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White Jesus Statues Should Be Torn Down, Black Lives Matters Leader Says

Dave M

Oct 2, 2015
Any statue or image of Christ, on or off the cross, is an idol, regardless of colour.

The catholic church h have white Jesus and white Mary statues in every place of worship.

I don't get involved, there have been so many movements over recent years, each calling for equality, each having good arguments. One was women's rights, women should be in this and that, unfair percentages of men to women etc. Now you can'put TV on without seeing women in top jobs, you only have to put the news and weather on and they are mainly women.

I wonder how the world would take it, all lives matter, spiritual lives matter, every life matters. For me these last three are more accurate than any other. But we are in this situation due to evil and greed of past generations.

Sorry Dave, just thinking out loud.
i agree paul about idol worship with images and i had a fridge magnet bought me as a gift with a prayer and an image of jesus (by your post i felt convicted to remove it ) so ive taken it just of my fridge Amen ,
also agree every life matters!
and also as to women its flooding in , a lot of women dont want to be stay at home moms or wives or maybe work part time to have balance or home business . They want to be women doing a mans created role and calling it equality
we are created equal but God created us to have different roles within the family unit and church and 2020 women(not all ) and children are being taught to walk in the mans role/shoes , and even in my own
extended family of younger girls/ young women the way they talk is shocking to me they see a wife/mom who cares and serves her family as a doormat .worse is yet to come as when mom is stressed out working all day and then trying to be a mom on overload really causes disharmony big time in the family yes the kids get spoilt because more income but this comes at a higher cost to the nuturing of the children which long term is devestating and Godless .
just my bit
God bless and \•/ so glad u learnt me this ☺ x

interesting article
The reality of this should not affect true believers, because our faith is seen by the love that radiates from within us. We don't need Icons. Regarding this post however, it is a raceist post, it is an attack on white impressions of the image of Jesus, the fact that it can only be an impression, means it is not a statue of Jesus and so why just white statues and not black or brown? Had the person, who happens to be black and the head of black lives matter, condemned all statues regardless of colour depicting an image impression of Jesus, I could understand that he might have a point, as no-one realy knows what Jesus actualy looked like. But to single out white statues as opposed to black or brown, in my mind points to a raceist attack and should be seen as such.
i agree paul about idol worship with images and i had a fridge magnet bought me as a gift with a prayer and an image of Jesus (by your post i felt convicted to remove it ) so ive taken it just of my fridge Amen ,
also agree every life matters!

My comments were based mainly on life like figures and images that could be worshipped, the RCC has a life like figure of Jesus on the cross in every place they worship, after 3 to 4 times larger than a human, usually at the front looking down at the congregation, in the western world, usually a light complexion.

Christ has Risen, he is Risen in deed! But catholics put Jesus on the cross, the congregation kneel and look at the figure of Christ on the cross, it is idol worship. It is also wrong, I believe to put the Risen Christ on the cross in a place of worship or a crucifix around the neck. I am sure you don't look at the fridge magnet of Jesus in that manner. You must do what you feel in your heart is right with our Lord sister. You may have noticed I have here used the word figure rather than statue. Just to clarify my only points intended here are, putting Christ back on the cross after He is risen, and idol worship.

and also as to women its flooding in , a lot of women dont want to be stay at home moms or wives or maybe work part time to have balance or home business . They want to be women doing a mans created role and calling it equality
we are created equal but God created us to have different roles within the family unit and church and 2020 women(not all ) and children are being taught to walk in the mans role/shoes , and even in my own
extended family of younger girls/ young women the way they talk is shocking to me they see a wife/mom who cares and serves her family as a doormat .worse is yet to come as when mom is stressed out working all day and then trying to be a mom on overload really causes disharmony big time in the family yes the kids get spoilt because more income but this comes at a higher cost to the nuturing of the children which long term is devestating and Godless .
just my bit
God bless and \•/ so glad u learnt me this ☺ x

You are touching on a subject that has been addressed before, as much as I would love to reply, I must refrain from doing so as the topic here is...

