What specifically do you want - or do you just say you want something from scripture without stating it for the purpose of making the person seem to be outside of scripture?
NO ONE HAS SECURITY. PERIOD. If you believe in once saved always saved, then you may or may not be saved, you have no idea. People get saved and then leave the faith - so they are said to have never been saved. If you believe that faith is something you can walk away from then you too have no security other than to maintain and strive in your faith - which is heck of a lot better than thinking you are saved and not knowing if you really are. One saved always saved has no method to determine if you are saved, That is because ultimately, somehow will fail.
That isn't how scripture study works. Money is never an issue - because people, as this forum demonstrates, freely give verses and opinions. People hear ideas, notions and philosophies within society. People get ideas for free among preachers and other Christians. Every Christian has their own beliefs and they are more than happy to share it.
A person will subscribe to views that suit them. One person is very insecure - so they want to think their salvation is secure - so they learn from those that have that belief. Another person is a homosexual and he learns how to interpret the bible to make it okay. Another person wants a divorce, so they learn how it is okay to have several wives. Another wants an abortion, so they find scripture for it. Another hates abortion, so they find scripture for it.
Well I just guess Jesus was just talking, and not knowing what He was saying when in John 10 He aid no man can be plucked out o His Fathers hand,. peaking about genuine FOLLOWES. of Jesus. I am asking, is that what you mean?
I asked you, for scripture that you draw your doctrine of unsecurity" from. I guess I was asking too much, or being too nosy. Sorry, I thought this was a dialogue, and Scripture was our source.