As I recall in that passage -- when Jesus challenged the men in that crowd of people -- no one was willing to caste that first stone. After they'd all left -- Jesus Christ acknowledged to her that she had no one condemning her - so He Also said He would not condemn her and told her to go and sin no more.
The man she was with was as guilty as she was -- no one did anything to him. Why Not. Men don't have to worry about a potential pregnancy -- the woman does. And men can spread disease all over the place as can women.
Women were pretty much only property back then. Women were dependent on their fathers and then a husband to support them.
And men can Also be So unfaithful to their wives.
Yes, Numbers 5 -- if a husband suspects his wife of unfaithfulness, there is the test of bitter waters administered by the priest. Just how wonderful of husbands were the men. Both back then and now. This is a sin-damaged world we live in.
'we' need to guard our marriages.