White Jesus Statues Should Be Torn Down, Black Lives Matters Leader Says

ALL lives matter, Salvation of ALL lives matter, regardless of age, sex, tongue, disability, ability or colour.

interesting article

God bless to everyone, let me offer my perspective on this issue.

My perspective
Obviously when speaking of issues of race and ethnicity it can be beneficial to see what
people in that group think. So as a Christian African American male, let me share my thoughts
for what its worth. Not necessarily so that anyone can agree with me but so that you can get
a glimpse into another perspective, possibly.

**Dear God please let my words be pleasing to you and from you, in Jesus name I pray amen. **

So this is obviously a sensitive topic for many reasons. Anytime you speak about race, people either
keep silent because they are uncomfortable or run towards their defensive positions or take up offense.
I'll try not to do either, though I like yourself am human.

God First
So as Christians our focus is to do the WILL of God, correct? Hopefully everyone who is a Christian
can agree with me on that. Meaning, if God spoke from heaven and stated, this is my WILL concerning these
statues, those who professed to follow Him should likewise obey His leading. Since God has not spoken
directly from heaven and shared this is what we are to do with these statues that leaves us 3 basic ways
to decipher His WILL. His Word which is the Bible, the Holy Spirit, and the body of Christ which instructs and
gives council to one another.

Most people will have an initial reaction to being in favor or oppose to the actions called for in this article. However,
I'm not seeking to ask my ego how I feel but I'm trying to deeply search the mind of Christ to see what Jesus would
have us to do. To do so I'm first asking myself, why would anyone want these statutes to come down. My thoughts
are that they want to do so because first the statue represent a lie ( a misrepresentation of Jesus), and also represent
a lie from a cultural system which many feel oppressed by (Eurocentric culture). A culture in which many
cultural items were changed from how they originally were to represent the skin complexion of the colonizers
(https://www.washingtonpost.com/reli...jesus-white-man-was-distributed-around-world/ )

So historically speaking, the fact that Jesus was not painted as blond hair and blue eyes until far later in history
is not something really to be debated as many know this is true. However does that mean that we should now
remove all those statues of Jesus?

The Bible
Well, let's explore further. Taking a step aside from the Black Lives Matter movement what would the Bible say about statues
of Jesus in general. Well the 2nd commandment tells us Exodus 20:4 “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,
or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth"
God in His infinite wisdom knew that having earthly depictions to represent God would lead to many problems and would
do more to divide than unify His people. He also knew the human heart and how the devil could easily use such items
to separate God's people. Ask yourself, in heaven do you think there will be pictures of Jesus on the wall? If not, why?
Well I suspect because we will have the real thing. Likewise, as Christians we should have the real thing, living in our
hearts and thus we do not need it before our eyes for we walk by faith.

Even the concept of wearing a cross, often can do harm to the Christian faith. Though I will not rebuke anyone doing so,
personally I can see how it does not always help. People sometimes wear cross to show to the world that they
are Christian and are not ashamed of Jesus. However Jesus said, that they will know that we are His disciples by
our love for one another, not by a certain symbol that we carry.

So in matters of truth, it seems that historically Jesus was not blond hair and blue eyes, and Biblically we are told not
to make images to represent God. So if that is the case, what attachment do we have towards the statue? Will
pulling these statues down harm to Christianity? Or is more harm done when people have these statues or images
showing that they are Christian but don't show His love?

Make a difference
What did the statues do when they were erected in churches during the era of slavery. Christians carried on with
the painting of Jesus on their wall and statues in their church, while still supporting slavery and the horrible
treatment of Blacks. If having the statues present back then didn't seem to help Christianity and allowing people
to be more loving than do we think that taking it down will somehow hurt Christianity now?

