Sure. But what do you call the actual assembly of people who gathered in Jesus name?
A congregation of called out souls.
If there are others there they are unsaved therefore belong to the devil.
The assembly of Jews in the OT was an assembly of God's chosen people.
A congregation of Christian's in the NT, are the called out ones, the born again ones, God's chosen people, our Lord's church, the ekklesia.
Unsaved souls are exactly that, so cannot be part of the ekklesia, their father is the devil. Our Lord's words brother.
We must see things from God's prospective, from The Word, not from what happens today, not from things or ways inherited through history and the RCC, not because we see unsaved souls who appear to be nice people and help fill the pews.
When you actually see what happens today, what as developed over the years, we see Christian's (born again there are no others) worshipping behind closed doors, waiting for lost souls to come through the door so they can convert them, often to the denominations ways and practices. What did Jesus do? The exact opposite! He went our preaching the Good News, preaching forgiveness of sin.
Getting people to go to church the way it is today was introduced years ago by the RCC, encouraged by Constantine and James 1, a means of teaching people good morals, it helped with law and order. Worldly people, lost souls think they go to heaven when they die because... they have Christian values.
The places of worship are so full of worldly values. Pastors learning worldly ways or dealing with money, counselling and more. So many do not know what a church is, the middle ages watered things down even more creating more confusion.
But scripture is clear, the 125 verses of church, ekklesia, called out ones is consistent in it's definition. The church, the ekklesia, is the called out ones, then again believers, the saved souls. In a similar way in the OT the assembly was God's children, the Jews.
In both cases, as stated already. they are God's children.
Jews OT God's chosen ones.
Christian's, NT Called out ones, born again from above believers are our Lord's church, the ekklesia.