GOD has given us all a conscious. And there are many who do not understand the "fall" which happen in "The Garden of Eden". and we all have been corrupted and became sinners, for we all have been born sinners, and it is our natural nature to do so and not by choice.

It is natural. We are not sinners because of what we do, for we are sinners because. who we are. And the only way we can have the power to change our sinfulness, "GOD" has to make us a "Completely New Creature" other than that, what came out of our "mother's womb. So if we are born sinners, we cannot help but, to be the one person who we are. for we was born that way. And we cannot change ourselves, it takes a "GOD" to change us we cannot change ourselves.

We cannot even change our thoughts. It takes a GOD even to do that.
And after HE has Change us then we have The Power to turn around and walk a different path.

But until then, we are, who we are.

And we cannot be another.