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Well -- we Do have John 14:1-6 -- Jesus Christ is in heaven preparing a place for us.
This passage doesn't say anything about them going. As a matter of fact a few verses earlier Jesus had said that they couldn't go where He was going. Notice also the end of verse 3. Jesus said that He would come back so that they could be with Him. They weren't going to Him, He was coming back to them.
[qupte]2 Corinthians 5:8 -- going back to the beginning of the chapter -- He's talking about our body / our earthly tent/ -- as something Does happen to that / our body/ we Do have a building from God. (a glorified body) eternal in the heavens.
We'd much rather be in our heavenly home / body/ -- we have a desire for clothes here in this world. We don't want to be found naked. Either physically or spiritually. 'dressed' in Jesus Christ. Then going to vs 8 so we'd rather be absent from This body and be present with the Lord. So in the here and now -- we want to be living in a way that is pleasing to God Because at some point we Will be standing before God giving an account for our lives.
so - the question Would be -- What will we be Doing With Jesus Christ upon our death Or being taken up in the rapture. We will be receiving our new glorified bodies.
That's why born-again believers who have loved ones die from a diseased or broken body say that they are Now enjoying a healed body.
"We" Do have information 'by inference' in God's Word. You've noticed that God doesn't always state things the way we want to hear them.
BTW -- it's Only born-again people that Do go to heaven when they die.
Remember, at the end of his first letter to them some were rejecting the Resurrection. The Greek hope was to leave the body, which they considered a prison of the soul, and ascend into the heavens. The Christians hope is not to escape the body, but rather the resurrection of the body. In 2 Cor, 5 Paul isn't talking about the Greek hope of putting off the body. He's talking about two states of being. One is corruptible and the other is incorruptible. Putting off the earthly tent isn't putting off the body, it's putting off the corruptible state. That happens at the resurrection. Notice his words,
2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven: (2 Cor. 5:2 KJV)
Notice he says we earnestly desire to be clothed upon. The Greek word that is translated "clothed upon" means to put on over, like one puts on a coat over their clothes. So, he's not talking about putting off the body and putting on something else. He's talking about putting something on over his current state. He wants to be overclothed with the house from Heaven. He doesn't want to be found naked. We know this is what he's talking about because he tells us in verse 4. He said they were burdened, not that they would be unclothed, but overclothed. He wasn't looking to put off his physical body like the Greeks. He wanted his corruptible state swallowed up by his incorruptible state. We see this in his words,
not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. (2 Cor. 5:4 KJV)
The two states are corruptible and incorruptible. mortality and life, the resurrection. This is the context of the entire passage. So when Paul talks about being absent from the body and present with the Lord, he's talking about the Resurrection.
Also when he talks about being absent from the body, it's not his physical body, it' the body of Christ. In verse 6 Paul writes,
6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: (2 Cor. 5:6 KJV)
In the phrase, "at home in the body" the Greek word translated "home" means to be among one's people. Who were Paul's people? The body of Christ. He was at home in the body of Christ. Also, in that verse the Greek word translated "absent" means to go abroad. Also, in verse 8 Paul is expressing a desire.
All of this is in the context of the resurrection. He doesn't even use the words spirit or soul here. He's not talking about some disembodied state. We've already established that that is not possible.
You said, ""We" Do have information 'by inference' in God's Word. You've noticed that God doesn't always state things the way we want to hear them. "
Or maybe people don't want to understand things the way God states them. If we can find a single passage of Scripture that supports a doctrine, maybe we should be questioning that doctrine.