These statues are mostly on private land I would assume, perhaps church land. As a result, I'm opposed to vandalism
or mobs pulling down the church property. However I think that the churches need to make this decision on
their own, without influence from the state governments. The churches needs to ask themselves, what is
our attachment to a statue if its removal will communicate to our brothers of color that we love them.
Paul talked about meat sacrificed to idols and how he was willing to give up his right to be right for the
sake of his weaker brothers in the faith. I don't mean to say that anyone is necessarily weaker, however
I am saying that the church should ask itself, do we love our Black brothers enough to take down a statue
if it offends them and if its removal will draw us all closer in unity and truth, or is our attachment to a statute (speaking
of a statue, not of Jesus) stronger than our love for our brothers in Christ?

I will not answer this question for anyone but this is my perspective on what I see before us as a body.

I'll put it this way, as a male, I feel that sometimes females may be overly sensitive to certain scriptures because it
uses a masculine pronoun. For example, "Though will keep Him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him
because He trust in Him." Often females will advocate for gender neutral language. For me as a male, my love for
my female sisters in Christ is stronger than my need to have a masculine pronoun and I'm not sacrificing truth,
but being united with them in love. So for me I will gladly say "Though will keep them in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him
because they trust in Him."

I will do this gladly because I love them and my attachment to my sisters in Christ is greater than
my attachment to a pronoun, and once again suchs actions do not sacrifice truth.

With Love WNL
Thank you for your detailed replpy @Jesus_is_LORD

Can I add a couple of comments if I may, not in critism, I agree with what you saying.

Firstly the wearing of a cross

Even the concept of wearing a cross, often can do harm to the Christian faith. Though I will not rebuke anyone doing so,
personally I can see how it does not always help. People sometimes wear cross to show to the world that they
are Christian and are not ashamed of Jesus. However Jesus said, that they will know that we are His disciples by
our love for one another, not by a certain symbol that we carry.

The concept of wearing a cross, can as you say, harm the Christian faith. One example would be professing to be a Christian to the world around, yet continuing to live as the world lives. But the point I was aiming at in a previous post was not just a cross, which is so often precious metal, not wood, it is the fact the Risen Lord is being effectively nailed to the cross. A Christian is, or should be, known by their fruits, providing they are a Christian, as in born again from above.

A plain cross could on the other hand be considered in a similar way to the Ichthus that the early Christians carried to let others know they were Christians.

So in matters of truth, it seems that historically Jesus was not blond hair and blue eyes, and Biblically we are told not
to make images to represent God. So if that is the case, what attachment do we have towards the statue? Will
pulling these statues down harm to Christianity? Or is more harm done when people have these statues or images
showing that they are Christian but don't show His love?

Jesus was born a Jew, he would have had the middle east colouration, skin, hair and eyes. The western world have changed his image to suit the western world skin colouration. In reality Black lives matter should even be raising this situation as Jesus was neither white nor black, neither black nor white.

The problem, I think, is that the people we are considering have been suppressed so much that they are fighting back and like taking the lid off a pressurised can bits are flying everywhere. It is retaliatory, hitting at everything they can, we fully understand how it has happened, it should never have happened, if we loved one another as Christ loves us it would have never happened. But there is a devil in this world, the rich get richer and greed takes over, not just with black people but in all walks of life, but blacks have had the rough end of the stick. I remember when I was serving my apprenticeship, one of the older apprentices completed his time, he then went to Johannesburg in South Africa, I was appalled by what he told me, that would have been about 1966-67.

There has to be recognition, there has to be acceptance, there has to be healing, sadly in their fight back they could make things harder for themselves, I am sure some think not, but they are not the slaves of the past years, their journey is suppressed not not like the slaves of the last few hundred years.

