That is what you believe, that is no difference than the person, who believes; there is no GOD.

and there are over 2 billion Confessed christians in this world and documented that they are "christians" and given evidence even by the witness of "Holy Scripture" and I will never call them a liar. If they say they are, i believe them. and honoring them as they have proclaim.

"I will testify I am not one and do not want to be called one, not in this life and my GOD will never called me one , never, never throughout ETERNITY He would never call me a christian.
{and take note, just maybe my GOD is a false one, that i believe in, but that day will come to see if i am a believer of that which is false or a believer of that which is real,
But I believe , that I am one of His CHILDREN, and he will always let me know the truth and never lie to me, and he ain't never called me a christian. And I believe that He will never give My HORSE away. He made him just for me and nobody else can ride him but me. I do not pay attention to a man that walks this planet, All men are liars and I would be a Fool to think they would tell me right, even their interpretation for what GOD has Said to me. And i do not want any one to take my words either for i am a man too, therefore I am a liar Too! and not to be trusted,

therefore check me out.
"I Do Not Follow Men, Nor Hold Strong of The Words that Comes out of Their Mouths" I hear and I listen. But I am not around many.
"Be careful little eyes what you see, Be careful little Ears what you hear" "Didn't I Tell you "STOP" hanging around those kids, Now I am going to give you a "REMINDER" so you Will Not FORGET! TAKE Off That SHIRT! "Arch Angel Micheal" bring me That WHIP. LORD you might Kill him, Don't worry, I can bring Him Back.
So you see there are many gods in the world, and each god speaks to his child and they listen to their god.
My [our] FATHER speaks and we Listen, now for over 40 years, and he have never lied to me, he spoke and i listen and all, have come to past. Even when i did not had not read his word, that same word was written in the BOOK i already knew and heard It before I read it, I never really heard a preacher or pastor Preach it! The Angels of GOD have even came and rescue me and comforted me, So I got a horse, I know I got one, i do not have to believe, I know.

and His name will not be "Trigger". and he will be white, "HEAVENLY WHITE", with no impurities in his gait or color. More brighter than the Stars in The SKY! And "lightening and Thunder" is going to be Flashing from the Hoofs of His FEET, and His Nostrils will be puffing Flames as if it was Smoke. but Full of GLORY! Jesus will not be driving a "BUGATTI" he is going to be Riding A White HORSE and His ARMIES will be Following and we will REIGN on Planet Earth with a "IRON ROD"! Many christians, buying and reading all those books entitled: "i been to heaven" and this is what i saw, Please, read The BIBLE as A BOOK! Over and over and over again until it "REIGNS in YOUR SOUL"! and Supersedes ALL!

it is not Poison or Burdensome. it will not harm you or destroy you.
"My people are destroyed for Lack of Knowledge" "The knowledge that is written in The BOOK" The LACK . They pass between The Red SEA they Cross The "JORDAN" but when They entered the Land, they "Proclaim There Are GIANTS in The LAND"
You see i do not have faith in bible teachers, ministers, pastors, churches, and sure have no faith in people who write and sale books for profit. And I do not trust Bible translators, I check them out too, the whole committee, I do not trust dictionaries and lexicons, i check them out especially concerning biblical words and biblical Phrases and why the translators phrase it that way, and those who spoke in the bible, who they were, and whether that was their thoughts about God or Was it was GOD who revealed That TRUTH to them. or they where just speaking how they felt or what they believed and it was not what GOD had revealed or said.

They have said, My mother and many others have said< "who are you" and the look on their faces scares me, And I reply every time: "I DON:T KNOW" They say how you know this stuff, my reply I don't know! I just know! I know one thing, I do what he tells me to do. I been through to much.
I remember a friend and his sister who have known me all my life, and both have proclaim at different times, the stuff you have been through and come out bright as the SUN, one said that some of the stuff you been through "I would have put a gun to my head and pull the trigger! And some have said, when i was having so much trouble I thought about you how much trouble you have been through and it gave me Courage, if he can go through it i can too! My brother, my mothers said: "He can go through anything! "I had no Choice" they have lied on me, they have done things to me, both black and white, big time, the church and the people of this world even my wife have betrayed and told lies on me. cars ran me over, i have met death "Spiritually and Physically and mentally" and the Most Cruel of ALL has been The CHURCH, they will defend demons , witches , warlocks and devils than their very own, Known HISTORICAL BIBLICAL FACT! The Institutional Church is a HAVEN for unclean things and its occupants will contaminate the whole lump.
And now, "JUDGMENT Has Begone in The House They call, the house GOD" "An Ancient word ".
But I kept on Loving them BY staying on the TRUTH even unto their faces no compromise and refused to tell them LIES . For many times, I could feel Bitterness Creeping in and I would hear His soft voice to me, "love them anyhow" and i would pray give me the strength to love them anyhow, help me LORD, put it in me,

