Why is it you feel the KJV is the Holy grail of bibles?
It does not decline from the testimonies of the Son by not deleting verses as the NIV had done. Psalm 119:157-158 KJV That is how I know what Jesus meant about what the Father said in John 14:23-24 KJV When scripture is supposed to testify of the Son in John 5:39-40 KJV, and they changed that testimony about Jesus being God like they did in Philippians 2:5-11 NIV , it is no wonder why I have so much trouble proving the deity of Christ to anti-Trinitarians in another forum. The fact that 1 John 5:7 KJV originally belonged in scripture as there are miniscule Greek manuscripts testifying to that effect and extrabiblical evidence of it being cited as such as early as 250 A.D. leaves modern Bibles found wanting.
Then it comes down to source documents where there are 2 of them; one from Alexandria where poetic licensing and Gnosticism has been known to exists. They had changed enough verses and dropped some to satisfy their teaching of denying the deity of Christ, and even though anti-KJVers argue that there are still verses in the NIV for proving the deity of Christ, it goes to show why those source documents are the oldest manuscripts because Gnosticism is what modern tongue speakers are today; secret or hidden knowledge. That can only mean one thing; tongues without interpretation for self edification. It is no wonder why those priests of those monasteries are known for meditating, praying, and fasting rather than studying in the word for why those old manuscripts are not worn out from use. That is why Jesus said those who love Him would keep His words ( John 14:23 KJV ) for why the source documents from Antioch where His disciples studied for a year and were first called Christians ( Acts 11:26 KJV ) had newer documents because they were using them and wearing them out for why you can't find older ones.
Look at cause and effect. Look even at how all the Bibles ARE NOT saying the same thing. And tell me how you can correct any one when they jump to anther Bible version that supports their false teachings or their tongue which is not of Him.
When its compared to the old Hebrew writings there are errors found. Such as the word Wilfully that is left out of the KJV but in the old Hebrew writings it reads continues to "willfully" sin.
You lost me. Are you talking about the Book of Hebrews in the N.T. or are you referring to a verse in the O.T. in Hebrew writing?
The KJV is the oldest version written by MEN that MEN know of. This does not make it flawless.
KJV translators had done a preface admitting as such in the KJV. Even I can see where a couple of verses should have been translated better as per the meaning of the Greek words like in Revelation 3:5 and Luke 17:37 but I got the message whereas some modern Bibles really messed up in switching out vultures with eagles in Luke 17:37 KJV. Many are saying because of that word vultures, that God is going to take out the bad people, but in context of that chapter, that is so wrong.
King James had the scholars and theologians of the day rewrite some transcripts and such into a more "to them" easy to read and understand.
When I compare 1599 Geneva Bible to the KJV 1900 that I am using today, I am not sure how accurate that statement is, but I do have to point out that even if it is true, they did not change the message in the scriptures whereas modern Bibles has, especially with Romans 8:26 where they imply groanings can be heard whereas the KJV has His groanings cannot even be uttered either, thus keeping to the truth in John 16:13 that the Holy Spirit cannot utter His own words, but speak what He hears.
Jesus nor the Disciples spoke in old English.
That is just a hypocritical barb from anti-KJVers against KJVOnlyism on the internet to make those that rely on the KJV looking stupid. Since they are trying to propose other Bible versions are better, but guess what?; they are in English too. Did Jesus and His disciples spoke in modern English? No. So the whole point of that is just plain hypocritical in their campaigns against relying only on the KJV. It is really about the Textus Receptus verses Alexandrian documents.
Let me ask you this. What is sin?
Would you agree it is anything you know is wrong but do it anyway?
You mean like when the NIV drop verses testifying to the deity of Jesus Christ but believers still keep on using it any way, rationalizing that there are still some verses in there testifying to His deity?
Or like knowing that scripture cannot go against scripture to know that modern bible is wrong when the truth in John 16:13 opposes Romans 8:26-27 in that same modern Bible?
So scripture says....Love does not demand its way or insist on its own way.
We are commanded to walk in Love.
So would insisting KJV is the only true version Christians should read be the same as pushing, insisting ones belief on others and by doing so violate Love and thus be considered sin?
Is it love to support modern bibles when modern Bibles are lying in some parts to sow doubts in His words, thus causing many believers to go astray, even though they are still saved, but at risk of being left behind when the Bridegroom comes?
Is it love when not all Bibles are saying the same thing that in order to correct any one with the meat of His words to discern good and evil, one has to stick to the KJV or wind up at an impasse like always as seen across the internet?
We need to take a step back from all of this anti-KJV rhetoric and look at what is happening when we use the rule of checking all Bible versions to et to the truth as if using the majority reading ( all from Alexandrian source ) as proof of what that truth is when false teachings still thrive out there by those same modern Bibles. So ask yourself why there are anti-Trinitarians out there when they do the same thing.. hop around the Bible versions so you can't back them in a corner in the KJV?