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Why does God send people to hell?

Not sure what your point is Curtis?

Hell is referred to as 'outer darkness' agreed. Darkness is a metaphor for a place where evil takes place. As John 3:19 explains. ''Loved darkness because their deeds were evil''. Those in hell love doing evil.
Exactly, the Lord God gives them what they "love" which is "darkness". Loving darkness is evil.
The Bible says that God created hell for Satan and the wicked angels who rebelled against Him, but there are people in hell also (Matthew 25:41). Both angelic beings and human beings are in hell for the same reason, sin (Romans 6:23).

Because God is completely righteous and morally perfect (Psalm 18:30), He always does what is right—there is no “darkness” in God, not the smallest speck of imperfection (1 John 1:5). God Himself is the standard for what is right, good, and moral. If it were not for God being the standard of moral perfection, created beings would have nothing to measure themselves against. In other words, if God is perfectly righteous, then anything that falls short of said perfection is sinful, and every human being who has ever lived, since Adam’s fall from grace, has committed sin (Romans 3:23). Because Adam sinned, the entire human race now has a sinful nature (Romans 5:12). But people do not go to hell because of Adam’s sin; they go to hell because of their own sin, which they freely choose (James 1:13–16).

Since God is eternal, immutable, and infinite, and all sins are fundamentally against God, God has decreed the just punishment for sin must also be eternal (Matthew 25:46). There is another aspect to consider, which is that God also created people to live eternally. So when someone commits a sin against another person, the offended person has also been eternally wronged.

God, therefore, has deemed all who commit sin will go to hell because they have failed to meet His righteous standard; they have broken His Law of moral perfection. If God did not send people to hell for breaking His laws, it could be said that God is not just (Psalm 7:11). A good analogy is a court of law with a judge and a lawbreaker. A just judge will always convict the person who has been found guilty. If that judge did not pursue justice for the crime, he would not be a just judge (Deuteronomy 32:4).

However, the good news is that God is also merciful. In His rich mercy, He made a way for sinners to avoid the punishment of hell by trusting in the atoning work of His Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 5:9). For Christians, the penalty of sin has been removed and placed upon Christ on the cross (1 Peter 2:24). Because of the sacrifice of Christ, God is still just—the sin is punished—yet He is also merciful to all who believe.

article: Why does God send people to hell? | GotQuestions.org
No one gos to hell as there is no such place - although Satan seems destined for an eternal lake of fire.
I agree with most of this.

But just have two questions.

1. If sin gets you into fiery hell, why were some sinners in the OT before Jesus not in a fiery hell but rather in Abrahams Bosom per Luke 16:19-31

2. If being a Christian was as simple as believing in Jesus why does 1 Cor 12:3 say that nobody can of themselves believe Jesus is Lord?

I don't believe sin alone gets you into hell. A love of sin does John 3:19. Being sold out to it. Sin full measure. In the OT in Hades, there was a split between sinners who repented and sinners who did not.

We are given faith to believe Jesus is Lord, only when we repent of our sins. God judges our hearts and minds for sincerity Jer 17:9-12. Repentance is opening the door to Jesus Rev 3:20. God will never send to a fiery hell someone who truthfully repents of their sins Psalm 51:17.
Abrahams bosom was a parable.
Abrahams bosom was a parable.
And the Jewish holocaust was a conspiracy?

And Jehovah witnesses always fight for the innocent and helpless. There has just never been a war in the last 120 years that has warranted a call to arms for you. The men in your sect are just the worst.
No one gos to hell as there is no such place - although Satan seems destined for an eternal lake of fire.
With regards to your 144 000 chosen.

You need to meditate on two facts.

1 Martyrdom is the greatest act of love one can show John 15:13.

2. A lot more than 144 000 have given their lives for Jesus.
And the Jewish holocaust was a conspiracy?

And Jehovah witnesses always fight for the innocent and helpless. There has just never been a war in the last 120 years that has warranted a call to arms for you. The men in your sect are just the worst.
The Jews died because they deny Jesus is the son of GOD.
THere will be a far greater holocaust during Armageddon or when Jesus returns
With regards to your 144 000 chosen.

You need to meditate on two facts.

1 Martyrdom is the greatest act of love one can show John 15:13.

2. A lot more than 144 000 have given their lives for Jesus.
You need to meditate on two facts: one, I'm a Arian Christian not a JW; two you are a pompous narcisist who hates to admit errors.
You need to meditate on two facts: one, I'm a Arian Christian not a JW; two you are a pompous narcisist who hates to admit errors.
You said 144k were chosen, I responded to that. You are evading. Evading is trolling. Deal with the post. Unless you are only here to troll.
Arianism is a nontrinitarian Christological doctrine which asserts that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who was begotten by God the Father at a point in time, a creature distinct from the Father and is therefore subordinate to him. Arianism is first attributed to Arius, a Christian presbyter in Alexandria, Egypt. Arian theology holds that the Son of God is not co-eternal with God the Father and is distinct from the Father.

Although I don't really like this description. Almost all Christians would say Jesus is distinct from the Father, and many Christians
would say that there is a hierarchy in the God-head.

Mainstream Christianity asserts the deity of Jesus as an eternal being. He always existed and always will.
Arianism is a nontrinitarian Christological doctrine which asserts that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who was begotten by God the Father at a point in time, a creature distinct from the Father and is therefore subordinate to him. Arianism is first attributed to Arius, a Christian presbyter in Alexandria, Egypt. Arian theology holds that the Son of God is not co-eternal with God the Father and is distinct from the Father.

Although I don't really like this description. Almost all Christians would say Jesus is distinct from the Father, and many Christians
would say that there is a hierarchy in the God-head.

Mainstream Christianity asserts the deity of Jesus as an eternal being. He always existed and always will.
He mentioned 144 000 chosen, are they an off shoot of Jehovah witnesses?
I found this passage on wikipedia quite interesting.

In addition, if any writing composed by Arius should be found, it should be handed over to the flames, so that not only will the wickedness of his teaching be obliterated, but nothing will be left even to remind anyone of him. And I hereby make a public order, that if someone should be discovered to have hidden a writing composed by Arius, and not to have immediately brought it forward and destroyed it by fire, his penalty shall be death. As soon as he is discovered in this offence, he shall be submitted for capital punishment.
Regarding the 144,000 -- look at Revelation 7 -- the 144,000 consist of 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel. They are all listed in verses 5 - 8. These people are going into the great tribulation to witness to the Jews. The seven year tribulation is meant for the unrepentant Jews. They are God's chosen people and will come to Him during this time. AT this time there are Messianic Jews who Have accepted Jesus Christ as their Promised Messiah.
As I already said, the "input God gives to a person" is that he gives them two choices: life or death.
OK, so you don't know whether or not He has anything to do with creating the person in the first place.

BTW, you say that the person has 2 choices from which to select - life or death. How do you define "death" as you're using it here?