The hate in some of the American Police hearts is disgusting, not all for sure, but so many have been caught on camera abusing the blacks. But it is not just USA as we know, it is is many countries including the UK, though not to the same degree. The problem now, I think, is how far will it go before it gets out of hand, there are reports already in the country of police doing stop and search, which they do for whites, blacks, asians and more, they have to there are knives on the streets, terrorism everywhere, but some blacks are already saying you pick on be because of my colour, you only stopped me because I am black.

Lawlessness abounds, hearts are hardening, wickedness is increasing, there is a lot involved at these times.

Bless you brother.

ALL lives matter, the Salvation of ALL lives matter. Jesus is Lord \o/
I think racists are being tolerated when overtaking a major city, Seattle Washington, and as such those racist, anarchist, terrorist persons feel able to command other things become a concession so that they'll stop the violence they exhibit until or unless they are conceded to.

I also believe there is a political agenda behind these entities, BLM and ANTIFA, being tolerated to this degree as never before.
I wonder how far they'll go before it all ends? And it doesn't escape notice that this chaos started on the heels of the Covid-19 lock down as well. People are frustrated and angry about that, is it a plan to push emotional buttons in order to destroy America further?

God only knows.
Civil unrest cannot be allowed to run wild, it has to be kerbed or restricted but, it will be white police coming against black people, that will fuel things even further. Is that what the trouble makers want I wonder.

Maybe the army should be used.

Demonstrations should be controlled by them arranging them, those arranging them should be accountable as well as those breaking laws, causing wilful damage and more.

It is not an easy one but let run it could get worse.

Just thinking aloud.
I don't think we can expect police to dispatch same race officers to a scene in order to avoid racist accusations or resulting unrest. I think the big mistake that was made with regard to the worst hot spot in America now, Seattle Washington, is that president Trump did not act as promised when the Mayor and police allowed the occupation to continue.
Horrific crimes followed. Lives lost. Lives destroyed due to physical violence. A male pastor was sexually and physically assaulted for daring to enter what was titled the, CHAZ zone. It was later and remains named, CHOP.
One man in the zone was handing out AR-15's! First question, where'd those come from?

I think the national guard should have been ordered in to quell the unrest. And I think police that stand down when historic monuments are being destroyed and vandalized should be fired. While the vandals should go to prison.
Protest is free speech. Vandalism is not. Terrorism is not.

I think once it appeared as though a government entity was conceding to terrorism, we should have realized this is a partisan conspiracy to further impact America and make it appear as "Trump's fault".The Democrat Mayor of Seattle ordered police out of the precinct BLM and ANTIFA were attempting to occupy, so that the zone could be overtaken by those terrorists. That should have been considered an act of Domestic Terrorism at the federal level. The Mayor removed from office, the police reinstated as members of the executive branch by the president himself. And every single member of the terrorist occupation , members of both BLM & ANTIFA, arrested.

Sadly, things are not calming down but are escalating. And we're suppose to believe what set it off was the murder of one black man in Minneapolis.
It is known that both BLM & ANTIFA are funded in part by George Soros. And others. I don't know why GS isn't made to answer for funding Domestic Terrorism.

If we would stop being tolerant of DT I think we would go a long way to make America strong again.
I lived in Seattle for 20 out of the last 26 years. I'm now in the Portland area. I think Portland is only second to Seattle in this situation.
We did have an autonomous zone for a bit. It has been removed, but there have been efforts to start others. Antifa is still a large presence here.
They routinely block highways and bridges here several times a week. Even interstates. Antifa is officially listed as a domestic terrorism organization.
Getting mayors and police chiefs to do anything about it is... "not in the best interest of the community" according to the Mayor there.
Governor Kate Brown has the same interests as Jay Inslee and Gavin Newsome. Newsome is related to Nancy Pelosi.
Civil unrest cannot be allowed to run wild, it has to be kerbed or restricted but, it will be white police coming against black people, that will fuel things even further. Is that what the trouble makers want I wonder.

Maybe the army should be used.

Demonstrations should be controlled by them arranging them, those arranging them should be accountable as well as those breaking laws, causing wilful damage and more.