And you talking about a hard prayer to pray and shape your words in your heart and mind even in the twilight hour,
But through it all, every time when i come out, and look back, I smile and kinda laugh, and laugh when i would talk about such events to other pastors and Minister when the occasion arise. they would say i see the Light in you.

Sometimes the pain in my heart would drop me to my knees and I cannot get up even in a public place. and the tears would keep coming. For I was a Strong and Powerful man, but The love of GOD ways, would "buckle my knees' you talking about a broken heart. Obeying GOD.
12And his eyes are a flame of fire, and upon his head are many diadems; and he hath a name written which no one knoweth but he himself.
13And he is arrayed in a garment sprinkled with blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
14And the armies which are in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and pure.
There is Only One CORONATION CEREMONY, And The BEMA SEAT is there And the CROWNING Of The KING and The kings and For This is The Award Place, and everybody "The HEAVENLY CREATURES, and THE ANGELS of GOD, AND ALL OF THE SAINTS are THERE. TO ENJOY AND GIVE GOD THE FATHER, GLORY, There is no such thing as a , "Private Personal Ceremony". We are One. One CORONATION TABLE! The Kings TABLE. And when The Ceremony is over, We will "SADDLE UP" After Orders, and We the ARMIES will follow HIM, Riding In "GLORY" coming to the EARTH! "FROM The FARTHEST HORIZON" NOW how far that is, i don't know .but i know it is Way beyond The Universe! And what A RIDE, It will be, "WE Will LIGHT up The UNIVERSE as We cross and Pass The STARS, A GLORY THAT A HUMAN HAS NEVER SEEN OR EVEN HEARD OF. of SUCH A THING!
Like John CALVIN, has said, the problem is with most christians their view of GOD is small, So their thinking is small and confined and not in "THE MAGNIFICENT"! MY Paraphrase of his explanation HIS "PREEMINENCE" "The Christ of GOD".
I come apart how that Glory is manifested within Me. "The Hope of GLORY" This world and Those Who are only Religious concerning The GLORY that is within "CHRIST" and Cannot or have The "ABILITY" to enter in. The Glory that is revealed within! " I will send another "ADVOCATE" and He will never ever leave you alone! They do not know what that MEANS Our GOD will NEVER LIE! You can TRUST HIM! Truly, if You HAVE BEEN BORN FROM ABOVE" you have had The HEAVENLY BIRTH! Born of GOD and Not the Birth that comes from the world! the birth from the woman's womb. you have to become a new CREATURE and Not that CREATURE that the world call a man, The earthling! We are more than that man , that earthling, who GOD CREATED in THAT GARDEN that Was in The beginning! we are nothing like him! and will not look like him, when we get our New Bodies to go with the NEW CREATURE in The INSIDE!
Adam and Eve can Never in all of Their GLORY can come any where near us even Heaven and all of its Creatures we will be beyond ALL their Expectations and Imaginations we will light up brighter than HEAVEN it Self!
yes shout! your redemption draws near.
Now Bill may i say, What are you wound up about? Now image that Ride, across THE UNIVERSE
Brighter than The STARS, Don't worry your horse won't bite. And you talking about
"POWER"! You will Feel the Glory and Power even of The Horse between your Legs! Riding on the Winds!
We will have not One dull moment once He appears , Throughout All ETERNITY where There is No End,
Every Moment will be more Glorious than The moment that was before.
I can't wait, my expectation is high. I am not your everyday follow the preacher and the fairly tale books about heaven. "million" dollar business. "Fairly TALES" BOOKS about Heaven, "And the Devil Deceived The whole World"
The WHOLE WORLD! Their books and The Word of God does not mix.
Another "Short Story"