I'm not at all surprised by that. I already knew he was in favor of homosexual rights and abortion, which is why I didn't vote for him.
Have you read his books? The first time we have a President who has written his story prior to becoming the President. "Dreams of my Father" his lifestory. "The Audicity of Hope", politicle and not much interest to an Englishman as I. But a good section on 'Faith' his Salvation and water baptism.......
.....................................................An article I posted recently
Welcome Return to the really good ol' U.S. of A.
The excitement is real because in Barak Obama the world sees the very best of America.
America in all its inclusiveness. America and its sense of limitless possibilities.
America in all its big-heartedness and tolerance.
Barack Obama is a hurricane of freshair after long years of looking at ugly Americans.
The belligerent, mindless America of Goerge Bush who comfortably, it was reported, sat out the Vietnam war in the bars of Dallas and Houston, but later had no hesitation in sending other men off to fight and die - and sometimes murder and torture.
I consider myself pro-American, but many English have not been to America for sometime because they despise the way every British family man on his way with his family to Disney, is treated at 'Passport Controll' like an al-Qaeda cell.
America changed overnight after the planes went into the World Trade Centre. Thereafter stepping off the plane the Brits were confronted by paranoid Americans, rude Americans, aggressive Americans - a reflection of the small minded man in the Oval Office.
The election of Barack Obama feels to be a victory for the world, and a reassertion of all that is enviable and good about the U.S.
America is back.....and embodied by that calm, eloquent, charismatic man who feels the he belongs to the planet.
Perhaps the fat men at the immigration desk may start learning some manners now that they have a President who is loved by the world.
But the hard work now begins. Obama inherits an America fighting two unwinnable wars, an Amerca with a broken 'Wall Street' an America soiled by images of torture chambers, and suchlike inhumanitarian scenes
History will record that Dubya's greatest crime was squandering the good-will that the world felt for America after 9/11.......... The world wants to love America. All in the West have a place in their heart for 'Uncle Sam' The ugly America of George Bush was a tragedy not only for his country, but for the whole human race. Barak Obama could give the world an America that shines a light of freedom, in these darkest of days.
But it is not just America that is on the ropes. The West sinks into wars that it can never win, and our financial systems are brought down by unfettered greed, we are left even doubting our way of life. And wondering if we still remain the good guys?
Hopefully that paranoid, arrogent, xenophobic America, throwing its weight around even as it went backrupt, can now be consigned to the past.........The America we love is back - the America that fought for freedom in two world wars, who sent its sons to pay for European liberty with their blood.
Its all down to Obama who radiates a quiet decency and goodness, just as surely as Franklin D, Roosevelt when he was elected to lead America out of the 'Great Depression' 76 years ago.
Critics say that Obama is a flash in the pan - a one term wonder like Jimmy Carter who arrived in a flurry of good intention, only to fizzel out when confronted by the hard reality of life in office. But Obama could never be another Jimmy Carter. Already he has more in common with Martin Luther King than the peanut farmer with the cheesy grin. What the critics of Obama miss, is that he is already a success. Because in that moment of victory he became an inspiration for generations to come.
"In this Election....on this day....America voted for change........In this defining moment Change has come to America" (Barak Obama)
God Bless the Man may he be spared to realise the dream, and God Bless the great nation of America
Will we ever have a black Prime Minister in the U.K.? We can now.