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Greetings Shaolin,
please do not be rude to other Members and please stop trying to undermine the staff here at TalkJesus
thank you ....><>
I am doing neither.
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SignUp Now!Greetings Shaolin,
please do not be rude to other Members and please stop trying to undermine the staff here at TalkJesus
thank you ....><>
You mean you want to “correct” the words of God. Anyone who has to “change” the words of God, and to “correct” what God really meant to say, is pushing false doctrine.
You mean you want to “correct” the words of God. Anyone who has to “change” the words of God, and to “correct” what God really meant to say, is pushing false doctrine.
I’m not the one trying to change the meaning of Gods words. I just post them and you try to tell us why God’s words need to be corrected.You are not doing yourself any favors by this nonsense, steward of false doctrine.
All you have proven is that you have to change the words of God in order to push your false doctrine.What you have been promoting here in these 8 pages on this thread is false doctrine.
All you have proven is that you have to change the words of God in order to push your false doctrine.
Again, I changed nothing. Your English translation is NOT the Word of God, the original Greek manuscripts are. If you can't understand that simple basic fact then you have a lot of problems.
You must be born again of the Holy Spirit and be made a “new man”in Christ. This seed is not given at birth, but at “rebirth”when you receive the promise of the Father.Man-- the soil man, the earth man, the clay man, the red man, becomes the vessel that the son of God, -the seed- -the son- is filled with. And from this one act of love where the Father sends a son the sole (soul) purpose is expressly to produce something pleasing. To produce something of value from this garden of life. A man (adam) to bring forth life from the soil (adamah). If you can understand (and I know you do) that the soul is the soil and that the seed is the spirit, you will understand that the seed is planted in the soil for a season. It serves the soil, and brings forth fruit- it produces fruit with seed, ten, sixty, a hundredfold and having completed it's service it is judged by it's record.... what it accomplished during it's growing season. What kind of harvest was produced.
It all seems simple enough. But this story isn't simple. For just as there was a Sower who planted His seed in this adam, there was an enemy who 'came while His men were sleeping' and sowed darnel in the same field- the very same soil where the good seed was planted. And like the good seed, these darnel poison the soil and ruin the wheat crop producing bad flour from which would come bad bread- toxic and fungal, to make men dizzy and lethargic. But both seeds grow alongside one another for the whole season, until the end of the age.
You must be born again of the Holy Spirit and be made a “new man”in Christ. This seed is not given at birth, but at “rebirth”when you receive the promise of the Father.
Luke 24:49
And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.
Here is the promise of the Father…
John 20:22
And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:”
The first man Adam is born of “the flesh,”the born again man is born of the seed of promise in Christ by the Holy Spirit. ( reborn of Spirit)
Romans 9:8
That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.
I know perfectly what it is I’m talking about, you just don’t have ears to hear.You don't know what you are talking about. I know, that doesn't stop you from talking.
The "Holy Ghost" is not the seed. Scripture calls it the spirit of truth. Jesus, as recorded in John 16 calls it the helper... (parakletos in Greek, ezer in Hebrew) and it could not be given until he went away. Until he ascended to where he came from. What is it? It's Trouble. With a capital T and rhymes with P and that stands for pool! Right here in River City.
Jacob's Trouble. It's for a purpose and through it we are never alone.
The word of God is neither english nor greek nor hebrew. It is spirit and must be discerned by spirit.
For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words.
More esoteric nonsense straight out of the New Age movement.
The Word of God is as it has been written, which is why when the apostles and Christ referred to it, they quoted it. I cannot quote vain imaginations out of your own biased mind.
Furthermore, if there is no concrete Word of God, then you can claim anything you want as His Word...which is just new age nonsense.
You are close...the soul is part of the spirit. The soul is the emotional and intellectual part of a person...when your physical body dies you will have all of your memories from this life (unless God removes certain ones if they cause pain), that's because the soul is part of the spirit. If you draw a circle diagram with three consecutively larger circles, the smaller center one represents the soul, the next larger circle represents you (the spirit man), and the third outer circle represents the physical body. The soul is NOT part of the physical body...look in Revelation...when John says he saw the souls of the saved, he is referring not to physical bodies, but the spirits and souls of the righteous dead.
You also have to remember to look closely at the context in which the word soul is used...because context gives you the meaning of the word. Sometimes it refers only to a person individually (4 souls were on the ship) with NO reference to spirit whatsoever...and then other times it does reference the spirit or soul within the spirit.
What are you referring to when you say, "Until you have become one like Jesus’ very prayer asked for?" That makes no sense. make absolutely no sense here whatsoever. Exactly what are you talking about and what does it have to do with the spirit that God causes to give life to a human being?
So you are an esoteric knot? Scripture is infallible, and only those who don't know how to read and interpret it correctly tie themselves in knots over it. I am not one of those people. Tree huggers don't hear the voice of Christ or His Spirit, the voices they hear are from demons.
So, you confess that you are not saved and that you are not a Christian...yet they let you post here? Interesting indeed...
Most of this is nonsense. As for the question you ask, trying to trip me answered it in the line before it. Only the Spirit gives birth to spirit, I never said that flesh can. You are seeing and hearing things that are not there.
The Breath of Life breathed into us, was a part of Gods’ Spirit given to us. A peice of God. What gives us our divine nature. Our Dual Nature. That was put into Flesh, which is not alive without it. And together it makes a Living Soul. A Nephesh (the original Hebrew word used)
Then MEN assembled those stories and bound them in a book.... actually 66 or 80 books depending on who you ask- and called it the Bible. That is NOT the word of God.
pffft..... more dogma.
People wrote their accounts on paper,papyrus or lambskin or whatever.... first oral traditions, then recorded. Then MEN assembled those stories and bound them in a book.... actually 66 or 80 books depending on who you ask- and called it the Bible. That is NOT the word of God. It's a collection of stories. Get over yourself.
I am simply Going by Scripture.
The Breath of Life breathed into us, was a part of Gods’ Spirit given to us. A peice of God. What gives us our divine nature.
All of this Has to do with The Spirit of Life, because The Spirit of Life is in Everything.
The Things of the Spirit are esoteric. The Bible a Spiritual book. That speaks a Spiritual Language; Parables and Mystieries.
My question would be to those who do not believe the Holy Bible is the very words of God.
Why are you in a Bible discussion forum?