It is not an easy one but let run it could get worse.

Just thinking aloud.
Don't worry, a Army is coming! Take the White Jesus down, There is another one coming!:cool: He has white hair. An He is going to take "Terror" to a new level. Many are going to think He is The Devil! He is going to take Love to a new level. They ain't never seen a Love like this.
I dont think it matters what color Jesus was. Today, israelites are ranging from white to very dark. Most of those who are more white, come from nations where white is more predominant, but its all speculation. It is more likely he was not white, but it really doesnt matter, the color of a man's skin in the kingdom of God matters not, its what is inside the heart of that man or woman. The people who depicted Him as white, simply guessed as to his characteristics and probably made him white since the culture they came from was white. The ban on idols were such that we are not meant to worship idols, things made by a man or woman, are in no way to be worshiped. The common ridicule of RCC for christian idols does not take into account that they dont actually worship those idols except in some rare cases by those less knowledgeable. My mother was RCC, my uncle was a priest in RCC, and they never encouraged others to worship idols. They were put there to help people keep Christ and the saints in mind for what they did for us. They are simply symbols, same thing for the body of Jesus on the cross, it was His work on the cross that saved us all. They typically say that protestants worship the cross instead of Jesus, because Jesus isnt on it for our empty cross. Worshiping baal, satan, or any false God is wrong, and worshipping some idol as the mouthpiece or ears of God is also wrong. But I think some just like to find fault with RCC, because of the many problems they have with their faith down throughout the centuries (where time and power and corruption will find its way into most earthly faiths). But instead of addressing those wrong teachings, they just lump the whole organization as a cult. sort of like many wanted David to hunt down and kill Saul and his family, but David knew it was wrong. He knew it was up to God to judge someone that He had put over the people.
Oh, almost forgot, lol, I think the statues of Jesus should not be taken down, unless the majority of christians who wanted it there, the locals, to make that decision. Forcing people to do such things just make the people angry, when outsiders want to change their faith.
I don't think we can expect police to dispatch same race officers to a scene in order to avoid racist accusations or resulting unrest. I think the big mistake that was made with regard to the worst hot spot in America now, Seattle Washington, is that president Trump did not act as promised when the Mayor and police allowed the occupation to continue.
Horrific crimes followed. Lives lost. Lives destroyed due to physical violence. A male pastor was sexually and physically assaulted for daring to enter what was titled the, CHAZ zone. It was later and remains named, CHOP.
One man in the zone was handing out AR-15's! First question, where'd those come from?

I think the national guard should have been ordered in to quell the unrest. And I think police that stand down when historic monuments are being destroyed and vandalized should be fired. While the vandals should go to prison.
Protest is free speech. Vandalism is not. Terrorism is not.

I think once it appeared as though a government entity was conceding to terrorism, we should have realized this is a partisan conspiracy to further impact America and make it appear as "Trump's fault".The Democrat Mayor of Seattle ordered police out of the precinct BLM and ANTIFA were attempting to occupy, so that the zone could be overtaken by those terrorists. That should have been considered an act of Domestic Terrorism at the federal level. The Mayor removed from office, the police reinstated as members of the executive branch by the president himself. And every single member of the terrorist occupation , members of both BLM & ANTIFA, arrested.

Sadly, things are not calming down but are escalating. And we're suppose to believe what set it off was the murder of one black man in Minneapolis.
It is known that both BLM & ANTIFA are funded in part by George Soros. And others. I don't know why GS isn't made to answer for funding Domestic Terrorism.

If we would stop being tolerant of DT I think we would go a long way to make America strong again.
We're not of the world Uber, we are aliens, but we have a most powerful weapon, prayer and we must use it, guided by the Holy spirit. Bless you.
Oh, almost forgot, lol, I think the statues of Jesus should not be taken down, unless the majority of christians who wanted it there, the locals, to make that decision. Forcing people to do such things just make the people angry, when outsiders want to change their faith.
Agree with you on this, Brad.

