa in countries such as Tanzania and Uganda the killing and persecution of Gays is widespread in part owing to the influences of so called "Evangelical" Pastors preaching on the subject,
Pastor calls for killing gays to end AIDS
Conservative Christian Pastor Calls for Executing All Gay People by Christmas Day and not all of these "Christians" are advocating killing Gays, but their rhetoric is so hate filled that you sorta feel if push cane to shove they'd really have no problem with it
10 Most Wildly Anti-Gay Preachers in America