Thanks SLE for your reply, but all that means to me, following your allegory, is that I really am on my own.
That's sad! -
When Lazarus was raised from the dead, it was by the power of God. God was with him and in him to the end of his life. God did not leave him to fumble about on his own as he worked his way out of the tomb. He (God) was there all the time whispering encouragement to him as he moved forward.
Another allegory might help here. Imagine yourself as a child who is learning to ride a bicycle. In the beginning, whoever is teaching the child to do this holds the back of the seat firmly as the child weaves unsteadily along. But, as the child starts to develop bike-riding skills, the teacher relaxes his/her grip bit by bit until she knows the child is ready to go it alone, even though the child feels insecure.
As the child moves along on his/her own, self confidence begins to build and the child takes a big step forward toward maturity, with the teacher standing close by cheering her on and ready to step in in an emergency.
We can also compare it to a toddler taking her first steps with a parent close by, speaking encouragement to her and ready to pick her up when she falls.
I hope this helps you. It's true that God never leaves us or forsakes us, but he also challenges us because he wants us to become spiritually mature. You are taking baby steps now, as a believer, and God is right there, whispering encouragement into your ear through your thoughts, ready to pick you up and dust you off when you stumble and fall.
God loves you, SadEyes, and so do we.