Nobody know exactly what Jesus looked like, which is probably a good thing. We know that he didn't stand out from the crowd due to his appearance, so whatever a typical middle-eastern first century carpenter looked like -- that's Jesus.

A fundamental aspect of the gospel is that Jesus became one of us, experiencing life as a man. In monocultural Western Europe of 400 years ago it was natural that people would identify with Jesus and veer towards Jesus looking like a western European.

It gets more complicated as cultures and races mix. I've travelled a bit and seen very white depictions of Jesus in Papua New Guinea, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh. And then it's very uncomfortable indeed. Being the only white guy in the room, and the only other person who looks like me is a picture of Jesus isn't great. You can't help thinking of a white man's God, or Christianity being mixed up with the spread of imperial power and oppression.

A lot of people in the UK are still put off Christianity due to the belief that it's a white man's religion. Why not get rid things that perpetuate that belief.

So, good to have a rethink. No point, as Brad Huber says, in violently tearing things down. But think it through carefully, and use images that are as accurate as possible, and in a way that doesn't divide communities and isn't a barrier to evangelism.
I dont think it matters what color Jesus was. Today, israelites are ranging from white to very dark. Most of those who are more white, come from nations where white is more predominant, but its all speculation. It is more likely he was not white, but it really doesnt matter, the color of a man's skin in the kingdom of God matters not, its what is inside the heart of that man or woman. The people who depicted Him as white, simply guessed as to his characteristics and probably made him white since the culture they came from was white. The ban on idols were such that we are not meant to worship idols, things made by a man or woman, are in no way to be worshiped. The common ridicule of RCC for christian idols does not take into account that they dont actually worship those idols except in some rare cases by those less knowledgeable. My mother was RCC, my uncle was a priest in RCC, and they never encouraged others to worship idols. They were put there to help people keep Christ and the saints in mind for what they did for us. They are simply symbols, same thing for the body of Jesus on the cross, it was His work on the cross that saved us all. They typically say that protestants worship the cross instead of Jesus, because Jesus isnt on it for our empty cross. Worshiping baal, satan, or any false God is wrong, and worshipping some idol as the mouthpiece or ears of God is also wrong. But I think some just like to find fault with RCC, because of the many problems they have with their faith down throughout the centuries (where time and power and corruption will find its way into most earthly faiths). But instead of addressing those wrong teachings, they just lump the whole organization as a cult. sort of like many wanted David to hunt down and kill Saul and his family, but David knew it was wrong. He knew it was up to God to judge someone that He had put over the people.

Greetings Brad

Sorry brother I cannot agree, I have myself been to catholic churches, I have seen people on their knees staring at the figure of Christ on the Cross in prayer, I almost found myself do the same.

Catholics do argue in the way you have that it is just to help them worship, same with a figure of Mary in the gardens by a tomb, a life like figure, Mary the size of a human where as Christ in most places I have been was a statue/figure three to four times the size of a human, behind the alter looking down on the congregation.

I will go a step further to say, if the RCC/CC think as you say, why did they change the 10 Commandments, by altering several verses and omitting the part on idol worship? As you say brother, 'The ban on idols were such that we are not meant to worship idols, things made by a man or woman, are in no way to be worshiped.' They are man made things.

Scripture tells us to make known any false teaching, this is just one of them, to change the world of God, as they have will have its consequences. Not one dot or titter can be changed in The Word, not one! But the pope believes he has a God given right to change scripture, if by 'his interpretation' does seem to be translated correctly, even though scholars over the years had translated The Word in agreement. Changing the 10 Commandments was only done to save RCC criticism of idol worship, changing the Lord's Prayer would be the pope's person opinion.

Greetings Brad

Sorry brother I cannot agree, I have myself been to catholic churches, I have seen people on their knees staring at the figure of Christ on the Cross in prayer, I almost found myself do the same.

