Hi Sue, Just wondered how you think Trump is "Draining the Swamp", because it seems to me that hes filled positions within his Government with Business insiders and Political cronies that typify a Corruption rarely seen before,....... and i've noticed Illegal Immigration mentioned a few times here, just wondered how that fitted in with Loving thy Neighbour and welcoming the stranger, whether "illegal" or not, , ...... and just where do you consider Trump's "trying to do right", in his promotion of Nationalism, MAGA, in his Racism and Anti Immigration rhetoric and actions, Build that wall and the Muslim Ban to name just a couple, and Trumps pro Rich and big Business stance and his cuts to welfare and other benefits surely puts him at odds with Christs preference for the poor and oppressed, and what about his unashamedly pro Gun, pro NRA positon , how does that reconcile with Christs teachings of Pacifism and tolerance, and his utter contempt for Environmental safeguards and pro BigOil, Gas and Coal stance will probably be the final nail in the coffin as regards climate change condemning countless millions to further poverty and suffering as increased droughts, famines, storms and floods ravage the earth,...... im making your choice for Trump ,what was it about Clinton's evil that you consider outweighs Trumps,
@Sue D.
I realize that the above post was directed to you, but I hope you don't mind me adding my 2 cents or 2 pence for our Brother from the UK.
Hello Rad,
You're catching me on a rough day, so you might not want to read the rest.
Still one siding it I see :smile:
Now which one first.................illegal immigration...........
I just couldn't help replying to this. This one really got me to start writing. Your part about "Illegal Immigration" and Loving thy Neighbor. The operative word here is "illegal". The people coming into this country or any other country for that matter by doing so "illegally" are breaking the laws of said country. So, I hope you're not suggesting that we as Christians should break the Law of the Country we live in as a reflection of our Love of Neighbor? :smile: Quite the conundrum you would have us choose from there brother. However, in truth if we truly love our neighbor, then we would not be assisting them in breaking the law, but rather assist them by following the law or having the law changed.
Going to get worse.......
You'll find the side that you probably support, does not in honesty want to resolve this issue in any reasonable manner. Outside of creating open borders, which would make the U.S.A the first....well maybe the Antarctic, but I don't see a lot of folks seeking to invade that locale. So, as far as I know no country in the world allows for unfettered entry into their country, and that includes the UK. Want to try that beam in ones eye refrain on for size? Sorry I couldn't help it. Told you it be getting worse.....
This is why I suggest you research both sides, before critiquing, which in this case is existing law, which predates this Republican President. He's just trying to enforce the laws he inherited. Humm.....imagine that....a politician wanting to enforce the law!!! Not something I want from my leadership...I'm sure you'd abhor that too in your Prime Minister..............Oh by the way how's that Brexit thing going? People voted for it, but the existing Leadership last I've heard is trying everything they can do to scuttle the whole thing or slow it down in such a way that folks may very well believe it was only an illusion.........The English sure have started something there. Seems other EU states are looking at similar laws to be put up for a vote.............point coming.....Seems that bad, bad, bad, Nationalism thing is spreading....see Brexit......Sorry I'm not a Globalism type person. One World Government etc.
Pro-gun a problem. Sorry, it's written into our Constitution and so I have no issue with it. If I did, then the way to go would be to pass another amendment to the Constitution. Using half-step laws to get around it, just makes it worse for everyone (i.e. research City of Chicago).
Gosh this is getting hard to do.....
Environmental issues? Agreed. However....I'm sure you knew there was a "but" coming....so I used However instead :smile: The laws that the U.S.A. enact, will have zero effect on changing the countries that make the U.S.A look like pikers and they are China & India. China, India won't be driven by what we do. Plus, have you looked at the Green Deal that was put forward by as you like to use the other "Party Line"? Think we can get the Russians to go along? Don't think so. Now please don't say it's the U.S.A that is putting the nail of the coffin called climate change. To have a Globalist with such a Nationalist point of view as far as blame is concerned is disconcerting to me :smile:
To make radical changes you need innovation, not condemnation. Government can subsidize some of the research, but unless the main focus is done by the private industries, with great incentives. It just won't happen. Socialist and Communist type Governments are not high on innovation, just status quo. Trying to shove it down the throats of people, just makes them even more angry and disappointed then they already are. Have you done that research on the other side yet? No? Sad, because you'd of found that the other extreme is no better. Hillary? Gosh in any other civilized country she'd of been convicted and would still be spending time in jail.
Now that same "Party" that I'm pointing to would throw the baby out with the bath water, as a way to fix things, but since they already want to abort up to and including the time of birth. It's no big deal for them. Think this was harsh? :crying: That Party actual had someone say yesterday that it was better off to kill them off now, since they were going to get killed later on in life. Wow!!! LET'S GO PARTY!!!!
You still not getting it are you. You might have, if you did what I suggested and did that research on the other side as honestly as you did this one. Then hold them both up against Scripture and you'd see the failings of both. Without Christ Jesus, what you have is less, no matter which one you choose, without Christ it will never be more..........
Like I said. A rough day.
Thanks for taking my burden for awhile.
With the Love Christ Jesus.