I am encouraged by how this conversation is progressing. It seems
@Chad4Him you
are able to see the need to do good works as a fruit of being saved. That is good. However, there still seems to be some disconnect with regards to works connecting to salvation. I will elaborate.
The main argument against not wanting to do good works is because there is no amount of good works that can save us. This I believe is true. But, and listen closely to this, just because works doesn't save us, that doesn't justify us
not trying to obey Jesus and do good works. I think this is the main issue that people are fighting against (at least the side that is arguing disobeying Jesus because He did it all for us on the cross).
This teaching that obeying Jesus, doing good works, following the commands, or whatever you want to call it, is somehow seen as "working your way to heaven" breeds lawlessness (disobedience) to Jesus. As Jesus teaches, we will know a good tree by their fruit's (7:15-20). By objectively looking at the fruit of this teaching, I can confidently say that this teaching produces bad fruit because it causes us to find every justification to
not obey Jesus, and obey anybody else except Jesus.
I will give the authenticity of this claim right now, and those reading this (and those in the future) will be able to see how Jesus' words really are sharper than any two edged sword.
I will just give one teaching of Jesus, and then I will finish it by saying, "okay, this is what Jesus says we must do, so let's do it."
Matthew 6:24, "
No one can
serve two masters; for either he will
hate the one and
love the other, or else he will be
loyal to the one and
despise the other. You cannot serve
God and
mammon." Okay, can we the lesson? Yes? Good. Now obey it because Jesus said to. If you can't see the lesson, then I will explain.
Jesus is giving us an ultimatum; either we serve (work) for God, or we serve (work) for money. We CANNOT do both. Practically speaking, if anybody is working for money, then they are not serving God. Pretty simple, eh?
Oh I can hear the keys being pressed from all the way over here of people writing to tell me, "NOOOO. Jesus didn't mean to stop working for money. I know that's what it says but He means something else." Slow down a bit and continue reading, please? I know the first place people will turn to is 2 Thessolonians 3:10," Paul says that anyone who does not work should not eat!" See paul worked for money so that means I can! Pause. Is Paul the one you are following? Did Paul die for you, or did Jesus? Second, Paul never said that peole should work for
money. Read it again. Money is not included. Why did you insert that word? "Well what did He mean by work then?" Good question! Simple. People lived together 24/7 in Christian community (Acts 2:34-35). People at that time were probably joining just for the free ride, free food, nice people, not because of their love for Jesus. So, Paul wanted the leaders to challenge those people to help out and carry their own weight. If they started helping out, then great! If they didn't, then they wouldn't eat. This would cuase these people to leave, since that is why they were following the group anyways (i.e., for the free food). Similar to the crowd Jesus rebuked for following him only for the bread, not because of Jesus. Does that make sense?
Ahhh, but Paul was a tentmaker I can hear you say? Yes, Yes he was. Did he make any money for it? Hmmm... If he did, then he was disobeying Jesus and started to work for money. Paul backslid. IMPOSSIBLE I hear you say. Well, no. Not really. Paul was human. He is fallible, so it makes sense that he would make mistakes. Well don't take my word for it, look at how he reacted once Timothy came to visit him at His little "tent business".
Acts 18
," So, because he was of the same trade, he stayed with them and
worked; for by occupation they were tentmakers. 4 And he reasoned in the synagogue every
Sabbath, and persuaded both Jews and Greeks.
(Notice what happens here) When
Silas and
Timothy had come from Macedonia, Paul was
compelled by the
Spirit." Pause. What compelled Paul in the spirit? Why did the presence of Timothy and Silas suddenly get Paul to go and preach to the Jews in a way that caused them to accuse him of blaspheme? IF Paul was 'reasoning' with them through the scriptures on the Sabbath before Timothy came, then he would have been kicked out long time ago." It continues, "
and testified to the Jews that Jesus is the Christ. " If he was preaching that Jesus was the Christ from the beginning, then why did they suddenly get offended? Is it possible Paul compromised a bit so he wouldn't get sent out, so you can stay at his little tent making business? Is the picture becoming more clear how Paul backslid when he started making tents?
(Will this justification work on God when we stand before Him and He asks us," What did we do with His Son's teachings?" And we reply, "well Paul was a tentmaker so I felt it was okay to disobey your son's command about working for money." Remember, by our words we are justified, and by ouor words we will be condemned) Furthermore when Timothy came, Paul realized he was doing the wrong thing, stopped, and went to proclaim the true gospel. Notice it doesn't say he went back to working on tents, does it? He left and continued his work that he left off when he backslid.
I know there are other bible writers that talks about working for money is a good thing and that God wants us all to prosper. I don't really want to go through every one, I just brought these two up because I know they are the ones going through people's mind as they read Jesus' teaching about quitting our jobs for Him.
The main questions that has to be asked is this, "are those other Bible writers the Word of God (NOTE: The Bible is NOT the Word of God. Shocking I know. Jesus is the Word of God (John 1:1 & Revelation 19:13). If I have to choose who I will listen too, then I will go with Jesus everytime. Who will you side with?) Did the other bible writers die for you? The most important one: Why am I trying so hard to find ways
not to obey what Jesus taught us to do?
I pray God will open the eyes and hearts of everyone that reads this message of that I believe God is wanting me to share with you all, and for you to soak in the spirit of Jesus that are behind these words.
For those of you that can get pass Matthew 6:24 and are willing to hear a further revelation to that scripture. Then please DM and we can discuss this on a more personal level.
I am not all that keen to debate this, since I know from experience that it won't lead to unity, only disunity will follow.
I pray that everyone that reads this will at least pray to God about this
before they respond and see if any of what I shared here is true. If you do this, then I am confident that God will back up the words in this letter.
In Peace and Love