Consider this,
The word apostasy is only used twice in the NT. 2 Thes. 2 and Acts 21:21.
From the word 'except' in verse 3c, to the end of verse 12, the church is not implied in any way. In fact the words "but we" in verse 13 prove that Christians (the church) is not part of the apostasy!
The word 'but' is a conjunction that shows distinction and opposition to a previous statement. It opposes persons to persons or things previously mentioned or thought of. The distinction in this passage is between the followers of Christ as opposed to the man of sin and his followers. The church is not implied whatsoever.
So true sister.
Maybe it depends on what a person considers to be 'the church'.
And there's a lot of false teachings in churches these days. Churches are gradually 'falling away' and churches are led by preachers / teachers -- so what are They teaching?
2 Thessalonians 2 -- chapter 1 To the church of the Thessalonians -- a church is made up of people who are being taught something.
Many people think the church is the building down the road where people go every Sunday, or so go every Sunday. This is incorrect understanding of the word, it is openly accepted as many do not know different, or people are brought up in a denomination and just follow what they are told or think they understand.
The 'CHURCH' is the ekklesia, it consists of Saved believers, only the born again believers are part of the Church, together we are spiritual stones, Christ is the head of His Church.
If a person has not repented of their sins, if they have not been baptised, if they have not come to the cross and accepted Jesus into their hearts, taking up their cross daily and following and learning from Him, they ARE NOT part of the CHURCH, the Body of Christ. It does not matter what denomination you are or are not part of, it doesn't matter if you have gone to church (place of worship) every week , all your life, it doesn't matter if you are a minister, it doesn't matter what sex you are, what country you live in, what language you speak, if your name is not in the Book of Life and the Lamb, you ARE NOT part of the Church, the Body of Christ, you will not be saved, you will stand before the Lord at the Great White Throne Judgement Seat and answer to Christ for all your sins like any other none saved, none believer.
On a Sunday, or what ever day people 'go to church', only the born again saved believers are the ekklesia, the church, all others in the building, place of worship, which is not a church, are still lost souls. This includes all in the building, including any ministers, I use the term ministers to cover all, pastors, deacons, vicars, bishops, etc.
They need our prayers.
You mention above teaching, what teaching, what is being preached, that is a good question, many ministers proclaim to be Gospel believing churches, but only preach on selected readings rotated over a two year period, when they preach they do not expound The Word, they take a little of the OT reading, a little of the NT reading and a little of the Gospel, chosen because there is a theme, then give a general sermon picking up a little of each. But if the minister id not born again, he is spiritually discerned, how can he effectively preach the Truth in the Word.
The devil got into the church a long time ago, certainly around 300 AD under Constantine, with The Roman Catholic Church. It has never recovered, but one day, the True Church, the ekkesia, which is being built up in the Current Heaven now, and only includes spirit and souls of saved believers who have passed away, one day The New Jerusalem, the Church, the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ will come down to earth, the New Earth. At that time heaven and earth will be joined together again.
Note as stated earlier, scripture always refers to the Heaven(s) and the Earth, (3 heavens, 1 earth), until The New Jerusalem comes down onto the New Earth at that stage scripture refers to the New Heaven (singular) the New earth (singular) Why? Because the Tabernacle of God will be back with man, saved man, heaven and earth will be joined again.
Thanks be to God.
Bless you