Dear Underhiswings,
I am sorry that I didn't respond properly to your post but I knew that I needed to lie down quickly before I had a serious accident while sitting at the computer.
I've now got out of bed to respond properly to you and the post is gone. I have no idea where it is and I feel too ill to look for it, so all I can do is say thank you and send you ...
and you better believe it. God brings us through great pain only when He is getting ready to use us in a mighty way.
And probably you don't know. But No two people serve Christ the same way: That's why this Christian walk is called Having a personal RELATIONSHIP!_
You are blessed
( well, the thing is I am not supposed to post with all caps, but when i wrote that reply to you. That's how God wanted me to type it (i meant the 1st posting. You know what. I agree that rules are great. But God is not a follower of rules. and had He followed the rules. There would have been no salvation for US. So, getting warned about my 1st posting really [I'm gonna say a big word but I have too. cover your eyes (lol) ]
[edited by Chad: removed offensive language, watch it!]
And God knows I don't get angry that often.
But dear sister I wanted you to feel his touch.
And you know what.
I am going to pray healing into your life. Just believe! Keep searching. And if it's God's perfect will that you be healed. May His will be done
Your sister,
Well, the questions that you are asking and the answers that you are getting are stuff that God had to revealed to me by knowing Him for over 10 years!
That's why when I say that I am proud of You, I really mean it!
Because for God one day is like a thousand and a thousand days is like one day.
Somebody please do grace me the honor of putting the verse.
Thanks in advance!
I think God wanted me to come here this morning. He woke me up at 4:27 AM when I had gone to sleep at 2:40 something, I think.......
Can you believe this?
Isn't HE something Else?
Aren't you glad You met Him?
God bless you!!!!!!!!