Thank your for your Honesty!'A man that flattereth his neighbour
spreadeth a net for his feet.'
(Pro 29:5)
Hello @Luminary,
Re: Reply#35
Yes, I am. Forgive me if I have caused you offence: but I have experienced the truth of this verse in discussion. It is not intentional, but the moment personal comment enters a discussion it becomes more difficult to be objective.
Thank you
In Christ Jesus
The thing is, is I was not flattering him, but expressing my appreciation, gratitude and recognition. This was a jumping to conclusions on your part, assuming, not paying attention to my other words too him, and using scripture against me to warn(?) him?
This upsets me more than anything.
It was a show of my appreciation and recognition of him doing what we were asked too do. So Excited!!! Which was to follow the Lead of the Spirit into all Gods Truth. It is also a recognition and honoring of Hearing and seeing my God >in< him. That indeed deserves Praise!
I have spent many years searching for those who can speak** according to scripture**, and what you see is my excitement (as a 10year old in Christ) that I have finally found one. A pure Faithful one…
It was also to show him that *according to scripture*, we are glorified also. And that he IS (Has Shown! to be) a Son of God; co-heir with Christ. I gave the scripture! And this Should be recognized and Celebrated. And it’s not, nearly enough. There should be Joy and excitement! Celebration! For we are lifted up with him, by him. Not a lifting up by us ourself. It was already done. For the Sons of God *are* being revealed, and not many recognize it.
So I would appreciate moving forward, that you would know all the details before making a judgment against a person or situation,(especially from past experiences with others) and using Scripture to rule on it. For you use my Gods words carelessly. And this I don’t tend to deal well with. I have 0 patients for it, and will not tolerate it. It tends to bring out the worst in me. As being that child, have not yet been completely tempered. But I do appreciate your honesty. Thank you!