These types of videos you watch are quite rightly banned. The makers of such are peddlers of paranoid baseless fearmongery.
To encourage anyone to avoid vaccination is irresponsible. It causes needless suffering and death. That should be made a criminal offence.
Dear Sister,
Your mindset is scary to me. It will be that type of mindset that will allow for the Mark of Beast to be acceptable, promoted, and for any who would disagree will be condemned. People will also turn in others for not having it! Truly family will turn against family, and no one will be immune from persecution who doesn't get it! Very similar to the mindset that you have here.
Now, you still don't know over in the UK that what you are taking first, is not a vaccine, as was the case with smallpox, chicken pox, etc. Those shots contained an inactive agent of the disease that won't actually active the disease. The COVID "vaccine" does not do that. It's not just the "nutters" that profess this. The very governments that you believe are telling the truth, will confirm this. It's the Science, and nothing but the Science.
Secondly, the vaccine/shot does not prevent you from getting COVID, and if you get COVID it doesn't prevent you from passing it on. If you were unaware of this, then you need to research it, because it's Science, and not the "nutters" speaking out of the side of their mouths.
As far as side effects. You shouldn't be surprised at that either. I mean every other vaccination has a certain number of people who will have an adverse reaction to them. The difference I guess is that people in general are aware of this and are willing to take the risks. While others are not. You have a group of people who don't want any shots period. Regardless if they've been appropriately tested and gone through the trials. These are called anti-vaxxers. They even predate the existence of the COVID shots.
I know it's easier to call anyone who doesn't want to get the COVID shot anti-vaxxers, but it's really an injustice to them, and it's an attempt by others, including you to pigeonhole them in with others that don't have the science to support what they believe in a negative light. Many have valid reasons for not taking the shots. Some are even well thought out reasons.
I asked my own Doctor here in the States if I got the shot could I still get COVID? He said yes.
I then asked if I got COVID after taking the shot could I pass it on to others? He said yes.
So, what it comes down to is what does it help with? I was told that it makes the symptoms if I get COVID less problematic.
So, the decision becomes, am I willing to accept worse symptoms over lesser symptoms, or the possibility of an adverse reaction to the Shot itself?
I can't make that decision for you or anyone else, but regardless of what another person chooses, I won't denigrate them for it. Also, you mention fearmongering. Well Sister, no one can make you afraid in Christ Jesus! You have Him, or you don't. If you don't, I'd be very afraid, which folks who don't sadly are not, but if you have Jesus Christ as your Savior, why would you be afraid of what this World can do to you??? Jesus has overcome the World, and we have victory in Jesus!
Physically, we are all going to die, but in Jesus Christ we are living forever. Some will die in their sleep, while others will die violently, and the list goes on and on, but the fear need not be part of it. We are comforted in Jesus, so that whatever another person attempts to make me afraid of something, I remember that my God is in control, and when I should die, that I'll be with Him!!! So, dear sister don't let fear ever be part of your life. We were never meant to live in that fashion. Sometimes, getting too preoccupied with what is happening in the world will do that to us, but just turn it over to God, and we'll be fine even as the world continues to darken, for we walk in the light.
I hope this doesn't upset you in anyway, but I had to say something. It was going to a place it shouldn't be regardless of what you believe as it pertains to COVID. Especially, if you believe in Christ Jesus as your savior!
With the Love of Christ Jesus.