Catholics do argue in the way you have that it is just to help them worship, same with a figure of Mary in the gardens by a tomb, a life like figure, Mary the size of a human where as Christ in most places I have been was a statue/figure three to four times the size of a human, behind the alter looking down on the congregation.

I will go a step further to say, if the RCC/CC think as you say, why did they change the 10 Commandments, by altering several verses and omitting the part on idol worship? As you say brother, 'The ban on idols were such that we are not meant to worship idols, things made by a man or woman, are in no way to be worshiped.' They are man made things.

Scripture tells us to make known any false teaching, this is just one of them, to change the world of God, as they have will have its consequences. Not one dot or titter can be changed in The Word, not one! But the pope believes he has a God given right to change scripture, if by 'his interpretation' does seem to be translated correctly, even though scholars over the years had translated The Word in agreement. Changing the 10 Commandments was only done to save RCC criticism of idol worship, changing the Lord's Prayer would be the pope's person opinion.

LOL, I had made a long post in reply and accidentaly erased in a couple of unwatched keystrokes. In conclusion, your observation molds your opinion and I respect that, but it hasnt been my observation. The RCC has done many things I disagree with and continue to do so, and I dont attend their parishes other than go with a friend to have a chance to witness to them afterwords (respecting them enough to go with them). I think the orthodox church is the closest there is in 3rd century faith due to their rigidness of inability to change, but even they are not the same as 1st century faith. And the KJV which many protestants love as the only true scripture has already changed from its first printing. It started with the apocrypha included and that was taken out about a century later. Short of the use of the Holy Spirit, even accepted scripture does little to the atheists that study it to try and prove us wrong, and sadly, often they know it better than many christians.
None of us know the hearts of believers, only God himself. If a person finds Jesus through the catholic church, because the catholic church is the only one at hand, they may well take on board the beliefs and traditions. However spiritually, they may be right with God, only God knows that. I have no time for any of the abominations of denominations, I believe they all fragment the body of Christ, but the believers in them, that is another matter. Many of them, if given the choice of Jesus or death, would I'm sure choose their Saviour. So we should never reject the believer because of the church they attend, there is only one judge and we're not him. Things might well change in the separation of the sheep and the goats.
None of us know the hearts of believers, only God himself. If a person finds Jesus through the catholic church, because the catholic church is the only one at hand, they may well take on board the beliefs and traditions. However spiritually, they may be right with God, only God knows that. I have no time for any of the abominations of denominations, I believe they all fragment the body of Christ, but the believers in them, that is another matter. Many of them, if given the choice of Jesus or death, would I'm sure choose their Saviour. So we should never reject the believer because of the church they attend, there is only one judge and we're not him. Things might well change in the separation of the sheep and the goats.

We do know the hearts of some. They freely tell us and show what is in their hearts.

Matt 7:16; "You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?
Matt 7:20; "So then, you will know them by their fruits

1Tim 5:24; The sins of some men are quite evident, going before them to judgment; for others, their sins follow after.

Many people are far too accepting of people who believe in other doctrines, and even other Jesus's.

2Jn 1:9; Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son.
2Jn 1:10; If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not give him a greeting;
2Jn 1:11; for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds.

2Cor 11:3; But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.
2Cor 11:4; For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted, you accept their teachings openly.

Eph 4:14; As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming;

We are supposed to judge those in the church. The Bible tells us to.

1Cor 5:11; But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler—not even to eat with such a one.
1Cor 5:12; For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church?
1Cor 5:13; But those who are outside, God judges. REMOVE THE WICKED MAN FROM AMONG YOURSELVES.

Some of us are far too accepting of the company we keep, and the beliefs we accept.

There are many differences between the Jesus of the Bible, and the Jesus of the RC church. Enough I believe for him to qualify as "another Jesus".
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